Chapter 34

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"Mr. Black, please get out of Miss Malfoy's bed. This is no place for that kind of behavior," A voice said startling me awake. My eyes shot open and made contact with Professor McGonagall staring at me and Sirius with disapproval. Doing the first thing that came to mind, I quickly shoved the half awaken Sirius out of my hospital bed.

"Ow," Sirius moaned in pain when he made contact with the hard floor.

"Sorry," I said looking down at my boyfriend as he slowly got up.

"Sorry, Professor," I muttered sheepishly to her.

"Mr. Black, I want to speak to Miss Malfoy alone. So if you would please go back up to your dormitory," she said pursing her lips.

I looked towards Sirius who was about to protest when she gave him a stern look testing him to question her.

"Of course, Minnie" Sirius said smirking at her before running off giving me one last wink goodbye.

"Miss Malfoy, If what Mr. Potter, Lupin, and Black told me was true? I am correct to assume that you have not been in control of yourself since you have returned to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said.

"Yes," I told her.

"So you weren't helping with your sick mother during those two months you were away from Hogwarts at the beginning of the school year?" she asked.

I nodded looking down and started fidgeting with my fingers.

"So where were you during that time?" she asked giving me a reassuring smile.

"Well, I was with my parents. It's just what would you say willingly," I sighed.

"Could you please, elaborate for me. I can't help if I don't know the full story," she keened.

"My father, Abraxas had me locked in my family's cellar at our manor. He wanted me to spy on Dumbledore and my friends to tell him what they were planning to stop he who must not be named. Then report back to him with my findings. And when I wouldn't do it willingly, he decided to use a more unforgivable process, and when that didn't work I guess he used that blasted necklace," I scoffed.

Looking down I heard Professor McGonagall gasp at the news, before saying "Do you remember anything after that my dear".

"No, I'm sorry professor I don't have any of my memories after he put the necklace on me," I told her honestly.

"I'm going to go tell Headmaster Dumbledore about what happened to you. But in the meantime I don't want you going anywhere alone. And I do hope you don't plan on going back to your manor over the holidays, for your safety of course," Professor McGonagall said.

"Wasn't planning on it. They're not my family, I have a home and its not with them it's with the Potter's, Sirius, and Lily," I told her smiling at the thought of the friends I have made.

Giving me a soft smile Professor McGonagall was started to leave the hospital wing when she said "And I'll tell Mr. Black who is surely waiting outside those doors for me to leave. That you are free to head back with him to the Gryffindor common room".

I let out a little chuckle as she left the hospital wing. And heard her say something to Sirius I'm assuming but I could not quite make it out.

Sirius quickly came in and rushed to my side.

"Aurora, are you sure you're ready to leave?" he asked with concern.

"Yes, I'm sure. No need to be so dramatic. I'm perfectly fine and healthy," I said giving him a big smile to prove my point.

"Just wanna make sure you're really Aurora and not being manipulated so I don't know spill secrets to your arsehole of a father who will tell those said secrets to you know who," Sirius mused.

"I get it, but I can promise you now that my mind is all mine. And not being controlled by that tosser. Now can we please go up and see Lily and the others I feel like I haven't seen them in months," I assured him giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, let's go the others have been dying to see you. But Madam Pomfrey would not let them in to see you. Saying something like it would overwhelm you or some other excuse," Sirius said helping me out of bed in the process.

(Back in the Gryffindor Common Room)

Walking through the fat lady painting, I see James, Remus, and Lily all sitting around on the couch by the fireplace.

Holding on to Sirius' hand, we made our way over to the three of them. With James finally glancing over at us a smile broke out on his face as he hurried to get up and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. Which I quickly returned.

"Are you back to being yourself again, Aurora?" he asked as he pulled away.

"I think so," I told him giving him a tight lip smile.

"That's good didn't want to send a letter to mum telling her that her honorary daughter was still being controlled after being kidnapped for two months," James smirked.

I walked over to Lily and gave her a hug as she teared up then gave a remus a big hug. Once we all settled we sat on the different couches. with me basically on top of Sirius. With James to our side. Then Lily and Remus each taking one of the armchairs.

"So, what are we going to do, to get those bastards back?" James asked mischievously.

"I already have a few things, I've been saving for a special reason," Sirius added.

"Can't we just leave it alone. And hope for the best case scenario if we leave them alone they will do the same," I asked.

"No," James and Sirius both said at the same time.

"Lily, Remus don't you agree with me," I groaned.

"For once I agree with James. They need to pay a little for what they did," Lily said, then Remus added, "I know I'm going to regret this but I agree".

I let out an exasperated sigh and said "Fine, I'm in. What are we going to do to that dear old brother of mine and a few others".

Check out my new story Long Lost Time (Sirius Black)

Disgrace (Sirius Black)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora