Chapter 40

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Sitting in front of my vanity doing my hair and make up for the ball. It was a big night to prove myself to my parents. A knocking from the door startled me then the door opens and my mother comes strolling in all ready for the ball tonight.

 A knocking from the door startled me then the door opens and my mother comes strolling in all ready for the ball tonight

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"Now my dear Aurora, I hope you know how important this night is," she said glancing over at me.

"Of course, mother."

"Tonight me and your father have a surprise for you. A way to redeem yourself in the eyes of the pure-blood community."

Thinking back to what Lucius told me on the train about our parents arranging another marriage for me. It made me sick to even thinking about it but I couldn't let it show.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"You'll just have to wait, you'll find out tonight." she paused then added, "Now I bought you a new dress tonight, we couldn't have you in any old rags could we."

"Dobby" my mother yelled. And the house elf immediately appeared in my room. 

"Yes, mistress?" Dobby asked mother.

"Go fetch me the new dress, I got for Aurora it's in my room," she said looking down at Dobby as if he was less than her.

Not taking long at all Dobby appeared back in my room dress in hand. Going over to him I take the dress and thank him and then he disappears. 

"Now go and put the dress on," mother insisted waiting for me to comply. 

Obeying her, I remove my robe and slip into the emerald green dress. Because is there any other way to show that I'm a Slytherin. 

Once I get the dress on, my mother comes over and zips the back up for me. And she turns us so we are facing the mirror. 

"See you look like the noble lady you were born. Now I know I told you that your father and I had a surprise for you and I wouldn't tell you to later. But, I'll give you a hint. We arranged another marriage for you since the one with dear Regulus didn't work out. You'll meet your new finance tonight at the ball. I need you not to mess this up, your father had to pull a lot of strings to get a respectful family to agree to this marriage after all of your discrepancies. This is your last chance," my mother said tightening her hold on my shoulders either on purpose or accident.  

"I will make you and father proud. I promise you," I told her. 

Slowly releasing her grip on my shoulders she said: "Great, now hurry to finish up your last touches and meet us downstairs to greet the guests as they arrive." Then she left.

Putting one last swipe of dark red lipstick on I look in the mirror deciding this was as good as it was going to get. Grabbing my silver heels I strap them on to my feet and head out the door and down the stairs. 

As I made my way down the stairs, my parents and brother turned to look from the bottom of the staircase. It was probably the proudest I've seen either of my parents look at me since I was a little girl. 

The four of us stood there by the front of the door greeting the guests. Between the other noble pure-bloods, to high ranking ministry officials, to the actual minister of magic himself. 

The next group to come in was the Rosier family, who looked to have a boy that I knew graduated last year from Hogwarts. 

"Mr. Rosier, I'm glad you and your family could make it," my mother greeted.

"Please, it's our pleasure. Afterall it's time four my dear boy Evan to meet his future bride after all," Mr. Rosier said and I paused when I realized who he must be referring about for the bride part. 

I glanced nervously to my father  who said, "Ah yes, it is time for Aurora and Evan to get acquainted with one another if they're going to be bound through marriage."

Catching my fathers glance at me, I turn towards Evan and finally get a good look at him. If I wasn't in love with Sirius and if the Rosier family weren't known supporters of he who shall not be named. I would think this wasn't such a bad match.  But doing what I suppose to do and what was accepted of me I gave a little curtsey to Evan. To who when I looked up looked slightly amused by the situation. 

Smirking he took my hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed it lightly then said "I'm glad to see that you've grown into a beautiful woman since the last time I saw you at Hogwarts. What were you a 2nd year?"

"A third year, if you must know," I told him giving him a small smile. 

"Evan dear, how about you take your bride to be to the ballroom and share your first dance hopefully of many," his mother said smiling at the two of us.

"Of course mother," he said to her then turn toward my parents and asked, "If that's fine with the two of you of course?"

"Of course my dear boy, take Aurora for a spin," my father said and with that Evan took me by the arm pulling us into the ballroom. 

Leading us onto the dance floor Evan put one arm around my waist and the other one took my hand and we began to waltz.

I tried to look anywhere but up at him as he lead us in the dance. 

"Anything on your mind?" he asked causing me to glance up at him and meet his dark eyes. 

"Just thinking about the future we're going to have together," I quickly lied hoping it was believable. 

"Oh yes, that is something we need to discuss. Especially about all the rumors about you. With you know being a blood traitor and all," he said coolly. 

"I can ensure you that's all in the past," I tried to convince him as we move through the dance floor. 

"It better be. I won't have my future wife disgracing the Rosier name. Now I promise you I will try my best to make sure you have a good and happy life. But, there are a few things I won't put up with. And one of those is associating with blood traitors or those underneath us. Is that understood?'

"Understood," I said nonchalantly trying to remain as those I agree with all his nonsense.  

"The other things can wait till we are wed," he told me as the dance finished.

All I could think was how I wanted his hands off of me and to be replaced with Sirius's. 

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