Chapter 41

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Winter Holiday finally comes to the end, and it's time to go back to Hogwarts. Lucius and me made our way on to the Hogwarts Express waving one last goodbye to mother as she saw us off to Hogwarts for our second half of 6th year.

"Hogwarts use to be my safe place away from the pureblood nonsense of my family. When I was able to surround myself with good people like James, Remus, Peter, Lily, Alice, and most importantly Sirius. But, now I'm stuck with people like my brother, Bellatrix, and Narcissa. Though I have to admit Narcissa isn't as bad as her sister Bellatrix who I for-one think is bloody mad. And for sure will end up in Azkaban one day for her actions because of her obsession with the dark lord." I mused to myself as I follow right behind my brother as we make our way to one of the cabins.

As we kept going I glanced into the cabins different ones filled with the younger students. Till I saw one with them in it. All four of the boys sitting there laughing and I felt my heart break at the sight. I didn't realize I stopped till Lucious called out "Come on Aurora. There not worth your time. Your above them, remember that."

I nodded and kept moving to catch up to my brother as we finally made it to the cabin where Narcissa was waiting.

"Oh there you two are. I was starting to worry that the both of you were going to miss the train," Narcissa chirped when we entered.

Taking a seat across from her next to the window so I could watch the scenery as we rode to Hogwarts. Lucius takes a seat next to his fiancee.

"Where's Bellatrix?" I asked my future sister in-law.

"She's with Rodolphus and a few other Slytherins in another compartment. I thought it would have been to crowded if we all tried to squeeze into one," Narcissa informed. "So I heard from my mother that you are to be wed to no other than Evan Rosier, instead of cousin Regulus," she added.

"That is true," I said trying to hide my grimace.

"Rosier seems to be a better pick for my sister here. He's older and already has a good job in line at the ministry and he should be able to keep my sister in check. And remind her of her place so she doesn't stray from it again," Lucius said almost challenging me.

"Yes, it seems my brother is correct. But, you don't have to worry about me straying anymore I learned my lesson," I told the both of them. Trying to keep a neutral face not wanting to show how I truly felt about this situation. Even though every time Evan Rosier and our arranged marriage is brought up it's like a cold dagger to my heart. Because the only one I truly want to be with is Sirius and not a controlling pure-blood death eater.

"This so exciting. Me and you have to go looking for wedding dresses this summer. Perfect time for me and you to bond, because soon were going to be family," Narcissa smiled.

"Yes that sound perfect," I told her giving her a tight smile. Oh merlin how can this girl be thinking life is going to be all magical when the truth of the matter the Dark Lord is rising and it won't matter if your dark or light your safety is going to be at threat. All it takes is you disappointing him to be either tortured or killed by Voldemort.

"Well, I'm going to go and find a couple people that I need to have a chat with. I'll be back later so you two talk about what ever girls talk about," Lucius announced and left the compartment to go talk to his potential death eater friends I'm assuming.

After my brother left the compartment Narcissa spoke up again, "So is Evan Rosier as dashing as I remember him being."

"Yes, quite," I told her but couldn't help but think not as dashing as Sirius. And Sirius defiantly had the better personality of the two of them.

"That's just wonderful. He's going to make such a better partner for you than my blood traitor of a cousin. And you'll never have to worry about money with how much the Rosier family has in there vaults," Narcissa proclaimed like how many gallons he had was all that mattered.

"I don't care how much him or his family is worth. I care about what type of person he is and what he stands for," I scoffed trying to control my anger towards her words.

"Well in this world we live in we don't get much of a choice. We do what our parents say and follow there rules. So, were lucky we got pared with pureblood husbands that are able to provide us with anything we desire," Narcissa glared at me.

Taking a deep breath and putting back up my cover I tell her, "You're right. I'm sorry, I guess I'm just nervous for this marriage."

"It's alright," she said smiling back at me with such a fake smile.

"I'm going to go to the laborty on the train before it gets to busy with people trying to change into there robes," I told her and made my way out of the compartment.

Making my way to one of the bathrooms, then suddenly I am grabbed and pulled into a compartment. Moving quickly to grab my wand to deafened myself against the attacker, I turn to see that it's just Lily and Alice.

"For Merlin sakes you don't just grab somebody and pull them into a room. What would of happened if I didn't realize it was you two, how bout if I hexed your or something," I breathed out glaring at the two witches.

"We just wanted to talk to you, we were worried," Lily confided.

Putting away my wand and pinching the bridge of my nose I tell them, "Close the blinds before any unwanted eyes see that I'm talking to you. Rather not have to explain that to my brother or anyone."

They did it as soon I said making sure nobody from the outside could see.

Lily casts a quick "Muffliato" charm to make sure our conversation won't be heard by anyone.

"So, how was your break,?" Alice asked after a moment of silence.

"Well, let's see I had to convince my parents who I hate for everything they stand for and have done to me that I was on there side. And wanted to join them in support of the Dark Lord. Oh, what else is there. Oh, yeah they already signed me away to get married to Evan Rosier to ensure that I won't fall out of line again with blood traitors and muggle borns. But, besides that it was great," I said sarcastically.

"Wait, your getting married?" Alice asked with wide eyes.

"What about Sirius?" Lily questioned.

"Do you think I actually want to get married to that man. He stands for everything I hate and he's a controlling arsehole by the one night I spent with him at my parents ball I could tell. The only person I want to be with Sirius and I can't exactly tell my parents that. They think he left me and thats why I came crawling back to them for Salazars sake," I pleaded them feeling the tears start to well up in my eyes. But, I had to do this. I was ordered by Dumbledore so I could help put an end to Voldemort.

"Hey, its okay were here for you. Even though we can't show it publicly, just know we are backing you every step of the way," Lily said and Alice nodded in agreement. Then both of them wrapped me in a hug.

"Merlin, I miss you both so much," I told them honestly.

"And we miss you," both of them responded.

After a few moments I pulled away from the both of them and wiped the stray tears away. "I have to get back to my compartment before Narcissa starts questioning where I have been," I smiled sadly at the two of them.

"Be safe," Lily spoke.

"I'll try my best," I said then left the compartment leaving my two closest friends behind in exchange for the snakes. 

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