Chapter 96

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“There’s no need for you to memorize and calculate everything. You just have to memorize the scenes by takes, and we’ll guide you every time,” the advertising manager said to Woo-Jin.

Woo-Jin smiled briefly while glancing at the advertising manager, who told him that it would be easy as long as he followed directions. He found it funny that the manager talked about it so easily when he would be the one acting it out.

After doing some simple calculations, Woo-Jin turned off the video and looked closely at the sword that he’d been holding the entire time so he could get used to it. It was heavier than he thought and needed more time to get used to it. The blade was light, but the sword's balance wasn't right because the handle was heavy from all the fancy decorations, so he needed more time to get used to it. Still, the decoration on the handle wasn’t pointless as it represented the telecommunications company’s logo. When he held the sword upright and looked at the overall design, it was an amazing commercial item.

Woo-Jin walked in front of the green screen, calculated the movement and time for each take, and considered the springboard that was painted green and the location of the mini stairs. During all of this, he was still holding onto the sword.

“You have to draw the sword while carrying it on your back, so it probably won’t be easy. If you can’t do it after practicing a few times, it’ll be better if we just took out the sword completely from the start and have you appear without it.” When the martial arts director said that after walking up to Woo-Jin, the advertising manager standing next to him nodded as if they agreed.

“Drawing the sword is important, but this is the highlight.”

The storyboard contained a scene where the model killed a robot by drawing the sword. It looked very cool and stylish in martial arts novels and cartoons. The advertisement manager could only smack his lips in disappointment when considering the possibility that the scenario might not get played out. However, Woo-Jin knew that drawing a 120-centimeter sword that rested on his back was naturally a difficult task, and it wasn’t something he could do just because he was pressured.

Woo-Jin glanced at the two people still discussing the sword draw and started swinging the sword in his hand. Once he got used to the sword, he naturally sheathed it into the scabbard on his back. When it made a clear ‘click’ sound, the two people who had been talking looked back at Woo-Jin.

Just like his nickname, he fulfilled their wish when their eyes met. When he naturally drew the sword and began sword dancing, the advertising manager’s face brightened up, and the martial arts director looked as if Woo-Jin met his expectations.

“Mr. Chae Woo-Jin, I came to know you after hearing a lot of things about you, but you’re good at swords too! I guess you learned how to use it before.”

Rumors about Chae Woo-Jin had widely spread among the martial arts directors. From Death Hill to City of Shadows, the director had heard many stories from the people who worked with Woo-Jin. Even among the action stars, their opinion about Chae Woo-Jin was so good that they didn’t feel pressured working with him. So when he showed how skilled he was with the sword, the martial arts director released a sigh of relief and was happy.

Even though Woo-Jin had to learn the actions and movements required in every take from the martial arts director, the act itself wasn’t difficult. The important parts for this shoot were the precise timing and knowing where exactly to look. Before officially starting the shoot, they first took the still cuts that would be used in posters and life-size cutouts. Woo-Jin did many different poses like holding the sword in his hand or arrogantly holding the sword in one hand like a cane, etc.

After finishing the still cuts, they continued the shoot in front of the green screen. Woo-Jin was required to do everything by himself in an empty space, so he focused all of his senses.

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