Chapter 24

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“If we knew with certainty how they would operate, then it would allow us to prepare,” said Jang Su-Hwan.

DS was better than TM when it came to utilizing the media. If TM's CEO was smart, the wisest thing for him to do would be to leave Chae Woo-Jin, who was now a DS artist, alone. Truthfully, Jang Su-Hwan thought it was highly likely that things would pan out that way. He wanted to believe that TM's CEO was not foolish enough to do anything reckless to DS.

“Most importantly, I have clear evidence,” said Woo-Jin.

“That's right, you really did a good job with the voice recordings. Nothing can top that. However, what are we going to do about the discord among your former group members? There are five people on their side, so we're at a disadvantage.”

Even though they had already secured the evidence, Jang Su-Hwan wanted to know what Woo-Jin thought.

“Do you think that I only recorded my conversations with TM's CEO? Besides those recordings, I also have videos.”

Jang Su-Hwan stared blankly at Woo-Jin, who was smiling, for a moment. He knew that Woo-Jin was smart, but he had assumed that was only the case when it came to academics. He did not expect Woo-Jin to be able to adapt to circumstances that well.

As a matter of fact, it was Woo-Jin's friend, Hyun-Min, who suggested that he take video and audio recordings. When Hyun-Min found out that he was being bullied by the other members, Hyun-Min had told him that he needed to collect evidence first. Hyun-Min taught him how to secretly record videos and gave him all kinds of recording equipment. Hyun-Min also added that he should take multiple recordings at the same time, because if the members were to find one of the recordings, he would still have the remaining ones as a backup. Thanks to that, he had been able to capture the conversation where the CEO proposed a sponsorship deal to him as well, which happened around the same time.

When Hyun-Min saw the video of Woo-Jin being beaten up by the other members, he lost his cool and went all the way to his dorm to kick up a fuss about the matter. However, neither one of them revealed the existence of the video. Even though it was not guaranteed when he would use it, Woo-Jin kept the videos as an insurance since nobody knew what would happen in the future.

When Jang Su-Hwan met Woo-Jin's eye for a moment, they laughed at the same time. Jang Su-Hwan liked how Chae Woo-Jin was unpredictable in this manner. He was not bad at all. Woo-Jin was a very charming actor on screen, and in reality, he was bright and wise. There was no one else this perfect.

“So now, it's time to discuss our contract.”

With the last obstacle out of their way, there was no need to hold off on it any further or reassess anything.


While preparing dinner for his mother who had just gotten off work, Woo-Jin told her about what happened today.

“Mother, I signed a contract with DS today.”

“DS? What's that?”

“DS is an entertainment agency and it's very well-known. I've just signed a contract with them today.”

“Did you look through the contract thoroughly? It's not a slave contract or an unfair one, right? Your uncle said to look for him if you have to sign any contract. You've already signed it?”

While Park Eun-Soo was not interested in the entertainment industry, she closely followed the news about it. She was very concerned about the chronic problem pertaining to contracts within the entertainment industry. Likewise, his uncle seemed to be very concerned too. Woo-Jin laughed when the image of his mother and uncle putting their heads together, worrying about him, came to mind.

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