Chapter 94

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At 3 p.m. on Monday, Blue Fit held a press conference and acknowledged all the things that they had done to Chae Woo-Jin collectively as a group, and made a public apology. Following the press conference, TM's CEO Kim Seok-Hyung and Seol Moon-Young’s interview was uploaded immediately afterward. Watching it get uploaded one after another, Hyun-Min read it to Woo-Jin.

“Putting Blue Fit aside, it seems like Seol Moon-Young is trying to shoulder the blame for the whole voice theft issue.”

“He must have cut a deal with the CEO.” The Seol Moon-Young that Woo-Jin knew would never sacrifice himself. He would never do anything that results in a loss for himself.

“It says that if they’ll refund the album if that’s what the buyer wants and instead of halting sales for ‘Shining Star,’ they’ll be releasing the songs you sang back then for free. Of course, they’re planning to give you reasonable compensation for it.”

“Who says I’m going to take the money?” Seeing Woo-Jin’s annoyed reaction, Hyun-Min quickly did some mental calculations and calculated the fees incurred by Min Si-Hoo’s infringement of copyright, along with other damages that Woo-Jin suffered. Hyun-Min’s eyes trembled wildly because the amount of compensation offered would be too great a sum to reject.

“‘Shining Star’ was such a popular song. No, it’s still very popular. Are you really not going to accept the money? Hey, now is not the time for you to be prideful.”

“Of course, I’ll have to accept it. Just that the money won’t be going into my pocket.” Although DS’ legal team had already entered negotiations with TM with regards to the compensation, Chae Woo-Jin informed his agency that he would be donating the money to the Youth Victims of Violence Foundation. Chae Woo-Jin could guess that they would shamelessly request DS to stop digging up their horrible deeds by telling the entire world that they were exonerated by paying a hefty sum of money, hence the donation.

Woo-Jin knew better than anyone else how great and scary money was. The amount of compensation offered by TM would be a rather significant amount since they had to close the negotiations to let the world know that they had done their best. However, Woo-Jin would not take a sum of money that made him feel anxious and suffocated instead of feeling happy.

“I’m shooting a commercial tomorrow. I’ll be earning a lot of money in the future.” Woo-Jin could finally shoot the commercial by the telecommunication company which he had been putting off for a long time due to various circumstances. Woo-Jin thought that perhaps he would not be able to earn as much as the amount of compensation if he were to take baby steps like that.

“Yeah, good for you. But I don’t think I can’t earn that much.” Hyun-Min was checking something on his phone before locking it nervously.

“What are you doing?”

“I was planning to buy some of TM's stocks this time around when its prices get cut in half, but they’re not going down like what I predicted.”

TM's CEO Kim Seok-Hyung held a press conference just in time, right after the stock market closed. As a result, the stock prices didn’t go down today. Despite TV Star’s episode being aired last Thursday and the chaos that ensued from Friday up until today, TM's shares did not fall in line with Hyun-Min’s predictions.

“Clearly, there has been a lot of trading going on. As soon as the stocks were released, people snatched them up. Thus, the stock prices didn’t fall as I predicted.” As soon as Woo-Jin glared at his friend after hearing his confession, Hyun-Min turned his head around and played innocent.

Regardless of what anybody said, TM was still one of the biggest entertainment agencies in Korea. Nobody thought that it would collapse despite being shaken by this scandal. Even if Blue Fit was done for, they could be replaced by other people, and TM still had many other celebrities and idol groups. There were numerous people in Korea who shared the sentiment that it wouldn’t take long for TM to recover from this setback. Hyun-Min’s desire of taking advantage of this opportunity to dabble in stocks seemed to be nothing more than an empty dream.

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