Chapter 62

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As the drama's release date drew closer, the shooting schedule became more hectic, causing Woo-Jin to skip his classes continuously against his will. Since he had arranged with his professors to make up for the missed classes by submitting reports, it meant that the more classes he missed, the more reports he had to write.

“I must be insane – how bold of me to juggle academics and an acting career at the same time. But noona, doesn't our CEO hate the idea of his artistes appearing on variety shows?” Woo-Jin asked Hwang Yi-Young, feeling hopeful. Woo-Jin had been hoping that the news he heard was false, but his heart was mercilessly broken.

“I know; I thought it was weird too. Even for a TV program from the same broadcasting company, he felt that appearing on a variety show for publicity was disgraceful. So, he hated that notion entirely. However, recently, there have been rumors about the CEO is becoming more flexible than before. He has permitted a couple of other artistes to appear on variety shows as well, and he's not as picky about commercials as before. He even told them to go for it if that's what they really wanted.”

However, that didn't mean CEO Jang Soo-Hwan had changed dramatically. He had only given the green light to two or three things out of the ten things that he used to be vehemently against, but needless to say, that alone was a major change that had shaken up the entire agency. When Hwang Yi-Young said that she was very curious, Woo-Jin agreed and said that he was also curious about the reason behind this recent change.

Woo-Jin held onto the script even as he suppressed the urge to do whatever it took to pursue and get rid of the reason behind this change. He had memorized and repeatedly studied this script to the point that the cover had worn out. He looked at the worn-out script before putting it away, then began to write his report, feeling depressed. Recently, Woo-Jin had somewhat been able to relate to Woo-Hee's previous words when she had said that she would 'get mad at the slightest provocation.'

On the day of Huntsman's shooting, Woo-Jin's condition was at its worst. This meant that Woo-Jin kept failing throughout the shoot when it came to drawing lots. However, fortunately, the show's shooting went smoothly without a hitch and it ended pretty well. It wasn't necessarily a terrible experience considering that he had fun. Contrary to his dissatisfaction expressed before the shoot, Woo-Jin was now in a better mood after receiving a gold badge with Huntsman's logo on it. That was the power of a 24K gold badge.

Huntsman's shooting had been completed on Monday, followed by City of Shadows' press conference on Friday. After attending a series of events, Woo-Jin could sense that the drama's release date was approaching.

After Woo-Jin had shot the action scenes with the buildings, DS' CEO Jang Soo-Hwan had personally invested in City of Shadows. As a result, the filming conditions had improved even more thanks to the significantly higher budget, which was neither too much nor too little.

Even though Production Director Park Jong-Hyuk was someone people either loved or hated, he wasn't a person to siphon off money meant for the production. On the contrary, he was so passionate about his work that he had even used his personal funds for the drama's production. Hence, CEO Jang Soo-Hwan's additional investment had certainly led to an improvement in the production quality and also resulted in the press conference being bigger than originally planned.

Kang Min-Ho showed up to the press conference in a luxurious suit that exuded the vibe of a third-generation chaebol  scion, looking very stylish with slicked-back hair. He didn't look like his usual goofy self at all. Park Yeon-Ah wore a white sleeveless midi dress, looking very elegant. Her hair was sectioned and braided into several small braids before being tied together and adorned with colorful pins everywhere, making her look much younger than her actual age.

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