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The rest of my merry stay was uneventful and boring. It was still a million times better than staying at home with a father that's always beating me no matter what witch craft I do. I spent about half of my day in the bathroom, gawking at my back like a hawk with the bathroom door locked. I couldn't fathom how in hell my burn had healed in spite of it being only a few hours after I got it.

A burn that severe shouldn't disappear on its own. No matter how good the ointments the pharmacist put on it. My back has a patch of red skin, skin that was burned. It's sensitive to the touch but that's about it. I no longer felt like my skin was falling off.

At some point in the middle of the night, I went downstairs after feeling like I've been hypernating for decades with no food. Except for the cookies nonna made. Which were awesome enough to make me forget about my back. That lasted for only a few minutes, though. I fell asleep thinking over my day. How my back healed. There was no way one could explain what happened or how it happened.

Before i fell asleep, I just grabbed myself a plate of fruit loops and some milk and ate them with a small spoon on the kitchen stool. The whole time, I felt like someone was watching me. So I tried to be on my best behavior with everything. Eating etiquette. No noises while drinking milk from the spoon. Dabbing my mouth with a napkin I found in the cutlery drawer after I was done. Making sure not to make any noises with the porcelain plate and spoon whilst scooping my cereal. Even washing my plate and spoon along with a few other dishes I found in the sink. You see, I wanted to make sure I wasn't an annoying guest.

I'm now waiting on the windowsill for the dawn sun to crack the night dark sky so I can go to school. I'll make sure to spend extra time at Oak's antiques after school too since I didn't visit Mr Oak in two days. He's more than just my manager, he's like a grandfather figure to me. Plus, low key, anything to not go home. I know for sure my father is waiting for me with the biggest, most merciless punishment in the history of punishments. With every minute that goes by, I get more and more stressed.

I feel like I'm a water bottle that's being overfilled and I'm expected to not spill a single drop on the floor or all hell will break loose. I feel compressed, if that's even a thing.

I hear something coming from outside the guest bedroom. My head snaps at the sound of loud footsteps, indicating that someone woke up. I shift on the windowsill, my legs dangling off of it before I jump to the floor and walk soundlessly to the door. I'm really bored right now, so I might as well seek some company while I'm waiting.

I already tied my hair up in a low bun and I even took a shower before that too. Unfortunately, I had to wear the same clothes I wore when I came since I have absolutely nothing here to wear. Buuut, lucky for me, I forgot a white button up shirt in Nonna's house ages ago. I came by to grab it a few times but she said she was washing it for me. Now that I stayed here for a day, she brought it to me and it just so happens to go along with my black spaghetti top. Sure, they go past my jean shorts, but it's still cute enough to wear.

The door creaks as I pull it open slowly, I peek my head out and look around in the hallway. No one seems to be here. I decided to speak, "Nonna, is that you?" I whisper-shout down the hall, building up more bravery to step out of the guest bedroom completely. My voice echos in the corners of the hallway but I hear a very faint, half whisper half shouting "Nope." I smile when I identify the voice and I walk with confidence downstairs.

"I could name a hundred people I'd rather talk to instead of you right now. " I fight off my smirk, gliding my hand down the smooth railing and descending the steps a little faster than usual. I might be showing a bit too much eagerness for human interactions than I had initially inteded on. Especially with the one person I know hates me.

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