Chapter 48

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Woo-Jin wondered whether he truly was that bad at acting, and so, he went to look for the article about himself. He turned his head as he became flustered seeing the picture of himself in the article that was full of praise for him. He had to watch the movie at every screening event, but there was one particular scene he could not bring himself to watch, and the picture was from that exact scene - it was the look of despair on Cha Hyun-Seung's face that everyone praised.

Perhaps if he had been the one to act the way he did in that scene and if Production Director Park had recognized it and rejected it because he knew that it hadn't been him acting, then Woo-Jin would be able to acknowledge and accept it. But that was absolutely not the case. Woo-Jin had never once used his own emotions or adopted another identity's personality when he was acting as Louie.

“For me, I know what I did wrong, and everybody knows that too. But what did Woo-Jin do to get his scene rejected repeatedly? Do you know?” This was a question Woo-Jin wanted to know the answer to and Park Yeon-Ah asked Kang Min-Ho for the answer in his stead

“If I knew the answer, I would already be a famous actor by now.” Kang Min-Ho was in the same boat as them – he did not know the answer. After looking at it objectively, subjectively, and from every angle, he still did not know why the production director was dissatisfied with Woo-Jin's acting. He shook his head as he said that if he knew the reason why, then he would be the god of acting,

“So you're saying that Production Director Park is the god of acting?”

“At the very least he has an eye for good acting, and he's good at producing quality content.” Although it was at the expense of the actors' wellbeing, Production Director Park was known for producing the best results when it came to his work. That was probably the reason why the unnamed idol used their connections with the broadcasting company to take on a role in the drama, albeit a supporting one, when most actors had rejected it. When it came to building an acting career, the best way to spruce up one's filmography was to work with Production Director Park.

“Who was the one who said that Production Director Park would not be as harsh to the actors like he was before because he was shocked at how difficult it was to cast actors this time?”

“Me!” When Kang Min-Ho proudly raised his hand, Park Yeon-Ah drank her remaining coffee in one go as she glared at him.

“In any case, they're all X of XX!”

Park Yeon-Ah got up from her seat as she tightly gripped the script that had been in her hand the entire time. She took a deep breath before marching towards the set. From the back, she looked like an armed soldier going into the battlefield. Seeing her like that, Woo-Jin got up from his seat as well.

“Our dear female lead cusses in X's at every little thing huh. Regardless of how much she filters herself, she has to maintain her dignity.”

“If you interpret it as 'sun of a beach,' it doesn't sound that bad,” said Woo-Jin.

“Huh?” Kang Min-Ho thought to himself 'What is Woo-Jin talking about?' for a moment before laughing out loud. He patted Woo-Jin on the back and complimented him for being positive.

“Since you're already keeping your head up, don't worry too much about it because you're really good at acting.”

“If it's good, why does he keep rejecting my scenes?”

“I don't know. Perhaps he's engaging in a power struggle with the actors.”

There were quite a few directors who were intentionally strict and fussy when working with rising actors. It was because if the directors did not establish their authority from the get-go and keep them in line, the actors might let their arrogance get to their heads and ruin the film or drama with their complacency. Furthermore, Production Director Park might also be concerned because, from the start, they had groveled to Woo-Jin since they were determined to cast him in their drama at all costs.

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