Chapter 3 (Rewrite)

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After dinner in the Great Hall Aurora headed up to the library to finish copying the notes she borrowed from Evans. She was almost halfway through before she was interrupted by someone taking the seat across from her. Looking up she noticed that it was Lupin but he was missing his mates who were usually always by his side.

Putting down her quill on the table Aurora looked at Lupin waiting for him to say something. But all he gave her was a sheepish smile. She let out a sigh before asking, "What do you want Lupin?"

"Me?" he asked, not knowing what to say, "Of course you're talking to me, there's no other Lupin here, sorry. I just wanted to come to get ahead on that essay that Professor McGonagall assigned us today."

Aurora rolled her eyes at him but other than that showed no other emotion. "And you couldn't have chosen any other seat in this massive library. You had to sit right in front of me," Aurora drawled out.

Lupin started fidgeting in front of her and she almost felt bad for the poor guy. From what she has seen in her last years at Hogwarts and even yesterday's instances is he gets dragged into his friend's shenanigans a lot.

"Well I could have, but this is the seat I always sit in. Call me superstitious but I always have gotten my best marks when I work in this seat," Lupin explained to her. Though Aurora didn't believe a single word that he said.

Deciding she didn't care anymore what Lupin did, all she told the boy was, "Fine, as long as you don't bother me."

With that, the two of them got to work on their separate assignments, not even saying a word to one another. Lupin's presence didn't bother Aurora as much as his friends, but she still felt like he was up to something.

She had made it through her first four years at Hogwarts without being bothered too much by the golden boys of Gryffindor. Why now had they decided to take such an interest in her?

Though the silence did not last with Lupin when Potter and Black decided to show up and ruin the peace, each taking a seat on both sides of her. Aurora glared at Lupin who looked at her apologetically.

"I'll be taking that as my cue to leave boys," Aurora said, gathering her books to leave the library.

Sirius mocked hurt at her words, "Now, Malfoy you were fine sitting here with our dear mate Moony, why would you leave because of me and Jamie here?"

"Hmm let me think, maybe because you two have started the habit of verbally assaulting me this year," Aurora sneered.

"I wouldn't go that far," Potter chimed in looking a little sheepish if that was possible.

Aurora couldn't help the laugh that escaped her rosy lips, though it wasn't quite a cheerful one. She turned to face Potter full-on staring straight into his hazel eyes.

"Than what would you call it Potter? You go around looking for a fight, with anyone who wears green and silver. You think you are so much better than us, but the truth is your no more than a bully..." Aurora says but is cut off with a "hey" from Black but she just continues. "So ask yourself this, do enjoy the pain your 'pranks' and harsh words inflict on others?"

James stared at the girl in shock and he could feel his rage bubbling at her words. But he couldn't bring himself to retort. Her words held some truth and he knew it. Lupin and Black were just in much shock as he was.

"Now boys I will be taking my leave," she said, shooting them one last glare that softened somewhat when it landed on Lupin before leaving the library.

She made her way back to her common room holding her head up high as she swooped the halls. People immediately got out of her way as they saw her come by. After all, Aurora Malfoy was the princess of Slytherin, and her family had great pull in the wizarding world.

Finally entering the common room she was greeted with Regulus sitting on the couch reading a book. She immediately went to go sit by him letting out a loud sigh.

Regulus glanced from his pages to look at the older witch, "I'm taking it something happened?"

"Your idiot brother and friends, can't seem to leave me alone," Aurora confided.

"That is truly unfortunate, at least you don't have to live in the same house with him. Always fighting with mother and father he is, and picking fights with Kreacher."

Aurora smiled at him, moving to lay her head on his lap, he looked down in momentary shock before setting his book down on the other side of him.

"At least you don't have Lucius's watchful gaze, always reminding you to be the perfect lady our parents expect me to be. For Morgana's sake, Lucius is already expected to marry your cousin Narcissa as soon as he graduates. And the same will be expected of me to marry some pompous pureblood wizard," Aurora sneered the last part and Regulus let out a little chuckle.

Regulus stared down at the girl and brought his hand up to run it through her long white locks of hair. "No, I have my mother for that, who has almost given up all hope for Sirius being the heir of House Black and is moving her sights on me. I'm just hoping the woman gives me some choice in my future bride."

Aurora looked up to meet Regulus's kind grey eyes, the same eyes he shared with his brother but his brother's are full of mischief. He was truly one of the only few she could truly trust in this house full of snakes. 

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