Chapter 28

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“I don’t know about that. It’s not that I’m still actively in love with her. I just have residual feelings for her. No, to be honest, I don’t know.” Woo-Jin shook his head, not knowing how to explain how he felt.

Truth be told, if Lee So-Hyun were to tell him ‘Let’s date again,’ then in his current emotional state, he would probably agree. In fact, he would be more than happy to do so, triggering the love he had for her in the past to surface once more and devoting it to her.

However, regardless of how he felt, rationality was stopping him from doing so. Even if they were to date again, it would only be because he was caught up in his delusion of wanting to revive his feelings for his first love; the pure and innocent love he had for her in the past was no longer there.

Nonetheless, his heart was telling him something else. Will I ever meet a girl who I’ll love as much as I loved her? If I can’t love anyone else as much, then there’s no reason for me not to love her again.

“Are you okay, Mr. Woo-Jin?” asked Kang Ho-Soo, who went up to him, studying his expression. He had been following Woo-Jin the entire time while keeping a distance.

In the questionnaire that Kang Ho-Soo had given Woo-Jin the other day, one of the questions was about his first love or girlfriend. Woo-Jin had answered the question honestly. There would be nothing beneficial about hiding his past from his manager, and he did not want to hide the relationship he had with her by lying about it.

That’s why Kang Ho-Soo, who had been quietly observing what had happened, knew who she was immediately. On the surface, they looked like classmates who were greeting each other after running into each other by chance. However, there was hidden tension and excitement between them.

This is not good, not good at all. Kang Ho-Soo muttered to himself as he went up to Woo-Jin. When Chae Woo-Jin signed the contract with the agency, he had removed the clause pertaining to the prohibition on dating. This was because according to his past experience, he was rather defiant in the face of that rule. If he was in a relationship, he would try to hide it to the best of his abilities, but he strongly insisted that he hated any bans that were placed on his personal life. Hence, as his manager, Kang Ho-Soo had no choice but to pay close attention to Woo-Jin’s love life.

“I’m fine. Also, it’s not going to happen right now,” replied Woo-Jin.

Perhaps Woo-Jin knew what Kang Ho-Soo was worrying about because he shook his head at Kang Ho-Soo. It was not going to happen yet. Even if he were to start dating again, whether it be with Lee So-Hyun or someone else, it was not going to happen right now. The reason why Lee So-Hyun wanted to break up with Woo-Jin had not been unraveled, and that itself was holding him back. Regardless of who he dated, the experience of losing somebody once because of the harsh reality was more than enough.

Kang Ho-Soo, who had not formed any trust or emotional bonds with Woo-Jin yet, did not understand what Woo-Jin was trying to say. However, he had understood that Woo-Jin had no desire to date right now, and so, he was relieved. Hyun-Min was the only one who sensed that Woo-Jin was open to the possibility of dating her again, causing him to be unhappy.

“Since we’re not in the best of moods, let’s go somewhere for a drink,” suggested Hyun-Min hastily. He thought that they might see Lee So-Hyun again if they continued to linger here.

“It’s still daytime, though?” said Kang Ho-Soo. Seeing him rather taken aback by the idea of day-drinking, Hyun-Min looked pitifully at him. Instead of elaborating and explaining, Hyun-Min poked Woo-Jin in the ribs.

“We don’t drink when we meet with our friends. Most of us can’t hold our liquor,” said Woo-Jin.

“It’s not that we can’t hold our liquor – we just don’t drink!” exclaimed Hyun-min.

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