Chapter One (Rewrite)

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To the world, she is Aurora Malfoy, the perfect daughter of Abraxas Malfoy, one of the most trusted to their Dark Lord. She had a part to play and she played the role her society demanded of her. Her father and mother made sure to drill in their beliefs to her that they were above other witches and wizards and other creatures of the magical world. There was always a little part of her that wanted to fight back against their beliefs, but she knew there would be consequences if she ever decided to speak about these concerns.

"Aurora, if you haven't noticed, the train has stopped," Lucius said breaking her out of her train of thought. Aurora shot a quick glare at her brother before glancing out the window to see that they were indeed at Hogwarts. She quickly got out of her seat and followed Lucius out of the train and onto the platform, along with Narcissa Black, Rabastan Lestrange, and Regulus Black.

They all made their way to the carriage that would take them to the castle. The ride to the castle consisted of her brother and Rabastan discussing what they were going to do after they finished their last year here at Hogwarts. Which mainly included hush whispers over joining their Dark Lord. Aurora drowned out the rest of their conversation not wanting to hear the trouble her brother is going to get himself into.

As soon as the carriage hit the ground in front of the castle, Aurora quickly got out of the carriage wanting some fresh air. Deciding to get a head start, Aurora leaves Lucius and the others and made her way to the Great Hall. She had almost made it to the Great Hall when someone ran right into her back, she turned to see who it was when she noticed it was no other than James bloody Potter.

"Watch where you are going Potter," Aurora sneered at the Gryffindor starring him straight down. She hadn't even noticed his three goons that stood behind him until he said, "Look here boys, little Malfoy wants to pick a fight."

Aurora heard the mocking oo's that came from Lupin, Black, and Pettigrew. She went grab her wand that was hidden in the sleeve of her robe. "The only one here looking for a fight Potter is you," Aurora told him looking him up and down before continuing, "Maybe it's because you're overcompensating for teeny weeny... prick."

Aurora watched as Potter's faced morphed into one of shock before morphing into one of anger. Aurora stared at him smirking not backing down from whatever he was about to throw at her. She may not be one that goes looking for fights, but she was not about to back down from one because Potter decided to throw a hissy fit for running into her in the first place.

She hadn't even noticed Lucius, Rabastan, and Regulus, come and stand behind her. But before things could escalate anymore Lucius stepped in between Aurora and Potter.

"10 points from Gryffindor for picking a fight," Lucius told the four boys who were about to argue when he held his hand up to continue, "And Potter, detention with Slughorn tomorrow night right after dinner."

"You can't do that Malfoy," Sirius Black said standing up for his friend that he was ready to back just seconds ago.

"Last time I checked Black, head-boy has the right to assign detention and take house points," Lucius said in a matter of fact tone that had the younger boy huff.

"Now I suggest you four make your way to the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony," Lucius dismissed them. They were about to put up more of a fight, especially Potter and Black when Lupin whispered something to the two of them and they begrudgingly obliged their friend.

Once they were out of earshot, Lucius bent down and whispered into Aurora's ear, "Hide your wand better."

Aurora glanced down where the tip of her wand was resting in her palm still then nodded to her brother who smiled approvingly. Then beckoned her to follow him to the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony and feast.

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