Chapter 77

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Practical problems, conflicts caused by each others' values, and hurtful words towards each other were some things that would never be erased. However, the previously existing love between father and daughter had rooted itself deeply into both their lives, and it continued to remain even now.

Hatred and love existed simultaneously. Because they loved each other, they were apologetic and they couldn't deny that they felt both worry and longing.

[Do you still hate me?]

The father's question to his silent daughter put her deep in thought. Eventually, she just decided to be honest.

[Yes, I hated you, and truthfully, I still hate you. All the hard times I experienced made me resentful, thinking it was all your fault. But that doesn't mean I don't love you. I…still do.]

There was so much she wanted to say.

Parents can't always be right. This was a realization Park Eun-Soo had come to understand as she raised her children. What she wanted of her children didn't necessarily mean her children wanted the same for themselves either. She tried her hardest to live her life so that she wouldn't become like her father. All so that she wouldn't end up hurting her children like she had been hurt by her father, but as time went on, she began to understand him.

'I must have given father a hard time as well.'

Every parent loved their child differently, and she now realized that her father loved his children in a different way from her. So even though she still resented him, she couldn't help but continue to love him.

However, she still lacked the courage to see her father face to face and was too embarrassed to sit in front of him and speak these words. While it was unclear how well the words would be understood, she could, at the very least, be honest with him.

[It's okay however much you hate and resent me. It was my fault. I'm sorry.]

Park Eun-Soo was not the only one that became honest. The man who rarely apologized on his own took the initiative to apologize first. As she read her father's curt reply, Park Eun-Soo began to flounder in a sea of her own emotions.

She wondered whether it was really this easy to make amends. For a moment, she questioned whether they could have had a good relationship if they had been this honest in the past and regretted the lost opportunity. But she also knew that the two of them could never have understood one another like this if enough time hadn't passed.

Unable to formulate an answer, Park Eun-Soo ended up lying facedown on her desk. She tried to calm her emotions and hold in her tears, but it wasn't easy. The last 12 years of bottled-up emotions ended up bursting out like a flooded dam.

However, the team members viewing this scene trembled in their shoes as they glanced at one another.

'Were our designs that sh*tty?'

Their imaginations ballooned in misunderstanding as all of them trembled in fear.

While Park Eun-Soo was a shoe designer, she was extremely famous in that area and had had many hit designs, so her illustrious career was not one to be mocked. After winning various awards in different competitions and such, she was treasured as a top designer for many years now.

With a talented and able team leader appearing in a severe dilemma, what could the team members do besides try to sense her reaction? After only a few months, they knew that team leader Park Eun-Soo was both warm and upfront. She could not be placed at the same level as the other extremely irritable team leaders.

And so, they thought there must be a reason if someone like her was showing such a defeated reaction. And what else could it be but an issue with the designs they had turned in, right?

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