Chapter 51: Problems Arises

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Fang Cheng paused and said: "Forget it, everyone has their own plans, and there is no way to force this matter."

Since they set up a forum, their prestige among the people has greatly increased, and the two groups can't do it either. Even hundreds of people sneaked to Fangcheng to live in their base. There were people from all walks of life, and it became a little easier for them to start things.

 The other two groups will inevitably hold grudges in their eyes, especially since they also robbed the other a park. The opponent hasn't freed up his hands to retaliate.

    Xiang Yizhou said: "When I came back, I met several groups of zombies."

This is not a good signal, as the zombies have been cleaned up before. There are not many zombies on the street anymore, and now there are new zombies appearing, and even the guards have noticed that the abilities of the zombies are increasing. Now is the time for everyone to work together to solve the problem, but the other party refuses to cooperate because of their own selfish desires. This is a very stupid behavior.

    Xiao Qingshu had no choice but to say: "Your security team has worked hard these days. You should choose some strong people who can learn martial arts, and strive to build another reinforced platoon. In the future, you must send more guards and patrols." This is also for everyone's sake.


Both Xiang Yizhou and Xu Liang received the order and went to train the combat teams. The other managers also have their own jobs. 

After the people left, Fang Cheng and Xiao Qingshu also dispersed. Just a few minutes after they left, they saw Dr. Chen hurried over from the waterworks and said, "It's not good, the water source is polluted."

Fang Cheng's heart skipped a beat for a moment.   
Xiao Qingshu became nervous after hearing this, and said, "What did you say?" 

Dr. Chen said, "I monitor the water quality every day. But today I suddenly found that the toxic substances in the water have increased, and it is seriously polluted." 

Fang Cheng alsobhurriedly asked: "Is there any solution?"

Dr. Chen said: "It can only be filtered and precipitated many times. The best way is to find this pollutant and purify it."

    Xiao Qingshu said beside him: "You are an expert in this matter, so you can do whatever you want. If there is anything missing, let me know."

Dr. Chen said: "Now the main thing is the lack of people."

In the past, their water plant had this problem, but at that time the group was waiting for success, and many places were short of people, so they had to overcome it first, but they were really too busy.

    Xiao Qingshu said: "That's easy to say, I'll send you two hundred people first."

    Fang Cheng asked from the side: "Is it possible to temporarily alleviate your problem with these people?"

    Dr. Chen nodded.

At this moment, the steward outside knocked on the door again. Fang Cheng called people in. The manager's expression was not so good, he said: "Boss, there are rumors outside that our water is polluted. People are panicking now. Especially those newcomers."

These newcomers don't have a strong sense of belonging here and  the easiest to be instigated.

    Fang Cheng frowned and said to Dr. Chen next to him, "You said this?"

    Dr. Chen couldn't argue with his words, "No, I will report to you as soon as possible for such a big matter."

 After Xiao Qingshu took power his temper was not as good as before, and he frowned and said, "Look who is instigating this matter, maybe he is the one who poisoned. First control people."


Something happened. Xiao Qingshu got busy again. Fang Cheng couldn't help here, so he helped Xiao Qingshu deal with some simple matters and then went back to the mountain. He just went back and saw a small lightning in the shape of a transparent package appearing on his baby's forehead. Fang Cheng hugged the child, and the little guy turned his mouth away, as if he was about to cry.

Fang Cheng knew that his child was angry, so he made a bottle of milk for the baby and passed it to the baby. The baby smelled the aroma of the milk and drank it in big gulps, finishing it in a short while. Fang Cheng put his arms around his child and kissed him. The little guy seemed to like it very much, and even rubbed against Fang Cheng's cheek.

Fang Cheng found a pacifier for the child to hold. The little guy is much more well-behaved with a pacifier in his mouth, Fang Cheng hugged the baby around. He really didn't expect that this place was just a villa before, but now it has become the rear of a group. Those precious canned food and bacon are all from here.

  Xiao Zai Zai became much more obedient in Fang Cheng's arms, and Xiao Qingshu didn't come back until night.

"The problem of pollution has been solved, it really is the fault of those two groups."

Purification, normal drinking is basically no problem. Xiao Qingshu said: "And I asked someone to polish this matter, and broadcast it live on the Internet, so that the restless netizens can go to trial."

 Fang Cheng blinked his eyes, this is really a good idea, enough for the other party to drink a pot .

Xiao Qingshu is the head of the group, and when the pressure is particularly high, he is willing to talk to Fang Cheng to relieve it.

    Fang Cheng said: "It's almost New Year's Eve again, this year we're lively."

    Xiao Qingshu patted his head and said: "Look at my memory, I forget it."

Now there are no changes in the four seasons. Forget about their traditional festivals.

"Okay we'll do it." He agreed without hesitation.

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