Chapter 9

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I walked over to them taking a deep breath trying to keep myself calm for what was about to happen. "Hello, Father," I said calmly. Not even responding to me he left with Lucius with me following behind them.

Once we got to the spot, he grabbed both me Lucius by the arm, and we apparated back to the manor. When we got there, he said, "Lucius go to your room, I'll call for you when I'm done with your sister here." He said, and Lucius obeyed him.

When Lucius was gone my father turned back to me with a face of disgust. "You've been hanging out with blood traitors and mud blood's, you are above that filth, and it's time for you start acting like it." He said I was about to say something when he held up his hand to silence me, "What happened Aurora, you never were like this in the past you started acting like this year. When you started talking to that blood traitor Sirius Black." He said disapproving.

"I was always like this, but I did as I was told to act. But I'm done with this, were no better than "blood traitor" or muggle born. I'm done acting like the perfect daughter you want." I told him starring him down.

"There will be no more of this, and that's final. You will not converse with those blood traitors anymore and the mud blood." He said starring right back. He took a deep breath then said, "The dark lord is not pleased with these rumors, of a Malfoy running around with her blood traitor and mud blood friends. Don't you understand girl he will kill you like the others if you don't stop this nonsense."

I looked down at the ground and shook my head. "Whats the point of living my life, if I have to be a death eater and not be with those I care about," I told him. "Do you not care that you put this family at risk with your actions. Do you not care that this could cost your brother and mother's life including my own," he said. "Of course I do," I said. He laughed "Than stop hanging out with the filth you call friends." he said then left the living room, leaving me to ponder what I should do.

Feeling a tear slip down my cheek, I make my way up to my bedroom. Opening the door, I quickly get inside closing the door and running to my bed where the sunlight cascaded through the dark atmosphere that was my home. "What should I do?" I muttered to my self-holding my face in my hands.

Do I take the chance of risking my family's life as foul as they might be they are still my family. But by doing this, I lose the people that I have grown so close to in a short amount of time and have become more of a family to me than my actual. Oh Merlin what do I do, I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it in agony over the decision I'm going have to make.

A knock came from my door and in came Dobby our house elf. "Mistress Malfoy, it's time for dinner your father asks for you to come down right away," he told me. I stood up out of bed and wiped away the dried tears that had stained my cheeks I turned to Dobby putting on a fake smile, "Thank you for telling me, Dobby. But how many time do I have to tell you to call me Aurora, please.". "Sorry mistress... I mean Aurora, Dobby will do better. Stupid Dobby" he said then started slamming his head on my bedpost. I hurried and kneeled down beside Dobby and pulled him into a hug and he started whimpering. "Come on Dobby no need to cry," I told him to let go of him. Dobby smiles at me, "You are the kindest mistress Dobby has ever served. But I must go quickly." Dobby said than apparated.

I walked down the staircase into the dining room to see that my mother, brother, and father were already sitting down and waiting for me. "Good your finally here, your father and I have something to discuss with you Aurora." my mother said. I sat down nervously for what she and my father could be planning.

Father took the lead in the conversation by saying, "We have arranged a marriage for you Aurora.". My jaw just dropped out of all the things I thought he was going to say this was not one. "Dear do close your mouth." my mother said. "We've arranged with Orion and Walburga Black for you to marry there son," he said, and my eyes widen. Could he be talking about Sirius. As if my mother was reading my thoughts she said, "And before you go thinking we would be marrying you that blood traitor son of there's you are wrong. You are going to marry Regulus." No this could not be happening. "I'm only 16, why do we have to discuss even the possibility of marriage now," I said almost pleading. My father scoffed, "Because it's the only thing that might stop you from making a mockery of the Malfoy name by marrying some blood traitor or mud blood. We will be keeping this bloodline pure." he said. "It's not only you, but we have also made arrangements for your brother is going to be marrying Narcissa Black," he added. I looked towards my brother who didn't look like he minds the marriage. I scoffed, why couldn't I marry someone I love instead I have to marry the little brother of one of my best friends.

"Don't forget about the Christmas Eve ball we are having this year. Both Black families are going to come so that you will be on your best behavior. And not screw up this arrangement." My mother said to me. "I have already had a gown picked out for you Aurora. You will do your best to impress Regulus and his parents we don't need to give them any more of a reason to think your a no good blood traitor," she added. I scoffed and got up from the table, "I lost my appetite." I said and headed back up to my room.

"What am I going to tell the boy's when I see them?" I thought to myself feeling hopeless for what is to come.

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