Chapter 5

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I walked back to the standard room after classes to see if Severus was ready to help me with my potions assignment. When I got into the common room, I saw that Lucius and Severus were sitting by the fire talking. Making my way over to where they are they looked over to me. "Are you ready to go Severus?" I asked smiling. "Yes, just give me a second I have to go get my potions to book from the dorm." He said leaving Lucius and me.

"What are you doing with Severus," Lucius asked me staring me down. "I just asked him for help on the potions assignment brother, no need to fret," I said coolly. "That better be all your doing. Your more than okay to be friends with him but no more than that. He is a half-blood after all." Lucius said sternly. I groaned wishing Severus would hurry up. "I like him as a, and that is all, he was just nice enough to help me on this assignment," I said, and he nodded as he believed me.

Severus came down the stairs with his potions book in hand, and we left walking down to the black lake in silence.

We sat down by the lake, and I pulled out my parchment and quill and started asking Severus all types of questions that I didn't understand then he started quizzing me over what we just went over to make sure I got it. "What's the potion that if a person drinks they will appear to be dead but are not?" he asked me. I thought for a second then answered "The draught of living death." "Good job maybe you're not a complete dunderhead after all," he said smirking causing me to shove him in the shoulder.

"You know you're not so bad at this teaching thing, I wouldn't be surprised if you became a professor one day Severus," I said. "Trying to teach classes filled with dunderhead's sounds amazing," he said sarcastically. "It was just an idea," I said lightly.

Hearing noise come from the top of the hill I look over to see that Potter and Black were coming over to us. I turn to Severus who saw them coming too. "Let's go," I told him, and he nods, and we start packing up our stuff to leave. We both get up to make our way but it's too late Potter, and Black was already there. "Where are you off to in such a hurry, Snivelious," Potter asked Severus completely ignoring me. "Away from you isn't that obvious Potter," Severus said with spite. I pulled on Severus's sleeve and said: "Let's just go."

"Come on Aurora stay were having some fun here with your little boyfriend here. What don't you Slytherins know how to have fun." Black said talking to me but glaring at Severus. I scoffed at how big of a tosser he can sometimes be. "First of all, Black. Severus is my friend nothing more. And I know how to have a good time, but my good time doesn't involve watching you and Potter pick on my friend." I said. He clenched his jaw trying to control his temper.

Turning my attention back to Severus, "Go back to the castle, I'll deal with these gits" I told him. He hesitates for a second before he nods and leaves me with Black and Potter. I turn to look back at them and there just staring at me waiting for me to say something.

"You both are unbelievable, and he wasn't doing anything to you. So why do you feel the need to come and bother him and me?" I asked them. "Why do you even care Aurora he's just a no good Slytherin?" Potter said. "In case if you both forgot I'm a Slytherin too, so if you have a problem with him because of that you also have a problem with me," I said coldly.

"Come on the love he didn't mean you. Your different than the other Slytherin's we've seen how you act towards muggle born and how you care." Black said stepping closer to me while Potter stood behind him watching us. I took a step back from him, pissed about how stupid he could be. "Someone's house does not give you the right to pick on them or any other idiotic reason. And don't call me love." I said. With that, I stormed off away from them done with that conversation.

I went up to the astronomy tower needing to be away from people to be able to think without anybody asking me any questions. I sat up there for what seemed like hours just thinking about how Black reacted to me spending time with Severus. I know they hate each other but he seemed upset for more than that reason, I don't know what.

I heard someone coming up the stairs of the astronomy tower I looked over to see who it was and it was no other than Sirius Black. "Leave me alone," I told him coldly. He sighed and came and sat by me holding a plate with food in his hand.

"I noticed that you weren't in the great hall for dinner, so I decided to guess that you were up here." He said. Then handed me the plate of food, and my stomach growled I guess I was hungry. "Here I thought you might be hungry," he said.

"Thank you," I told him still not looking at him and just stared out the opening of the tower. "I'm sorry for what James and I did Aurora. I didn't mean to upset you." He said seeing that I was still angry at what happened today by the Black Lake.

"I shouldn't be the one you're apologizing to, Black," I told him finally looking at him. "If you're sorry you'll apologize too, Snape he was just helping me on the potions assignment," I told him.

He let out a huff annoyed at the idea of having to apologize to Snape. "Fine, I'll apologize to Snivel..." He saw my stern look than corrected himself. "Fine I'll apologize to Severus if it will make you forgive me" he finished. I nodded. And he let a smile grace his handsome face. Stop it I cursed to myself for thinking that.

"So, are we friends again?" he asked hopefully. "Were we ever?" I said jokingly. He gasped like he's just been stabbed. "You hurt me Aurora," he said. "I guess I could call you my friend if it's such a big deal to you Black," I said.

"If we're friends now will you start calling me by my name?" he asked smirking. "I guess I could give it a try Sirius," I said, and he threw his fist up into the air in victory.

"You won't regret this Aurora," he said. "I better not or you'll have my brother to deal with, and you know how Lucius can be," I told him chuckling. "Yeah, I do, and it amazes me that you two could be twins when you're not like him at all." He said. "Well I don't know about that were both ambitious and cunning, but there are defiantly some big things my brother and I don't agree on," I told him.

He put his arm around me should and I stiffen for a second before relaxing a bit into his touch. "Who would have thought a Gryffindor and a Slytherin becoming friends. Such an odd world we live in." Sirius said joking. "Yeah, it sure is," I said.

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