Chapter 55

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Louie had displayed incredible speed and agility when rappelling down the building while fleeing the scene after committing murder but now, he looked up at the sky weakly. As he stared blankly into space, it was as if his eyes, which were void of all emotion, were reflected in the dark night sky.

Louie walked around sluggishly with his arms stretched out. He went around the corner of the building and walked through the alley before disappearing into the night. The security guards, who had not seen him, ended up running past the alley and onto the main street. Meanwhile, the sun rose slowly, filling the gaps between the buildings with its light.

A long shadow appeared before Louie as he walked with his back facing the sun. With his shadow in front of him and the shadows of the buildings behind him, Louie was buried within them. It was as if this scene was depicting his life within the shadows.

Kang Ho-Soo could not laugh nor cry after watching Woo-Jin act out the stunts. He told the lawyer who had just arrived, to wait for a moment. Even if the mood on site was good, the outcome would be different depending on how CEO Jang responded. Just then, Kang Ho-Soo had received a call from CEO Jang; he took quite a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down, to no avail.

“This is Kang Ho-Soo.”

- How did it go?

This was the follow-up phone call from CEO Jang after he had instructed Kang Ho-Soo to prevent Woo-Jin from doing the stunt at all costs, so Kang Ho-Soo shut his eyes tightly to brace himself from the backlash.

“He jumped twice, sir. The first time was during the rehearsal where he jumped over and scaled the building to the roof. The second was during the actual shoot where he jumped over and rappelled down using a tightrope. Shooting has already ended for all the scenes.”

- Judging from your voice, it seems like there were no accidents.

CEO Jang listened to Kang Ho-Soo's explanation, but since wasn't aware of the circumstances, he only focused on the fact that there were no accidents.

- Send it over first.

They hung up and Kang Ho-Soo sent the video he had taken to CEO Jang. In the first video, Woo-Jin had jumped off the rooftop, and the terrifying view of the ground below had been clearly captured. The second video was filmed from the ground when Kang Ho-Soo had worriedly gone down to wait for Woo-Jin.  Even though Kang Ho-Soo had only used a phone to record the video, the angle at which he filmed it had perfectly captured Louie's distant figure rappelling down the building. The actual scene that was shot with multiple cameras would definitely be one for the history books.

Production Director Park would most likely be criticized by the public for a long period of time for shooting this drama without using a stunt double. Kang Ho-Soo did not sympathize with him, because Park Jong-Hyuk himself had already expected it but still decided to proceed with it anyway. The main issue was Woo-Jin.

Since he had shot something this amazing, it would not be surprising for directors to make unreasonable demands when Woo-Jin filmed action scenes in the future. CEO Jang already knew that it was going to be troublesome. Thus, Production Director Park would have to endure even harsher criticisms and become the scapegoat to set an example to others. Other directors might not have the same level of mental fortitude as Production Director Park, and the intense backlash from this incident would keep them in line and force them to make compromises before they make unreasonable demands of Woo-Jin.

While Kang Ho-Soo was sighing repeatedly, he once again received a call from CEO Jang. By counting the minutes, it was evident that CEO Jang had been in a hurry to call him right after he had finished watching the videos.

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