Chapter 10

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The Christmas Eve ball was tonight, and I am going to have to come face to face with Regulus Black. The boy I was supposed to marry one day because my parents sold me like I was some piece of meat. All they want me to be is someone I am not, why should I have to do everything to please them when they are horrible people. Serving the dark lord who kills innocents, people like my friends. I'm so sick of being stuck in this household feeling trapped like I can't escape. No matter what I do, I always end up here between choosing to be me or to please my family. But no matter what I do it was never good enough. I'm not my brother the heir to the Malfoy name I'm just the spare the unwanted who only brings disappointment to her parents no matter what I do.

Pushing the thoughts away, I got dressed in the ball gown my mother had gotten me. Though I don't like to admit it, the gown was beautiful. As soon I had gotten the dress on my mother came waltzing into my room she looked me up and down, and her face turned into a pleased look. "Well dear, you might have a chance to prove yourself tonight. In that dress, you will look like the elite you are, and you will impress your future in-laws. Are we clear?" she said coldly. "Yes, mother" I muttered. "What was that?" she asked. "Yes, mother," I said now clearly.

"Now, let's get that hair of yours under control, come to sit," she said bring me over to my vanity. I sit down, and she looks at my hair examine it thinking of what to do. "Curlus Reviuum," she said using her wand to make my hair fall into precise curls. She genially smiles at the work she has done. "Perfect," she said. "Now let's go downstairs the guests are going to arrive, and we need to be there to greet them." She said firmly and left my room signaling me to follow her.

When we got downstairs, I stood by my family as we were all dressed up to the nines. The first to arrive were the Nots than the Parkinsons. After a few other families showed up in came Orion, Walburga, and Regulus Black. My family went over to greet them. "Abraxas. Mara. Good to see you both again." Orion Black said greeting my parents. "Well is that you Aurora, you've grown into such a beautiful young lady." Mrs. Black said eyeing me. "Thank you, Mrs. Black," I said. "Please call me Walburga were going to be family at all," she said with a sinister smile. "Not if I have anything to do with it." I thought to myself. "I guess we are. Thank you, Walburga." I force myself to say in a sickly sweet voice. I looked at my mother who is smiling in approval at me for my actions. "Let's leave these two alone. Give them some time to get to know each other. After all, they are going to be husband and wife one day." My Father said, and the others nodded in agreement leaving me alone with Regulus who hasn't said anything yet.

"Okay, let's get one thing clear, I wasn't given a choice in this marriage. And I'm guessing you didn't either?" I asked. "Well, your guess would be right. Both of our parent's thought this marriage would benefit our family lines, so they made this major decision for us, and we don't get a choice." He said. "Says who?" I said baffled. "What?" he asked confused to what I was referring to. "Says who? Why don't we get a choice in this matter?" I said. He scoffed, "Because we're both just pons of our parents." he said.

I scoffed, and he came closer to me. "Come on love, don't be like that." He said, and I took a step back. "What is it with you Black's calling me love. Stop it." I told him sternly. He smirked, "Oh I see the problem you care about my disgrace of a brother. Don't fall for his charms he'll leave you like he does all the rest." he said. "I don't like Sirius like that," I said, but a part of me could tell I was lying to myself. Then he came and stood in front of me bending down, "I know Sirius is known for charming the ladies, but I can be very charming to love." he said whispering in my ear. I felt my body shiver at his closeness than realization came back to me and I pushed him away. "Stop that," I told him, and he smirked "What on earth are you are talking about, love," he said. I glared at him, "You know what" I said and then stormed away from him.

The rest of the night I sat alone with a few guests coming over now and then trying to strike up conversations with me. But that night all I was thinking about was how fast my life is changing. And how many difficult decisions I'm going have to make. Merlin, how am I going to tell the boys what happened over break when we get back to Hogwarts? How is Sirius going to react when I'm going to marry his brother that he loathes.

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