Chapter 80

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Even though Woo-Jin could now attend classes normally, he still had reports that he needed to submit. It had been a while since he went to the library to do some research and he was planning on studying hard. After wearing a pair of non-prescription glasses, a hat, and a scarf, Woo-Jin looked in the mirror and smiled. In the past, he had wondered why on earth did celebrities choose to dress like that, but he was doing the same thing now.

It was hard for him to move around campus as freely as he did at the beginning of the semester. Things were fine during classes, but the moment he left the classroom, Woo-Jin no longer had any privacy. When Woo-Jin looked around during lunch, he was constantly taken by surprise whenever he saw phones pointing at him. Even when he was getting coffee from the vending machine, he would hear the sound of camera shutters echoing. [1] Because of that, he felt apologetic towards his friends on more than one occasion.

“Don’t worry about us. They’re not taking photos of us anyway. Even if they happened to capture our faces by accident, they would blur it out.”

Perhaps his friends had already experienced it quite a number of times before, so they were not bothered by it anymore. Woo-Jin was the only one feeling anxious and worried about his friends’ portrait rights and privacy. Even though none of his friends complained, Woo-Jin still did his best to cover up his face as much as he could.

After thoroughly preparing himself, Woo-Jin left the house. He stood outside his house and stared blankly at the sky. The car wasn’t there. To be precise, Kang Ho-Soo was not by his side. Woo-Jin had subconsciously become accustomed to Kang Ho-Soo driving him around over the last couple of months, so he was taken aback for a moment. He was at a loss on how to get to school.

Woo-Jin felt that it was embarrassing to call Kang Ho-Soo just to ask for a ride to the school library, so he couldn’t bring himself to call him. Hence, Woo-Jin took public transportation for the first time in a while. He covered his face with a scarf so that only his eyes were visible. Woo-Jin only texted Kang Ho-Soo after he got on the subway.

[You’re on the subway right now?]

[Yes, I have to do something at the library. I’ve completely covered my face, so nobody will recognize me.]

[You should have taken a taxi.]

[Ah… ;;] [2]

After reading Kang Ho-Soo’s text message, Woo-Jin realized that it didn’t cross his mind that there existed another mode of transport. As an ordinary citizen, Woo-Jin had rarely taken a taxi in the past decade. He was unfamiliar with the luxury of taking a taxi to school. Woo-Jin told Kang Ho-Soo that he would definitely take a taxi home, but Kang Ho-Soo said that he still felt uneasy about it, so he promised Woo-Jin to pick him up on time.

Woo-Jin tapped his head on the pole that he was leaning against and felt pathetic. He thought it was ridiculous how someone like him, who used to think of taxis as a luxury, had become accustomed to being driven around by his manager.

“Is ‘Commander of the Universe’ really Min Si-Hoo?” The girls sitting down in front of Woo-Jin might have gotten tired of the silence because they started talking about the latest celebrity gossip.

“It’s clearly him. Everybody knows it’s him but they’re pretending to not know.”

“That’s true. He’s going to win for the third time this week, right?”

“Of course! The ‘Counter-attack From the Past’ is the best among the contenders, but he’s definitely no match for the Commander,” said the girl confidently. She appeared to be either Blue Fit’s fan or Min Si-Hoo’s fan.

“But who is ‘Counter-attack From the Past’? He sings pretty well but I have absolutely no idea who he is.”

“People have mentioned a few names. But it would be really funny if ‘Counter-attack From the Past’ is Chae Woo-Jin, like what we predicted.” Woo-Jin’s ears perked up after hearing his own name. He didn’t watch last week’s episode of The King of the Masked Singers so he didn’t know who ‘Counterattack From the Past’ was, but there seemed to be some speculation that he was Chae Woo-Jin.

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