Chapter 95

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“What I learned this time around is that the ones who get sacrificed are always the most powerless people.”

In this incident, Blue Fit members got criticized the most, and they also suffered the most damage out of everyone. They wouldn’t be able to make a comeback in the future, and if one were to also take their bleak future into account, it would be hard to put a number to the total damage.

Seol Moon-Young’s fall from grace had tarnished the entire career he had built so far, but his interview had subconsciously evoked sympathy from the public. After hearing Chae Woo-Jin sing ‘Shining Star,’ they were able to understand his agony that resulted from dissatisfaction with Min Si-Hoo. If it weren’t for Min Si-Hoo’s greed, the album would have been released as planned. Thus, quite a number of people shared the sentiment that Seol Moon-Young was also a victim in some way or another.

Woo-Jin didn’t know what Seol Moon-Young had received from CEO Kim Seok-Hyung in exchange for becoming the scapegoat. One thing was certain was that he never would have taken the blame readily without considerable compensation. Thus, he wouldn’t have made a significant loss. And even though CEO Kim Seok-Hyung might have incurred financial losses, scandals like that had always been rampant in the entertainment industry. Regardless of what happened, he always weathered the storm and emerged victorious.

TM was still flourishing, and Kim Seok-Hyung was still the head of the agency. Even though Kim Seok-Hyung and Seol Moon-Young had made some losses, they ultimately survived by sacrificing the most powerless and insignificant people.

“Nevertheless, it isn’t like they didn’t do anything and just put up with everything like you did,” Hyun-Min said.

“I know. That’s why I don’t feel guilty. It’s just that reality hit me once again.”

“How do you beat the final boss in a game?” Hyun-Min sipped his coffee and placed his arm on the back of the bench before looking at Woo-Jin and continuing. “If my level is low, I’d form a party with several other people and fight it. However, you have to fight several monsters before you get to the boss, and it gets annoying at times. Initially, you’ll take a huge amount of damage from these monsters, even though it’s just a single hit. However, once you face them a couple of times, you’ll get the hang of it and be able to defeat them easily. Then, one by one, after killing the monsters around, you’ll be left with the final boss. Like now.”

As a noob, one would have no choice but to seek help from higher-level individuals. Still, after gradually accumulating experience points and leveling up, they would be able to defeat the final boss all by themselves one day. Hyun-Min explained that ultimately, this was all just a process Woo-Jin had to go through to defeat the final boss.

“If only reality were like a game. But TM's CEO Kim doesn’t seem like the final boss….” Woo-Jin had perhaps met several great and outstanding people in his past lives, so TM's CEO Kim Seok-Hyung didn’t seem that great in comparison now.

“In that case, think of him as a high-level monster you need to defeat to get to the final boss.”

“Are you cursing me?”

“Isn’t that why people work so hard to build their skill sets in real life, just like they do in games? On that note, when did you learn how to sing traditional Korean ballads?” Since Hyun-Min brought it up so casually, Woo-Jin didn’t understand what he meant initially, but he gradually started blushing and awkwardly shook his head.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t sing any traditional ballads.” Even though Woo-Jin denied it, Hyun-Min paid no attention and continued asking.

“In that case, I’m guessing you didn’t get to see that bastard Min Si-Hoo remove his mask before your eyes? What a pity! You could have seen him turn pale, stuttering in front of you, unable to answer the questions. What a pity!”

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