Chapter 104

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– Jin-Hee's Mother!! Exactly how close are your families for his mother to send such a photo to you? Why isn't my mom friends with Genie's mom?

– My hands are shaking right now. I swear I've never seen this side of Genie before. So this is how he smiles when he's with his family. Here's to Genie's warm eyes that are looking into mine right now.

– He seems to have a mischievous look on his face. I guess he watched the show together with his family. I wonder if his family knew about Genie being Hanryang Doryeong.

After uploading her post, Park Eun-Soo kept checking the comments as if she had been hooked on doing this. Finally, she replied to the last comment with a happy smile on her face.

“Yes, everybody knew.”

Park Eun-Soo was the first in the family to know about Hanryang Doryeong. However, she didn't tell anyone except her husband, Choi Min-Woo, who hadn't seen the show. She didn't even tell Woo-Hee about it because Woo-Jin asked her not to, so the secret was kept safe.

Initially, Woo-Hee was simply happy that Min Si-Hoo didn't manage to clinch his fifth victory. But subsequently, she started looking suspiciously at Woo-Jin since the second episode. She still wasn't sure because Woo-Jin feigned ignorance. Either way, she couldn't imagine Woo-Jin hiding something big like that from her.

However, the moment Woo-Jin got his third victory, Woo-Hee grabbed him by the neck and shook him excitedly, questioning why he didn't tell her about it earlier. She was convinced Hanryang Doryeong was Woo-Jin without needing his confirmation. After learning that she was the only person in the family who was kept in the dark, Woo-Hee asked if she was such a clueless person and fell into despair for a couple of days. Woo-Jin had followed the depressed Woo-Hee around and even cajoled her. Then, just as Park Eun-Soo was happily reminiscing about what happened, she suddenly received a phone call from her father.

– Why didn't you tell me?

As soon as Park Eun-Soo answered the call, her eyes immediately widened when she heard the abrupt question.

“I'm sorry? About what?”

Park Eun-Soo's first thought was that her father called because he found out that Woo-Jin had taken the bar exam. Even though her heart was pounding crazily, she feigned ignorance for the time being. Although Woo-Jin thought that Park Eun-Soo still hadn't given up on her son taking the bar exam, she wasn't as zealous as she used to be. This was because many people loved and acknowledged her son, and she felt proud as she watched him steadily walk on his own path. Since he had already started the bar exam this year, he might as well finish it, but she was planning on telling him not to put himself through any more hardships. That was why she was worried that her father might interfere and make things worse.

– I heard that Woo-Jin is on the show called The King of the Masked Singers?

“Ah~! So that's what you were referring to. We didn't know anything about it at first either but happened to find out by chance after watching it on TV. Woo-Jin told us not to tell anyone, so we couldn't say anything.”

– Am I “anyone”?

Park Eun-Soo was very confused after hearing the disappointment in her father's voice that he couldn't hide. Even though her father didn't directly talk about Woo-Jin joining the entertainment industry, she assumed it was natural for him to oppose it, given his nature. Thinking that the whole incident with Blue Fit back then might make him more adamant against it, she tried her best to refrain from talking about Woo-Jin's affairs about the entertainment industry as much as possible.

“You don't watch shows like that anyway.”


– Forget about it.

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