Chapter 52

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“I've been attached to a wire a couple of times before during training, but it's going to be my first time doing it during a shoot. I'd rather work without them if I could, but that's impossible.”

As soon as Woo-Jin entered DS, he had been doing stunt training consistently. And after the decision to accept this role for City of Shadows, Woo-Jin had been doing the necessary training needed for the drama at the stunt school. However, wearing the stunt vest was already suffocating, and when he was hanging in the air, the wires tugged against his skin and it hurt.

“Everything is tough at first.”

“So you're used to working with wires now?”

“There's one thing in this world that I absolutely cannot get used to, and that is working with wires.”

“Thanks for the consolation.”

“I'm not consoling you. You should have become a third-generation chaebol scion like me, then you would never have to work with wires.” Kang Min-Ho laughed teasingly as he walked away. Woo-Jin looked at the back of his head and came to a realization that this was the reason why people got into fights on set.

“Ah, I'll put up with it for tomorrow's sake.” That said, it was almost midnight. Even though Woo-Jin had to get sufficient sleep to recharge for the shoot that starts at dawn, he had a lot of things to do. His schedule was so tight that he would have probably collapsed long ago if he did not use the cultivation technique daily to relieve his fatigue.

There were many people who stayed at the filming site, but both Kang Min-Ho and Woo-Jin had the luxury of staying in single rooms. However, they shared a common bathroom. Woo-Jin, who had changed into a set of comfortable clothes, removed his makeup there before leaving.

“Woo-Jin, you're already heading to bed?”

“What do you mean 'already'? I have been shooting since dawn, I'll barely get enough sleep as it is.” Even if he went back to his room now, he would not be able to sleep right away because he had to complete his report. However, he had not bothered explaining that to others.

One of their co-stars, Lee Dan-Woo, pointed to one side of the set and said wistfully, “Time…it's never enough. It's been a while since we've all had a drink together, but I don't think you're able to join us.” The actors who had been on set today had been gathered over there. Everyone else apart from Woo-Jin will either only start shooting in the afternoon, or they barely have any scenes to shoot. Hence, they decided to get together for a drink.

Even though they were shooting the same drama, they would have no chance to interact if they did not have any scenes together. However, several of the actors had to shoot their scenes today, and so they decided to have a get-together. Soon after, Park Yeon-Ah and Kang Min-Ho had also sat down in their respective seats.

“One drink is fine.”

Even though he had a lot of work to do, Woo-Jin felt that joining them for a few hours would not hurt, so he decided to join them. He was not a huge fan of drinking, but he had subconsciously learned a lot of new things when he spent time with his seniors. However, Kang Min-Ho yelled at him sternly, “What are you doing here! You need to sleep so that your skin will glow on camera tomorrow.”

“That's right~!” Park Yeon-Ah immediately agreed with him, indirectly showing off that they were close friends.

“My character is not a third generation chaebol scion, so I need to look disheveled. I can't have glowing skin.” Woo-Jin snorted after hearing the word 'glowing'. It did not fit the image of Louie, who had dull and disheveled hair, dark circles under his eyes which gave him an ashen look.

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