Chapter 13

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Woo-Jin was trying his best to get to know each and every crew member, since he was not working alone. However, it was hard for him to approach the main leads since rushing to become closely acquainted or trying to be too friendly with celebrities could lead to misunderstandings. For a rookie like Woo-Jin, he was in a position where he could not approach these celebrities unless they approached him first. However, now that it was plain and obvious that Kwon Sung-Min did not like him, he could not even talk to the latter easily.

"It's hard," Woo-Jin said to himself. As he could not mess up his hair that had just been styled, he wriggled his fingers instead in a bid to straighten out his messy thoughts as bad memories of the past suddenly flooded his mind, making him feel helpless.

When he was a trainee, he had lived in a dorm with the rest of his group members as they were preparing for their debut. They were obviously good friends, and so there were no issues at first. However, from a certain point onward, the leader of the group instigated a bully campaign against Woo-Jin. Later on, it became much more than just sarcastic remarks. They had even beaten him up as a group, targeting areas on his body that were not visible, so naturally, his face was spared from all the beatings.

Even though they had recorded an album together, Woo-Jin was excluded from the group. When the group finally made their debut without him, the discord among them was so intense that he felt relief instead of bitterness. Even up until today, he did not have any lingering attachment to the group or the agency. He had no regrets.

Perhaps because of that experience, in spite of the current uncomfortable ambience, he was used to it and it did not hurt his feelings. He had been hurt and betrayed by his close friends, and so, even though it might have been uncomfortable, the hostility from other people he was not well-acquainted with did not affect him.

Woo-Jin returned to his normal self shortly after, leaning back against the chair and closing his eyes. Perhaps having such boundaries was not a bad thing. In the case of one-sided, unrequited love, it would be even more strange if two men who were fighting over the same woman had positive feelings toward each other. He still lacked the skill and experience to completely disconnect real-life emotions when he was acting, so it might be a good thing. As he thought about it that way, he started to feel more at ease.

Having pulled Kwon Sung-Min aside for a chat, Choi Yi-Geon lit up a cigarette as soon as he sat down without asking the former if he was okay with it. He tried offering Kwon Sung-Min a cigarette, knowing that Kwon Sung-Min was a heavy smoker. But Kwon Sung-Min turned him down and took out his own cigarette pack instead.

Being the straightforward person that he was, Choi Yi-Geon asked Kwon Sung-Min directly, "Park Ji-Hyuk is evidently not a character who is jealous of Cha Hyun-Seung, so why are you acting like this?"

Today's shoot had begun with Na Mi-Yeon feeling sick, causing her to miss her classes for a couple of days. Cha Hyun-Seung could not hold himself back and decided to visit the studio apartment she resided in. Park Ji-Hyuk then found out about Cha Hyun-Seung's feelings for Na Mi-Yeon when he got there. However, the immature and ignorant Park Ji-Hyuk did not know what jealousy was. He felt he did not need to be mindful of an insignificant teaching assistant who could not even be compared to himself.

"Did you fall for Mi-Yeon? Well, it's not surprising, because she's a lovely girl."

That line should have conveyed the pride Park Ji-Hyuk had for the woman he loved, as well as sympathy for Cha Hyun-Seung, along with the unfathomable question of 'Why do you love a girl whom you cannot covet anyway?'. But today, Kwon Sung-Min had chosen to vent his jealousy, annoyance, and contempt on Cha Hyun-Seung via that line instead.

"What kind of man is crazy enough to leave the guy who likes his girl alone?" asked Kwon Sung-Min.

"Park Ji-Hyuk is that kind of crazy man. Ordinary flowers are just weeds compared to the finest flowers in a garden. Don't you think it's weird that those beautiful flowers would be jealous of weeds?" asked Choi Yi-Geon.

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