Chapter 7

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Although it was early April, Woo-Jin rolled up his sleeves due to the hot weather. A slight smile appeared on his face as he placed an ice cube from his iced americano into his mouth. It had been almost a month since Woo-Jin had finished shooting his parts for Death Hill. He had heard that the shooting for the movie itself had ended a week ago. He did not know how the scenes they had shot over the course of six days, which were akin to a raging storm, would be edited, but judging from the ambiance at that time, it seemed likely that they would turn out well. He was more certain of that after talking to Director Moon yesterday.

After complaining about how he had been unable to pick the male lead at will due to the pressure placed on him by the investors, Director Moon had assured Woo-Jin that as per the contract, they have full authority over the post-production. Director Moon’s cheerful laughter and voice were still ringing in Woo-Jin’s ears, telling him he had nothing to worry about. He had heard that the ambience of the set had been ruined by Park Min, who had returned after Woo-Jin was done shooting his scenes. That did not come as a surprise, as the actor, who was hung up on screen time, could not possibly have remained quiet about losing an entire sequence.

However, the production staff had had a lot to say too, as he had left to shoot a commercial while the shooting was in full swing, not forgetting the fact that his flight had been canceled and delayed as well, resulting in further delays. Nonetheless, that could be seen as a blessing in disguise; apparently, Park Min had felt threatened as a result and abandoned his old attitude. He was said to have  worked rather hard during the shoot.

“Regardless, your acting suddenly improved within a day or two!” Director Moon had exclaimed.

Woo-Jin had only been able to hang up after listening to Director Moon, who was still very unhappy with Park Min, complain for a long time. On the other hand, Woo-Jin, whose acting really had suddenly improved within a day or two, had been unable to stop his flushed face from burning throughout the phone call.

Even though he was not bad at acting, Woo-Jin knew himself very well. Despite the fact that he had good acting skills, an inexperienced rookie’s acting was bound to be awkward. Regardless of how much a celebrity was recognized for their acting skills, if one were to look at their first movie or drama, it was hard not to laugh at how rustic and plain their acting used to be. Woo-Jin’s first time had not deviated much from that either. Even then, he had managed to seize the opportunity because he was better than the male lead, Park Min, not because he was outstanding. If his acting had been perfect from the start, there would have been no need for them to retake the scenes they had shot before.

The sudden improvement in his acting skills had been triggered by the memories of his past lives. The hundreds of lives and deaths he had experienced in the past had given him the insight and understanding that he needed. His past lives had given him firsthand experiences that movies and books were unable to provide. As a result, they had made it a lot easier for him to empathize with other people’s lives. Hence, over the past month, Woo-Jin had looked back on his past lives and done his own research. His soul certainly belonged to him, but in his previous lives, he had had different personalities and talents. They had probably been greatly influenced by the genes from his parents in those lives, as well as his education and environment. That was evident from the fact that the current Woo-Jin had an entirely different personality from those he had in his previous lives.

Looking back on his past lives, which he sometimes shared similarities with, but at times had also done things that were utterly beyond his comprehension, Woo-Jin learned a lot, while either relating to them or being disappointed with them. He had also gained a lot of other things. First among those things was a grasp of multiple languages. Originally, he had also been able to speak English and Chinese to a certain extent, but now, he was able to speak several languages after remembering his past lives. Of course, there was the issue of some of the languages being too archaic to some extent; they were from previous eras, so they were very different from how they were used in modern times. However, once he figured out the language system, that issue was resolved.

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