Chapter 22: Rescue

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Fang Cheng was in the car, Xiao Qingshu went to carry things, not only brought back the five instant noodles, but also took an extra box of water and a few compressed biscuits.

The moment he got into the car, they drove straight out. As soon as Brother Chang fell, the rest of the people also left.

Xiao Qingshu said: "There are not many supplies over there, no wonder they blackmailed us."

Fang Cheng drove out, and said: "What happened to you in the room?" How could he suddenly start to fight.

Xiao Qingshu gritted his teeth and said, "He's a pervert."

He had never seen this before, first he persuaded them to surrender, then asked for their things, luxury cars, and even hinted that he should get Fang Cheng over. Although Fang Cheng only wore an ordinary sportswear, it did not conceal his handsomeness at all, and he was fatally attracted to that perverted Brother Chang.

Xiao Qingshu was furious when he heard the connotation in his words, and immediately attacked.

It's only been a few days since the end of the world, and his greed has already reached this point.

Now people know that zombies are not invincible, and there are valuable things like crystal nuclei in zombies' bodies. Under the double stimulus, there will be an exclusive hunting team.

It will make the people in the city safer.

The radio in Fangcheng's car was always on, and the radio was silent because of the interference of the environment. They drove the car out, and suddenly heard the intermittent sound of the radio in the car.

Fang Cheng immediately turned down the volume, and said, "Qingshu, call your uncle and aunt."

Xiao Qingshu hurriedly picked up the phone, but there was only one signal on the phone, he dialed out, the first one rang. He continued to call persistently, and finally dialed the phone.

After two rings, it was finally picked over. This is the first time he have contacted his family after the end of the world: "Mom and Dad, where are you? There is enough food. Fangcheng and I will go pick you up." He's afraid that the signal will be blocked at any time. He spoke quickly.

The voice on the other end of the phone was intermittent: "I'm in the garage with your mother... We have something to eat... don't come... because... it's dangerous... just... don't worry." Then there was no sound, and the phone showed no signal , the short call just now was quickly cut off.

Xiao Qingshu was a little excited when he heard these words: "They are all alive." This is really happy news.

Fang Cheng drove all the way, at this speed, they could find someone at night. However, there was a lot of congestion on the road to the city.

There were still people wandering around, their eyes dull and their faces an unhealthy blue color, they were zombies. It is not known how many survivors there are.

There is only one path ahead. On both sides of the road are towering poplar trees. There are no paths to walk.

If you want to leave here, there is only one way, and you must first clear the roadblocks here before you can pass.

Xiao Qingshu directly pulled up his clothes, held the military knife firmly in his hand.

"It doesn't look like a first-class zombie." Although a first-class zombie is disgusting, its crispy skin is easy to deal with. But it's not as evil as the zombie old man they met on the road. It should be a weaker level of zombies, but they don't know what their abilities are.

Fang Cheng seemed to see what he was thinking, and said: "Speed."

This kind of second-level zombies are very similar to the speed he had seen in last life. But as long as one can insert a knife into their heart, it can also kill them in seconds.

"Be careful."

Although the difference between level one and level two does not sound much, it is more difficult to deal with. Xiao Qingshu nodded solemnly, since he was about to return to his hometown, it was impossible for him to have any problems here. The car drove slowly, but the front was completely blocked. Fang Cheng got out of the car first. It is estimated that there are some survivors on the road. These zombies are surrounded the car in twos and threes, eager for fresh flesh and blood. The car was cramped, the air was not circulating, and they had to eat and drink. Zombies have been around for a long time. People didn't dare to go out. After a long time, they would die instead.

At this moment, Fang Cheng and Xiao Qingshu came out. The breath of fresh living people is like a signal attracted the attention of all the zombies, and soon the zombie closest rush to them. The zombies who were lagging behind were not to be outdone, and gathered towards Fangcheng one after another.

Fang Cheng's skills are very sharp, and Xiao Qingshu cooperated with him, and they had a tacit understanding, after that the two began to clean up these zombies.

The weapons in their hands swung very fast. There was almost an afterimage, and soon the zombies fell one by one.

Although these second-level zombies are much faster than the first-level zombies, they have no ability to think. Seeing that the zombies here are about to pile up into a mountain of zombies. They still went forward one after another to die.

It took almost an hour for Fang Cheng to finally kill all the zombies here. Xiao Qingshu familiarized himself with digging out the crystal nucleus with the scalpel he carried with him. He has the foundation of human body dissection, and this kind of thing can be done very quickly. There are seventy-three crystal nuclei in total.

Fang Cheng then knocked on the car windows one by one: "Is anyone still there? The danger here has been lifted."

There are more than 100 cars stuck here. Among them, there were more than 50 vehicles with living people in them. They had just witnessed Fang Cheng's neatness in killing zombies in the vehicle. Now that the danger was eliminated, many people got out of the car. Burn those zombies on the spot and bury them. Cars are also stuck on the road. They made a concerted effort to move the car out of the way and somehow make a way for each one to pass.

"Thank you."

"Thanks for having you here, otherwise we would have almost fallen into the mouths of zombies."

Now there is an extra hope of life, like escaping in the mouth of death.

Most of them drove away. It's safe right now, but the world is unpredictable, and one don't know when it will become dangerous again.

After Xiao Qingshu wiped his hands clean with alcohol wipes, the other party said, "Let's go." Although it took some time, it was okay to harvest a lot of crystal nuclei.

Fang Cheng said: "Listen, it sounds like a child is crying."

Xiao Qingshu listened for a long time and said: "No?"

Fang Cheng said: "There must be." Since he awakened his ability, his five senses have become very sensitive. Then he pointed to a driveway: "It came from that car."

After the place was cleared, most of the cars drove away. Some of the cars left on the side of the road were probably sacrificed, and the rest of the people ignored them because they were just running for their lives.

Xiao Qingshu trusted Fang Cheng very much, so he quickly got out of the car and went to have a look: "Wow, it's a child about two years old. Wait, there seems to be an old man in the car."

Looking through the mirror of the car window, he was motionless, not moving. Know if you are still alive.

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