Chapter 7

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I crept into the common room I expected everyone to be asleep but I was wrong because on the couch waiting for me was my brother starring off into the fire that burned. Walking over to him slowly worried about what he is doing up, "Lucius what are you doing up?" I asked still standing, and he got up quickly and stood right in front of me.

Him being a good deal taller than me towered over me trying to intimidate me. "Where were you today?" he asked me sternly. "I've been in the library all day studying for O.W.L.S," I told him hoping that he believes me. He grabbed me by the arm with a death grip. "Don't Lie to me Aurora. I know you were with those filthy blood traitors." He spat.

"Don't call them that. There better people than you will ever be." I said coldly. He started to chuckle, "And what you know this what because you spent month befriending them. They will throw you to the side and forget about you Aurora. Sooner you figure that out the sooner things can go back to normal." He said than shoved me to the ground landing me hard on my arse. "Or you'll be stuck on the ground the rest of your life with the other blood traitors and mudbloods." He finished and started to leave. But as he got to the stairs, he said, "I owled father and told him what you have been doing. And he's not going to be happy.".

I sat there on the floor with tears burning in my eyes thinking about what he said. If he is right that the boys will forget about me and I would honestly be alone. My family wouldn't accept me if I kept going down this path. But genuinely do I even want to be part of the Malfoy family. Oh, Merlin my family I already saw Lucius reaction to it. And my father's reaction when he gets that letter is going to be ten times worst. "What have I done," I said quietly to myself.

What am I going to do, I don't want to go up to the dorm with Narcissa and Bellatrix. Bellatrix is crazier than my brother about blood purity, and I'm guessing if my brother knows that means the rest of them to know. Needing to clear my head some more I left the common room whipping off the tears that slid down my cheeks.

I don't even know how I ended up here but, here I was standing in front of a wall on the seventh floor where a door suddenly appeared. My jaw drops for a second then I take a quick look at both sides of me before opening the door and looking inside. And what I saw was a bedroom with a small living area with a couch and a fire raging. It was beautiful inside decorated with dark greens and blacks, and it reminded me of the Malfoy Manor.

I laid down in the bed finally letting my sleepiness take over. But as I drifted off, I couldn't get my brother's words out of my head. No, I couldn't allow him to control me, that's what he wants for me to do. Come to his ways and let the darkness of who must not be named take control over me.

Waking up the next morning, I quickly muttered a spell to unwrinkle my robes so they wouldn't look so dishelved from sleeping in. I left the room wondering what time it was and made my way down to the great hall to see that the students were already eating lunch for the day. Crap I must have needed that rest.

I looked over to the Slytherin table to see that my brother was there with everybody else not wanting to go over there I glanced at the Gryffindor table to see that the four boys were there sitting and eating. I made the decision and went and sat by Sirius earning glares from the other Gryffindor's at the table and them making little comments. James noticed too and glared at them all "If you have a problem with her sitting here you can take it up with us." He said, and they all stopped. "Thanks" I muttered looking down fidgeting with my fingers.

"Don't listen to them. There being git's you have us here." Sirius said. "Yeah we want you here, and that's what matters," Remus said. I shook my head, "That's not what's bothering me I'm used to people saying stuff about me." I told them. "I'll tell you four later," I told them. "Promise?" Remus said. "Promise," I said, and the rest of lunch went by quickly I nibbled on some of the food not feeling hungry.

We all got up and left the table and headed back up to the Gryffindor dorms and the boys took me up to theirs. "So, what's wrong?" Sirius asked. As they all sat on their bed's, I went over and sat on the edge of Sirius's bed with him. "When I got back to my common room last night Lucius was there waiting for me." I said then took a deep breath to continue "And he had a few choice words to say about who I have been spending my time with." I told them. "What exactly did he say?" James said getting upset.

"He just said stuff about you guys being blood traitors and that... never mind" I said not wanting to tell them about my fear of them leaving me behind. "Come on love, you can tell us," Sirius said urging me to tell them. I felt a tear slip down my cheek, and I angrily wiped it aside for looking so weak. "He said that it's a matter of time before you leave me," I said looking down not wanting to see any of them.

"We're not going anywhere you don't have to worry about that. Your prat of a brother can shove it." Sirius said. The other boys chimed in with "Yeah" agreeing with him.

"Is there anything else?" James asked. "He owled our father," I said finally breaking down. "You don't know how my father's like when he finds out that I'm friends with you guys it's going to be bad," I told them shakenly, and Sirius pulled me into his arms holding me tight rubbing soothing circles into my back trying to calm me down.

I didn't even notice that the other boys left the room leaving me alone with Sirius seeing that I didn't want them to see me like this. "It's going to be okay Aurora, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you," Sirius said. I start shaking my head, "You don't know what he's like." I told him. "You forget that I grew up in the same type of household surrounded by prejudice pureblood Slytherins. The difference between you and me is that I was placed in Gryffindor first year and all I can tell you is my family did not take it well." He told me.

I finally calmed down with him holding me he was quickly becoming my lifeline and it scared me.

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