Chapter 71- Time To Fight or Time To Be Alone

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  Molly laughed and Cristiano couldn't take his eyes of her. They sat eating their pizza and he really meant it when he told her he couldn't think of anywhere else he'd be right now. They hadn't been around each other in months. "Stop looking at me" she muttered. "I wasn't" he said turning his eyes back to the TV. "You were" she said.

His phone started to ring and Molly didn't look at him. "You can answer it" she said when he rang again. "But I'm not" he said and took the phone from his pocket and showed her as he switched it off and placed it on the coffee table. "Some women don't like to be ignored" she said. Molly knew it had been Irina on the phone. She might not have seen the caller ID but she knew the ring tone he had for her.

"Do you count yourself as one of those women?" he asked. "I'm used to being ignored" she sighed standing. He frowned not knowing if she meant him ignoring her or someone else. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Bathroom. I swear this baby likes to do nothing but lay on my bladder" she said and he smiled as she left the room. He knew Irina wouldn't be happy he missed her call. But Cristiano wasn't going to answer it when he knew Molly wouldn't like that he was not focused on her. Well the baby.

He took the pizza box and plates in his hands and headed to the kitchen. He noticed a bunch of papers on the kitchen work top. He scanned the papers and a crease appeared on his forehead. He didn't read them properly but he saw plenty of word. Sydney. New York. Paris. Each paper was split by a for and against column. He heard noise and turned his to the sink.

"Fancy some ice cream now" she asked coming back into the room. "Amm ya sure. I'll get it" he said. "I will. I don't want you taking too much of it" she laughed. "You have a nice place here" he said as she went to the fridge. "Ya it's lovely. Nice and close to Jorge's office and the doctors" she said. "You don't have any more appointments until you give birth right?" he asked and Molly paused from spooning ice cream into a bowl. "No more till then" she said. She only had a few more weeks. Only a few more weeks she thought.

"I can't believe you are due in a few weeks though" he said walking back to the couch. "I know. You better start getting planning. You have lots of baby clothes to buy" she said trying to sound happy. Trying been the word. "Ya I do" he mumbled. "I'm sure Irina will help you. How did she take the news when you told her?" she asked putting the ice cream tub back into the fridge. "Cris" she said when he didn't respond. "I haven't told her yet" he muttered.

"Unbelievable" she said slamming the fridge door closed. "I haven't had the chance" he said. "Apart from all these months. She's part of the reason you haven't been able to come to the scans Ronaldo. It's not like you haven't spoken to her" she yelled. "I don't know what to say" he said. "To me or to her. Jezz Cristiano. You really are stupid sometimes" she said. "I'll tell her" he said. "What like two minutes after you find out I have given birth" she snapped. "I'll tell her" he said. "Just go Cristiano" she said. "I haven't had my ice cream yet" he said firmly.

"Eat it and leave" she said shoving his bowl of ice cream into his hands. "What's it to you when I tell her?" he snapped. Any other person would know not to talk but Cristiano wasn't any person. She wasn't in the mood to have this discussion. "If I found my boyfriend was having a baby with someone else I'd be annoyed and upset. If I found out he knew all along and didn't tell me. I'd want to kill him" she said. "You always want to kill me" he muttered.

"I was only giving an example" she snapped. "I will tell her" he said. "It's your life. But it's not fair on the baby. On you. On her or your family to have so much anger around. Trust me I know" she said.
"Have you heard from your parents?" he asked. "They're fine. That's all I know" she sighed. "What's with the lists in the kitchen" he asked. "Aren't you mister noisy?" she said.

"Molly" he said. "I'm just looking at different things. Need to plan what I'm going to do after the baby is born" she said eating a spoon of her ice cream. Plans. Plans so far away he thought. "But there's no rush" he said. "Making plans will make the next few weeks go quicker. Your mother has Jorge warned that I'm not to help him as much. I'm going to need something to keep me from going insane" she said. "You like helping him don't you?" he asked.

"It's different" she said. "Where are you going to go?" he asked and she looked at him. "After...After the baby is born" he said. "I don't know yet" she said. And even if she did she wasn't going to tell him or anyone.

"Are you nervous?" he asked. "I'm not trying to think about the pain part and the doctor's office part" she said. And the giving up the baby that was inside her part she thought.

"I didn't just come to apologise you know" he said putting his finished bowl on the coffee table. She didn't tell him to get out so he hoped that was a good sign. "You came to eat all my pizza" she joked. "Funny. And you ate most of eat. I came because well...." He stuttered. "Well what?" she asked. "It's been a year" he said quietly. "Since the anniversary of your breaking and entry night was a while back, I'm assuming you're talking about that day in Dr. Frenz's office" she said.

"Ya" he said. "I'm fine Cristiano. I haven't really thought about" she said. "It's feels like forever ago since that day" he said his mind picturing how frightened Molly looked that day. How bruised her face was. How weak she looked. "You have no idea how sorry I am that you went through that" he said stroking her arm. "If you hadn't come into the room when you did it could have been worse. So don't be blaming yourself" she said. "I was the reason you were there" he said. "I think we've had this conversation already" she said and he laughed. "Are you going to be ok though? Been in the hospital" he said. "I've managed the scans. And Katia will be with me. I'm not really focusing on the needles or anything else" she said.

"Come here" he said. "What?" she said. "Just come and sit beside me" he said when she looked at him like he was going mad. She moved to sit next to him and he place his arm behind her back on the couch. "Now you can lie back and relax" he said and she stretched her feet out. "Much better" he said as she rested her head against him. "You really are tiny. I bet if you saw a picture of yourself from a couple of months back you wouldn't see a difference" he said.

"Trust me. There is. And there is and will never be any pictures" she muttered. "I can't believe I'm going to miss the birth" he sighed. He would either be in South Africa for the World Cup or on his way there. "You can't help it. You have the rest of your life with the baby. Don't worry about it" she said.

They stayed like that for another while when Molly yawned. "You're tired" he whispered into her ear. "I'm fine" she said snuggling closer to him. "Are you sure? I can go and you can sleep" he said. "I won't sleep. The baby likes to boss me around when I'm in bed. Hey it's the first thing it has in common with his papa" she joked tapping his cheek.

"Is he kicking now?" he asked. "Yup. Thank God you're not a boxer. Although this fella has a good kick" she said. "A mini me" he joked. "You're sisters are working on a list of stuff to avoid him being too much of a mini me" she said. ""Really?" he asked. "No. I wouldn't put it past them though" she said. "Me neither. Is it weird?" he asked. "Is what weird?" she asked. "Feeling the baby move" he said.

Having a person growing inside you. Or knowing you'll never see it grow up or that they won't know you she thought.

"Molly" he said. "Huh oh sorry. The movements can be strange sometimes" she mumbled. "I guess" he said. "You can feel if you like?" she asked. He hadn't experienced any of the baby's kicks since the first one.

"Can I?" he hoped. She took the hand that had been resting around her neck and placed it on her bump. "Jezz if he's kicking you like this all the time it's no wonder you're cranky all the time" he joked.
"Muppet" she mumbled and he laughed. He kissed the back of her head and stroked her stomach as they watched more TV.

You, Me and Baby- A Cristiano Ronaldo StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora