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A red surprise was waiting for me in the bathroom. On the toilet to be precise. Okay, that's enough details about that. It's currently Eleven am and I'm stressing the freak out about whether I should knock on the door or ring the doorbell of Nonna's house.

I'd finished the assignment a few hours ago after I took a shower and I went downstairs to deep clean the kitchen and the living room along with clean my room. Enough to please my father, I hope. I have no idea where aunt Abigail went, I haven't seen her in three weeks. From the day I'd walked in on my father doing the devil's tango, till this day. If she'd traveled, I would've known. Yeah, we aren't close, but she would've at least told me to pack her stuff with her since she is quite indecisive. If I didn't know better, I'd say we're close. But we aren't. It's an act.

But I hadn't heard anything of her topic at all from my father either. And I'm sure as heck not going to ask him anything about it, there's a big chance this might be a sensitive topic for him and I don't want to get him in his feels because his feels consist of anger, anger and anger.

Oh, did I mention anger? And moping about how I'm a disappointment.

I hadn't had anything for breakfast, so I figured I'd buy a small sandwich from Subway, which wasn't that far from my house. I threw the wrapper in the trash bin that was bolted into the lamppost -which was a lot taller than I had anticipated and I had to stand on my tippy toes to reach the top of the bin. I felt like Bob Marly when I actually got that wrapper inside. Now, I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not. Whoever built that thing must be seven feet tall to not consider short people like that. What was I saying against?

Oh, yeah. And now I'm standing in front of Nonna's dark brown, wooden door debating whether or not I should ring the bell since last time I did that, I saw an angry Levi and a sleepy droopy nonna. I have such heavy eyelids, I don't even know why. I slept fairly well compared to the other nights of sleep I don't get. Whatever.

I bring up my hand to knock on the door before quickly putting my hand down back to my side and sighing. What if I'm an unwanted guest?

I visit every weekend. It's a routine that I and nonna go through almost every week. But what if Levi is unaware of it? I did tell him I'd see him in the morning, though. I quickly run my hands on my grey hoodie, straightening out the invisible wrinkles before turning around and walking into their yard. I take slow steps, so I won't damage the beautiful green lawn too much especially because I know nonna adores it. I know just how much time she spent, shaping these perfect hedges near the white fence. I wouldn't want to accidentally ruin anything. My house comes into view and I see my bedroom window, that means the one right opposite of it is Levi's.

I pick up a very light tumbled rock from the decorations nonna has in her yard before aiming it at his window. I hope this doesn't break the glass, I'm too broke to pay for any residential damage. I throw the rock at his window but it misses and falls back right on my head. I yelp when I feel it plop on my head before ricochetting off. "Freaking hell that backfired way too fast for my liking." I grumble, rubbing the pain on my head. I'm gonna get a serious concussion from all the hits in the head I've been getting lately.

I spot the rock again and out of pure rage, I throw it at the window again but this time, I run the other direction so it won't fall in my proximity. I stop running when I hear the click of the tiny rock on the glass. I watch it fall to the ground first before I approach it. I already have trust issues as it is, no need to amplify them.

I hear the slight, quiet screeching of the window frames and my heartbeat skyrockets, I suddenly feel extremely nervous. I don't know what I was thinking when i threw that rock, but I seemed to have a plan. Now, I don't even remember the plan that I was so confident about. So I just hurry back right in the center of where the window is, and I smile sheepishly once I see Levi's head pop out of the window. His eyebrows raise when he sees me, as if that's the first time he's seen me. I notice that his hair isn't tied back but waving around his cheeks freely with the wind. It looks a heck of a lot better than I thought it would be. He looks so gorgeous, like Mulan.

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