Chapter 45

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“If by psycho, you mean psychopath, I don't think he's one. Even though Choi Joon is a bad guy, it's evident that he's aware of his own feelings and is clear of his goals. Perhaps from Choi Joon's point of view, he thinks that his actions are commendable based on what he was taught. The father of Choi Joon's lover was a lawyer who wanted to expose his evil deeds. Choi Joon had decided to hire Louie to kill him not because he was heartless, but because it was the most logical method that would allow him to protect both his company and lover.”

After hearing Woo-Jin's words, Kang Min-Ho clapped his hands softly and gave him a thumbs up. “That's what I'm saying! People are quick to call criminals psychopaths these days; I see that as a way of exonerating them. I'm trying to say that even with a sane mind, it feels like people are trying to attribute the crimes he had committed for his own interests and desires to psychological issues. Regardless of what others say, Choi Joon is a bad guy with a sane mind. He's well-aware of the consequences and implications of the crimes which he had committed."

Park Yeon-Ah nodded. She seemed to understand where Kang Min-Ho was coming from after hearing his argument about how not all criminals who committed terrible unethical deeds were psychopaths.

“So, you're saying that he's just an ordinary bad guy? In that case he's truly a horrible person.”

“That's right.”

“Wah~! Lee Yoo-Ra must have done something bad in her past life for her to be this unfortunate. One of her love interests is a bad guy through and through, and the other one is an immature killer. She can't catch a break!” Park Yeon-Ah was about to cry because of her character's cruel fate. Woo-Jin placed a couple of pieces of well-grilled meat in front of her, as if to console her.

“A man is not everything in life. Charge forth alone, like a rhinoceros.”

“The two men's obsession with her is too great for her to be able to pave her own path.”

“That's true… I think Lee Yoo-Ra must have betrayed a few countries in her past life.”

Since Louie was the character Woo-Jin played, he wanted to take his character's side as much as possible. But even Woo-Jin himself felt that Louie' obsession with Lee Yoo-Ra went too far. The love that was engraved in his heart brought about destruction rather than beauty, and it was begging for her love. The love that Louie expressed was always tainted with blood.

“I'm getting more and more scared about how this will end.” Park Yeon-Ah wrapped the meat with a perilla leaf and fed it to Woo-Jin, who had been working hard grilling the meat, as she grumbled with resignation.

Even though the scripts for all sixteen episodes were already out, the writer and production director had only released the scripts up to episode 14 to the actors. It seemed like the goal was not to just keep the ending a secret, but they wanted to make the actors feel some suspense from the unknown ending. Perhaps, they felt that if the actors knew about the ending, their acting would not be as good. Woo-Jin shared the same sentiment.

Shooting a drama was different from shooting a movie, in the sense that a drama was more paced out. If the actors knew the ending, their energy would diminish as the filming reaches near the end. Hence, the tension that they were experiencing by not knowing the ending was different, unlike the other dramas where a happy ending was guaranteed.

“Maybe it would end up being just a dream.”

“Chae Woo-Jin, do you want to die?” asked Kang Min-Ho.

“Oh, I would like that very much, please just let it be a dream. Or at least go back to the time before the character met the two horrible men. That happens a lot in novels these days.” said Park Yeon-Ah.

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