Chapter 79

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At one point, there had been talks of an extension for City of Shadows, but the writer, Yoo Soo-Min, was adamant about concluding the drama at episode 16. On the other hand, their competitor, The Blue Castle’s Master, had been on the decline, while City of Shadows maintained a rating of 20%. The drama had achieved unexpected success. Hence, the wrap-up party held special meaning for the actors and staff who gathered together to watch and celebrate the finale. And because the broadcasting staff and reporters, along with the fans of the drama, also attended the party, it became even more meaningful and it ended on a cheerful note.

After the wrap-up party was over, Woo-Jin got home slightly past midnight. As soon as he opened his bedroom door, he took a step back in shock. Woo-Hee was sitting cross-legged on his bed in the dark, with the desk lamp as the only light source.

“What’re you doing in my room at this hour instead of sleeping?” He jokingly told her to go for an audition if she wanted to be cast in a horror movie, but she continued to stare at him with her arms crossed.

“Did he live or die?” Woo-Jin simply smiled in response to her question and turned on the bedroom light.

Woo-Jin had finished shooting the drama a week ago and had returned to his daily life. He went back to school as normal and spent time with his family; they had even watched his drama together yesterday. Even though it was a little embarrassing, he shared anecdotes of things that happened on set and the deleted scenes, and his family enjoyed them very much.

But today, he had just gotten home from the wrap-up party where they watched the drama finale together as a group. Woo-Hee had stayed up waiting for him because she was dying with curiosity about the last episode.

“It’s obvious.”

On a snowy day, Lee Yoo-Ra made a final request to Louie - to kill ‘Louie Ahn’.

“How am I supposed to know? Lee Yoo-Ra told Louie to quietly kill himself in an unknown place, without making a sound. She told him to remove all traces of himself and make it seem like he had never existed in this world. He could have gone to the countryside and lived a quiet life!”

Lee Yoo-Ra did not want to see Louie’s final moments. Apart from her request, she had another condition – she wanted him to die a quiet death without anybody’s knowledge. Thus, if Louie wanted to live, he could very well do so.

“She made the request and cried after turning around. Lee Yoo-Ra didn’t even cry when she found out that Louie and her fiancé killed her father, so what do you think it meant when she cried?”

Throughout the drama, Lee Yoo-Ra hadn’t been able to define the feelings she had towards Louie and had only realized them in the last moments of the drama. However, the problem was that her hatred had grown so strong, it overpowered her love for Louie.

“She hated him so much that she wanted him to die but she spared his life!” It seemed as though Woo-Hee couldn’t help but want Louie to somehow live. However, upon analyzing Louie’s character, she knew that he would never go against Lee Yoo-Ra’s request. It was Louie’s job to successfully carry out his clients’ requests; if Lee Yoo-Ra, as his last client, gave him his final task, then even if it meant killing himself, he would accomplish it without fail. Lee Yoo-Ra couldn’t hold back her tears because knew what he was like.

“Did he really die? Louie is a human after all, wouldn’t he want to live? It’s possible that he might secretly watch over Lee Yoo-Ra as she lives happily.” Reality hit Woo-Hee and she looked as though she was about to cry. She pinned her last hope on her brother.

“We actually had to reshoot the scene that was aired today because the writer revised the script. Originally, the final scene was supposed to have Lee Yoo-Ra crying next to Louie’s dead body as blood flowed out of his body, staining the snow-covered ground. However, after we shot it, it looked somewhat corny and trite, and there was also a possibility that it might trigger a warning from the Korea Communications Commission [1], so we slightly modified the ending.”

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