Chapter 15

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Deciding to sit at the Gryffindor table for breakfast I'm surrounded by the people I care about. No one dared to say anything about a Slytherin seated at a there table by the looks the boys were giving to anybody who dared to comment.

"So what did you do over break?" Lily asked me. I looked up to meet her sweet expression, and I took a deep breath nervous to talk about what had happened to me over break. "Um... just the usual stuck in the house with my Merlin forsaken family. Than I uh stayed with Potter's for rest of the break" I told her not wanting to tell her what my father did to me around all these people. She gave me a questioning look knowing that I wasn't telling her the full truth. "Is that all?" she asked trying to get to the bottom of it. "I'll tell you later," I said. "Promise?" she asked with concern. I nodded my head promising to her.

After breakfast was made in the Great Hall, we all headed down to the potions classroom that the Gryffindors and Slytherins share. Most of the class was already there waiting for Professor Slughorn and us six hurried to take our seats. I took my usual spot next to Sirius and waited for Slughorn to come in.

"Aurora, Gryffindor's having a little party tonight you should come," Sirius told me. I turned to him and smirked, "Yeah, I'll be there." "Perfect," he said smirking.

"Okay, Class today you will be doing notes on your own. So get out your potions book and turn to page 196 and get out a quill and a piece of parchment". Slughorn said, and the whole class quickly got out their supplies and started working in silence.

Time Skip:

Lily invited me to get ready for the party up in her dorm with Alice. So after dinner, we went up to the girl's dormitory's together.

"Okay, what should you wear?" Lily asked directing it to me pondering. "Something that would make Sirius not dare take his eyes off of you" Alice added making me blush.

I watched as Lily went over to her closet pulling out different dresses until she found one of hers that she thought would suit me. "Here try this" Lily said handing me a red dress. I nodded and grabbed the robe from her and changed into it quickly. I stepped out so they could see the dress on me.

"It's Perfect. You look great Aurora." Alice said joyfully. "Thanks," I said sheepishly.

"Okay, now it's your guy's turn," I told them so they would get ready.

After a couple of minutes, Alice and Lily both came out of the changing area. Lily was wearing a beautiful little black dress that fit her perfectly. And Alice was wearing a fabulous long-sleeved black dress that was covered with floral designs.

"You both look amazing. Alice Frank won't be able to keep his hands to himself. And Lily your going give poor James a heart attack." I told them jokingly. Lily scoffed, "I did not dress up for James," she said. "Of course you didn't," I said winking at Alice who burst out in laughter. "Hey I'm serious," she said trying to prove her point. "Whatever you say Lils," Alice said.

"We should head down before the party gets into high gear," Alice said. "We'll be down in a second, and I have to talk to Aurora for a sec in private," Lily said, and Alice nodded and left the dorm leaving Lily and me alone. I started to get nervous knowing she wants to talk about what happened over break. I moved and took a seat on the bed and Lily followed taking place next to me.

We sat there for a few moments in silence before Lily spoke up. "Are you going to tell me what happened over break because I can tell something major must have happened?" she said.

I took a deep breath in and then said "Well you know how my family is with there blood prejudice. Let's say they weren't pleased with me with the friends I have made".

"What did they do to you?" she asked with concern. "Um... let's say they threatened me with him who must not be named finding out about me being a blood traitor. And my father might have caught me trying to sneak out to go to the Potter's and let's say he was not pleased with that at all." I told her feeling my hands shake at the memories coming back to me. Lily took my hands into her's trying to calm me down. "What did he do?" she asked.

I let out a little chuckle feeling the tears well up in my eyes. "He used an unforgivable Lily... The cruciatus course" I said with a sob and Lily gasped.

"What kind of father would do that to there own daughter," she said in disbelief. "The same kind that arranges a marriage for there daughter to keep them in line," I told her.

"He did what. Who is it?" She asked. "No other than Regulus Black," I said looking down not wanting to meet her pitting eyes, and I pulled my hands from hers. "Sirius's brother?" she asked. I nodded.

"Does Sirius know?" she asked. "Yeah, after my father used the curse on me I had my house elf Dobby take me to the Potter's and all the boys were there and I told them everything that happened," I told her truthfully.

She pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry for what happened to you they shouldn't treat you as you're a puppet for them to play with," she said softly. "It's not your fault there's no need to apologize. I'll figure this out, and there is no way I'm marrying Regulus." I told her in a promising voice.

We pulled away from each other and stood up. "Let's head down to the party? I'm sure Sirius is waiting for you." Lily said trying to make me feel better, and I nodded my head, and we left the dorm headed down the stairs.

The party was in full swing with people dancing and music loud. Sirius said a small party which this defiantly bigger than expected. I scanned the room unable to spot Sirius I wonder where he was.

"I'm going to go find Alice and Frank, are you okay till you find Sirius?" Lily asked. "Yeah, go find them," I told her, and she left.

I walked around looking for Sirius, and I couldn't find him as I'm watching I see a guy who has a girl pressed up against the wall, and I move to get a closer look, and I know that it's Sirius. I felt my heart drop, and I let out a gasp of air I didn't realize I was holding. Causing him to turn around from the girl. As soon as he see's that it's me he start's talking, but I can't hear him over the sound of my heart beating. I quickly turn around trying to find a way to escape. I move quickly, but he grabs my wrist causing me to turn around and look at him.

"Aurora, please stop, let me explain." he pleaded. I shook my head "There's nothing to explain. It wasn't like we were official or anything. It's fine." I told him. By now everybody was watching the interaction going down.

"Please don't be like that. I care for you, and I'm sorry," he said. "There's no need to be sorry. It wasn't like this was real because if it were something real you wouldn't have been making out with another girl." I said coldly. He scoffed "Don't act like you don't care. Your not some heartless Slytherin you're trying to pretend to be." he said almost pleading. I ripped my wrist away from his grip. "You don't know anything about me Black. And I don't know you at all." I said then left leaving a shocked Sirius Black in my wake. I left the Gryffindor common room with everybody stepping out of my way as I went.

Thinking about how wrong I was to fall for Sirius Black.

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