Chapter 49

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“Hyun-Min~! I'm so tired.”

“So why are you doing this to yourself?” Hyun-Min ruthlessly pushed Woo-Jin's head away with his hand as he said it was too heavy. Woo-Jin had been leaning limply against him and so, he swayed aimlessly and bumped into the girl sitting on his other side.

“Oh, I'm sorry.” Woo-Jin immediately straightened his body and apologized to her. He paused for a moment, something about her looked familiar.

“Dinky Coffee!” Hyun-Min peeked over at Woo-Jin's reaction and recognized her first after he saw her. She was the female student who had worked part-time at the cafe that Woo-Jin and Hyun-Min frequented before they entered the military. However, it had closed by the time they had been discharged from the military.

“Ah!” Only then did Woo-Jin recall who she was. He awkwardly bowed his head as he greeted her. Perhaps she might have remembered who they were as well because she responded with a slight smile.

“It's a shame that Dinky Coffee has closed down. It's the first time I'm seeing you here. What year are you in?”

“I'm a junior. By the way, Dinky Coffee didn't close down.”

“Ah, I know that. This guy over here had to learn how to become a barista, and his teacher happened to be the owner of Dinky Coffee. The owner said that he bought a building and moved out of the previous location. But we hadn't known that and thought it had closed down because of the competitive pricing of the other cafes in the area.”

As Woo-Jin sat between them, the conversation between the female student and Hyun-Min continued until their professor had entered the classroom. Hyun-Min even found out that her name was Kim Tae-Hwa and that she was a year younger than them. When class was over, he even waved as he said goodbye to her.

“You're extremely friendly, huh?”

“She's a beauty. It's good to build friendships with a beautiful girl in a way or another.”

“I'll be sure to tell your girlfriend what you said.”

“Why are you more controlling than my girlfriend? A jealous man is unattractive, my friend.” Woo-Jin lightly kicked the back of Hyun-Min's knee because he found Hyun-Min's behavior ridiculous.  He glanced at Kim Tae-Hwa's back  as she walked into the distance

Just like Hyun-Min said, she was more beautiful than most celebrities. Even though she was not wearing any makeup and was only dressed in jeans and a white shirt, she looked good because she had a great figure. However, for some reason, the gloomy look on her face caused her beauty to fade away. With looks like hers, she should have grabbed the attention of the male students in school, but strangely enough, she had slipped their eyes. Even though she was beautiful, there was something dark about her that made her unapproachable. Just like Hyun-Min, she was the type of person who was only good to look at and admire from afar.

“Don't you think you're looking at her with too much affection?” When Woo-Jin could not take his eyes off Kim Tae-Hwa, Hyun-Min smiled slyly as he tapped Woo-Jin on the arm.

“No, she just looks strangely familiar.”

“Of course, she looks familiar. We used to frequent Dinky Coffee all the time before we entered the military. It would be weird if you didn't find her familiar.”

“That's not it. For some reason, it feels…” Woo-Jin did not finish his sentence and shook his head. He did not even know how to express this feeling with words. Back then, he did not have any feelings or emotions when he looked at Kim Tae-Hwa. However, Woo-Jin was rather disconcerted by this sudden familiarity he had sensed from her.

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