Chapter 28

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"We need to do something. Aurora has been missing for 2 months, and Dumbledore isn't doing anything about it" Sirius said exasperatedly. 

"Pads, you heard Dumbledore he said he's looking into it," James said. "I'm sure something will come up, Dumbledore wouldn't let a student get hurt," Remus added. 

"Do you guys even care?" Sirius said furiously that the James and Remus weren't more concerned.

James looks at Sirius in disbelief "Do you really think I don't care? Aurora is like the sister I never knew I wanted. So don't you dare say I don't care," James said. "And Aurora has become one of my best friends, and she became an animagus for me just like you both did. That makes her family in my book," Remus said finishing the point. 

Sirius ran his hands through his hair clenching his black locks. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just worried, she could be in danger right now, and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it," Sirius said letting out a frustrated sigh.

A knocking on the door broke the tension in the room, all three of them turned to look who it could be. And Lily came walking into the room looking at all three of them with a determined look. 

"What are doing here, Lilyflower? Finally came to confess your undying love for me" James said smirking only to earn a death glare from Lily. "Not the time Potter. We have more important issues like the fact that Aurora is missing," Lily said.

"What do you think we've been trying to figure out? We haven't been just sitting on our asses while my girlfriend is missing. We're trying to figure out who took her and where she could be," Sirius said staring at the redhead. "I know you have been, I'm just saying we need to do more," Lily said giving Sirius a sad smile. 

"Then by all means, what do you suggest?" Sirius said spitefully.  "Sirius" James said giving Sirius a warning. "James, it's fine he's just hurt and worried," Lily said to James before turning back to Sirius. "I don't know let's go to Dumbledore. He must have some idea where she is" Lily said.

"We already did that, sweetheart," James said. "It was the first thing we did when Aurora never met us at the carriages, and he said he would look into it. And he hasn't given us any more information about where she is." Sirius said letting out a defeated sigh. 

"No. That won't be due. I'm going to his office now he must know where she is," Lily said making her way out of the room. "It's past curfew, Lily you're going to get caught," Remus said to her. 

"Then isn't good I have three of the school best pranksters with me to make sure that doesn't happen," Lily said given them a mischievous look. 

"Lily Evans wanting to break the rules. I'm shocked. What if we lose points for Gryffindor, oh the horror," James said holding a hand over his chest in fake surprise. 

"For Aurora, it's worth it," Lily said truthfully. And the three boys nodded. "Well if we're going to sneak out, we're going to need something. And Lily once you see this you have to promise not to tell anybody," James said going to his trunk and pull out a blanket type thing. 

"What is it?" Lily asked curiously. "It's an invisibility cloak," Sirius said. Lily gasped, "How did you get ahold of an invisibility cloak? Never mind it doesn't matter right now, let's go," Lily said.

All four of them made there way out of the dormitories into the common room and out of the portraits opening. Then placed the cloak so it would cover the four of them. 

"Let's hurry up to Dumbledores office before we get caught," Remus said, and the other three nodded. And they made their way through the halls. 

They were almost to Dumbledores office when they heard footsteps coming. 

"Guy's stop moving, do you hear that?" Lily asked. "What the sound of your undying love for me. Because yes I do then," James said earning him a slap on the back of the head. "Not the time, Prongs," Sirius said.  

"It's McGonagall" Remus piped up as McGonagall approached them. "As long as we remain still and silent she won't notice that we're here," James said, and as if it was on cue McGonagall said, "I know you're there."

They all removed the cloak and looked up at McGonagall who was starring at the four of them with pierced lips.

"Will one of you care to explain, why your out past curfew and sneaking about around the halls," McGonagall said staring intently at them.

"Well funny story you see, we were trying to find Dumbledore," James said smiling sheepishly at the professor. 

"And what would you need with the headmaster at this hour?" McGonagall said unamused. 

"Because no one will tell us where Aurora is and she's been missing for a month now. And nobody seems to give a damn," Sirius said half yelling at the women before muttering a soft sorry.

Professor McGonagall stared at the four them intently before saying "Come with me now." And with that, she started heading down the hall with four Gryffindor's following right behind her not saying a word as they followed the witch. 

Once they reached the Professor's office, they all stood in front of her desk waiting for an explanation.

"If you must know, we received a call from Miss Malfoy's father informing us that she would not be coming to Hogwarts for a time but will be completing the necessary schoolwork at home till she is able to come back to school," McGonagall said.

"No, we have to go save her. She's not safe there" Sirius said frightened. 

"Why would you think that she is in danger?" McGonagall asked with slight curiosity and concern. 

"Because of her parents," Sirius shouted. "And what have they done, to make you concern about miss Malfoy's well being?" McGonagall said sternly. 

Seeing Sirius was getting angrier by the minute, James put his hand on his shoulder and answered the question for him. "Professor, during the holidays last year Aurora showed up on my doorstep after her father used an unforgivable on her the cruciatus curse to be exact. And she's been staying with my family ever since. So please listen to us when we tell you she isn't safe there" James pleaded with the witch. 

A mix of horror washed over McGonagall's face as she tried to control her emotions. "Why would he do that to her?" she asked taken back by the confession. 

"Because she stood up and became friends with mudbloods like me. And so-called blood traitors like them" Lily spoke up.

McGonagall nodded her head "I want the four of you to head to bed. And I'm going to go inform the headmaster immediately and try to get this situation taken care of," McGonagall said and watched as the four Gryffindors stalked out of her room. 

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