Chapter 103

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Hanryang Doryeong defeated Snowflake Fairy (Na Yu-Ri) by a margin of 93 votes and ultimately attained his fifth victory. However, his decision to leave the show remained unchanged; Hanryang Doryeong took off his mask as planned and stepped down as the Masked King through his own volition. The viewers were so curious about his identity that the viewership ratings hit 42% at the moment he removed his mask.

When Hanryang Doryeong revealed his face after removing the mask, I’m certain that almost everybody was stumped by this turn of events. The person behind Hanryang Doryeong’s mask is none other than the young and handsome actor, Chae Woo-Jin. Instead of the middle-aged singer that everyone expected, Woo-Jin appeared and shattered their expectations and dealt a blow to public prejudice.

–– I had goosebumps all over just by watching it yesterday! Initially, I thought the production team and Hanryang Doryeong were pulling a prank on the viewers. If Chae Woo-Jin hadn’t sung after removing his mask, I wouldn’t have believed it was him. Goddamn, how can Hanryang Doryeong be Chae Woo-Jin!!

└ So what if Hanryang Doryeong is Chae Woo-Jin? Your words are kinda strange.

└ I apologize for causing any misunderstanding. I was just trying to say that I couldn’t believe it when I first saw him.

–– Honestly, I’m still in a state of shock. I never expected Hanryang Doryeong to be Chae Woo-Jin. Whenever I heard people talking about him, I thought that he was only a handsome actor so I wasn’t really interested in him. I just started watching City of Shadows recently and I regret not becoming his fan back then!

└ I started watching Chae Woo-Jin’s movies yesterday as well, and it’s time for me to start City of Shadows. I also downloaded ‘The Wind That Blows From You’ and I’m looking for the edited version of ‘Shining Star’ with only his parts.

└ TM just released the original version of ‘Shining Star’ which was sung by Chae Woo-Jin earlier.

Hanryang Doryeong’s fans started showing love for Chae Woo-Jin and learned new things about Woo-Jin that they didn’t know before, and they also began to watch the previous productions that he acted in. The revelation that Hanryang Doryeong was Chae Woo-Jin was so well-received that the movies, dramas, and variety shows that he was casted in started trending on internet search engines and were at the top of the list.

–– Ah!! That’s why they delayed the release of ‘Shining Star’. I cussed at TM for using dirty tricks but it turns out they were being considerate. If they released it earlier, people would have realized that Hanryang Doryeong was Chae Woo-Jin.

└ I’m just speculating but I think DS was the one that stopped TM from releasing it. TM's not suicidal.

└ Ah I think you meant to say ‘considerate’? [1] But the word ‘suicidal’ fits this situation perfectly for some reason.

–– When the Blue Fit scandal broke out, I wasn’t interested in Blue Fit or Chae Woo-Jin so I didn’t think much about it… But now that it’s over, I’m getting mad about it. May Hanryang Doryeong’s future be smooth-sailing from now on!!

└ It might sound harsh but as Hanryang Doryeong’s fan, if Chae Woo-Jin was a member of Blue Fit, I might cuss at him. I’m really very happy that justice is on our side. My blood is also boiling just by thinking about Blue Fit, albeit belatedly.

–– Justice? Oh please! He intentionally went on the show so that he could beat Min Si-Hoo. In any case, it’s rather childish and petty of him to take revenge.

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