Chapter 31

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Having two handsome actors standing next to one another was not a common sight. As soon as they went up the stairs and stood in front of the photo backdrop, white camera flashes went off. People were speaking noisily at the same time, but at this moment, Woo-Jin could not hear anything. He thought that he would be fine because he had assumed that the experiences in his past lives would have prepared him enough for this, but it seemed like memories were nothing more than just that - memories. Seeing how he was feeling so nervous, and that his hands were trembling, it seemed as though only what he had experienced for himself was real.

“Mr. Chae Woo-Jin!”

Woo-Jin smiled as he turned his head towards the direction where his name was being called from. It was a subconscious reaction, but the reporters caught it right away and started calling out his name. Some of them called out Park Min’s name as well, but there were significantly more reporters who called out Woo-Jin’s name.

Woo-Jin also heard some of them asking him questions, but he simply smiled and looked into the camera. Before going to the event, his agency had thoroughly emphasized that if it was not an official interview, then he was not obligated to answer any of the reporters’ questions. Depending on the situation, saying thank you or that he would work hard was more than sufficient.

Shortly after, the other actors showed up and Woo-Jin stood in front of the photo backdrop once again with them. Only after taking a group photo with the main leads and supporting actors, with Director Moon in the middle, was Woo-Jin able to finally break free from the clutches of the cameras.

There were several reporters who wanted more time with him, but he simply bowed his head slightly and followed Director Moon as he walked off. He did not look haughty or arrogant; he looked very elegant and confident, causing a number of reporters to be in awe of him. But when Chae Woo-Jin and Director Moon entered the theater, their admiration turned into regret.

Thereafter, all the reporters who took photos of the other celebrities that had arrived tilted their heads to one side. All the celebrities who prided themselves on having their good looks seemed mediocre. Compared to Woo-Jin, they were just average-looking. With that in mind, a new title came to mind - Beauty Slayer! Contrary to Hwang Yi-Young’s expectations, Woo-Jin did not receive the title of ‘Korea’s most handsome man’; instead, he had received a rather unique title.

After entering the theater, Woo-Jin saw a familiar face. Woo-Jin and the female lead, Kang Hee-Joo, as well as the middle-aged actor who played the role of the loan shark boss, greeted one another delightfully. He had also greeted the main staff members as he shook hands with them. It had been a long time since they had seen each other, but they had developed a strange sense of camaraderie during the intense and arduous week-long shoot, thus playing a role in this happy reunion. The phrase, ‘Overthrow Park Min’, was still relevant.

“Can I really sit here?” Once again, Woo-Jin asked as he sat to the left of Director Moon. Sitting to the right of Director Moon, Kang Hee-Joo nodded and gestured to him to sit down.

“Mr. Park Min will sit next to me, so you can sit there. Director Moon must be very happy to be sitting in the middle of a handsome man and a beautiful woman,” said Kang Hee-Joo.

“The handsome man is here but where’s the beautiful woman you talked about?”

“Director!” Kang Hee-Joo rolled her eyes, but it was not because she was upset by what the director had said.

No matter what sort of comments she received today, she couldn't help but be in high spirits. After watching the film at the press preview screening, she had regained her confidence to some extent. Even though nobody could guarantee how well the movie would be received until it was finally released, the huge amount of favorable reviews and high anticipation of the movie becoming a box office hit made it so that regardless of what she heard, her excitement wouldn’t die down.

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