Chapter 4 (Rewrite)

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Aurora had woken up late and all her dormmates had already left to get breakfast before their first class of transfiguration. The witch rushed to get on her school robes and fixed her hair for the day. She finished getting ready and quickly grabbed her school bag, to make her way to the great hall to grab something quick before class.

She had almost made it to the great hall when something grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a broom closet. Aurora grabbed her wand with her free hand and pointed the tip at her captor's throat. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't end you where you stand," she hissed not even being able to see who had grabbed her in the dark closet.

"Kinky, I like it," her captor said.

Aurora immediately knew who it was just by the sound of his voice, "I swear to Merlin himself Black if you don't release my wrist, I will make Regulus an only child."

She couldn't see it but she swore he rolled his eyes at her threat, but he let go and muttered a quick "Lumos." His wand immediately lit up at the tip.

"Now if you don't mind Malfoy, I would rather not have your wand pointed at my throat," Black huffed glaring down at her but there was no real venom in his grey eyes.

"If you are so against having a wand pointed at your throat, maybe you shouldn't pull people into broom closets, Black."

Sirius slowly moved his hand that wasn't holding the wand to gently move Aurora's wand hand down away from his throat, which the witch didn't really resist.

"What do you want Black? I'm assuming you didn't pull me into a bloody closet to talk to just glare at one another," Aurora said, pulling her hand away from his.

"And why not, who wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of your glare that could put Medusa to shame," Black tried to joke but stopped when he noticed it was just making the witch angrier at him.

"Look, I just wanted to say sorry about the whole spilling my ink on your notes in potions yesterday. I shouldn't have done that," Sirius apologized which caused Aurora to falter a moment before saying, "And."

"And for calling you a cold-hearted bitch," the oldest Black mumbled towards the end, shrugging his shoulders.

The witch held his gaze, not showing any signs that his words affected her. While Sirius was looking more and more uncomfortable with her judging gaze, that reminded him of his cousin Andromeda's.

"Fine," Aurora said, moving to open the door of the broom closet.

"Fine?" the boy questioned, his eyebrows scrunching down in confusion.

Looking over her shoulder as she opened her door, she met his eyes, "I accept your apology, Black."

With that Aurora walked out of the closet, realizing she was too late to grab breakfast and she would have to go straight to Transfiguration.

She heard footsteps following her down the hall and she glanced back to see that it was Black. "Can you just not get enough of my lovely presence, or are you trying to piss me off?" Aurora questioned as she kept walking.

"Well, it's definitely not your lovely presence. I'm happy to let you know I have transfiguration love," Sirius smirked as he watched the blonde speed up a little.

"Of course you do," the youngest Malfoy grumbled.

When they finally made it to transfiguration, they walked into the classroom at the same time. And all heads turned to face them all with confused looks.

"Miss Malfoy and Mr. Black, so glad you have decided to finally join us. Five points from Slytherin and Gryffindor, and you both will be joining me for detention tonight after dinner," Professor McGonagall told us and left no room to question her decision.

Malfoy cursed in her head and moved to take the seat next to her housemate Ophelia Scamander. The girl had light brown hair that reached the middle of her back. Ophelia was a pureblood like herself but didn't come from a family of Slytherins like most of their housemates. What she knew of the girl's parents was her dad is a magizoologist and a former Hufflepuff and her mother came from an American wizarding family.

"What were you doing with Black?" Ophelia asked in a hushed tone.

Not evening looking at the girl, Malfoy whispered, "My housemates decided not to wake me up this morning, so I had to endure his presence."

"Miss Malfoy do you want to lose more points for Slytherin?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"No, professor."

"Then I suggest you pay attention and not idly chat with your partner," McGonagall continued with her lesson.

It was only the second day of classes, and the youngest Malfoy had already lost her house points and gotten detention with the eldest Black of all people. And she knew for a fact that her brother was going to give her a lecture on this one or worst write to their father.

Authors Note:

(As I am rewriting this story, I don't know how much of it is going to flow together as I connect to the un-rewritten pieces. I'm keeping the overall plot the same while adding new things and taking away things I didn't like the first time.)

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