Chapter 11

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It was New years eve, the night of the Potter's party and I told James I would try to come. Which might be more difficult than I initially thought. Now that my father has made it explicitly clear that I am not to be friends with them anymore. I know what being friends with them could cost me and my family's life if I'm not careful. But I am done hiding away I can be friends with them and protect my family if it comes down to it. I may not like my family that much, but I will defend them because that's what your suppose to do for loved ones.

It was now nine a clock at the party should be getting in full swing, and I decided to start my descent into sneaking out of the manor. Making my way quietly down the stairs so I won't be caught. But unfortunately, I came face to face with my father sitting on the couch. "Where do you think you are going?" He said. Trying to come up with a clever to tell him but all I could come up with was "I was just going out for a stroll." I cringed at how bad that lie was.

My father stood up from where he was sitting and came over to me. "I know you weren't sneaking out to see those blood traitor friends of yours, for that party I heard that the Potters were throwing. You wouldn't be that stupid, at least I hope that no daughter of mine would try something so idiotic like that." He said glaring down at me. "Now back to your room, you won't be making a mockery of the Malfoy name anymore.". He said raising his voice.

"If I'm such a disappointment for you how bout I just leave," I told him. "If only it were that simple. But you will stay here, you will stop hanging around those blood traitors and mudbloods, and you will marry Regulus Black." He said coldly. "No," I told him. "What?" he retorted. "I said no. I'm done with being a Malfoy if it means I can't be around those who I want to be." I said bravely to him.

What he did next I did not expect. He pulled out his wand than said an unforgivable spell at me. "Crucio," he said. And I feel down to the ground in pain clenching my stomach, feeling the tears well in my eyes but I won't give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream. "Crucio" I hear him say again through the pain and I couldn't keep it in anymore, and I let out a groan of pain. The pain was unbearable the worst I have ever felt, no wonder why it was one of the three unforgivable.

"Maybe this will teach you to show some respect. And to stay away from those people you call friends," he said then left me on the ground in agony.

After what it felt like hours Dobby appeared beside me. "Mistress are you okay?" he said, and I shook my head in defeat. "What can Dobby do to make mistress better?" he asked. "Get me out this house," I told him. "Is there anything else Dobby can do, that would make master very unhappy with Dobby," he said. I shook my head, "Please Dobby get me out of here. I can't stay here anymore it will only bring me more pain." I said pleading to him.

"Dobby will get mistress Aurora out of here. Where should Dobby take mistress to?" Dobby asked, and I let out a sigh of relief "Potter residence" I told him. Dobby took my hand and apparated us to the Potter's, and we arrived on the front porch.

I slowly got up from the ground and turned to Dobby, "Thank you, Dobby for helping me. You must not tell anybody though where you took me, can you do this last thing for me?" I asked him. "Of course anything for you mistress you have always been kind to Dobby," he said than apparated back to the Malfoy manor I assumed.

I could tell the party was still going on, and I knocked on the door and waited for someone to come and let me in. When the door opened, I saw James go from a smiling idiot to one intense with concern. "Aurora what happened?" he asked with extreme worry. I shook my head not wanting to talk about what happened tonight. He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the empty kitchen, and next thing I know in came Remus, Peter, and Sirius wondering what was going on. I kept my head down so they couldn't see cuts and bruises on my face from the curse that my father had cast on me.

"Aurora you made it," Sirius said excitedly than made his way over closer to James and me. I looked up at him and made eye contact, and his face converted from one of happiness to one of horror. "Who did this to you?" he asked with concern. And I just broke down in tears, and he quickly came and pulled me into a hug. I heard him say something to James, but I could not morph it out what he said precisely.

An older woman came into the kitchen in a hurry. She came over to, and I pulled away from him. She looked at me with such sadness. "Let's get those cuts cleaned, dear. I'm Euphemia, James mum." She said. "Can you sit up here on the counter dear and I can get you all healed up," she said in a sweet motherly tone that I have never quite heard from even my mother. I moved and sat where she told me to and as she healed me all four boys watched me with concern.

Once she is finished, she started asking me questions. "Dear, could you tell me what happened?" she asked. I nodded, "My father was not pleased with me to say." I said. And she gasped, "Your father did this?" she asked needing more of a confirmation of what she previously heard. The next thing I know she pulled me into a tight loving hug holding me close. "Your safe now, we aren't going to let anything more happen to you," she said than I looked behind her at the silent boys who were nodding there head in confirmation.

Than who I am assuming was Mr. Potter came into the kitchen. "I sent all the guest home," he said. I looked down after being released from Mrs. Potter, feeling for bad that I have ruined their party. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come. I ruined your party." I said quietly. Mr.Potter turned to me, "Nonsense, you haven't ruined anything. We are always happy to help someone in need." He said smiling.

"Boys will you please take Aurora up to the guest room. And help her get situated for the night." Mrs. Potter said. The boys all nodded, and Sirius came over to me and held out his hand to help me get down from the counter. They led me up the stairs in silence sensing I did not want to talk about it yet.

We stopped, and James opened it allowing all of us to go into the beautiful bedroom. "You can stay in this room, I and the rest of us are staying in my room which is right across from this one so we will be there if you need us for anything and don't hesitate," James said. I looked up at him and smiled sadly at him thankful for what they all are doing for me. I went over and sat on the bed feeling the poll of the night take ahold of me and slowly lay down till my head hit the pillow.

The boys sensing that I was tired of started to leave the room. "Sirius" I called out, and he stopped and came over to me in a rush. But the other boys left the room closing the door.

"What do you need, Aurora?" he asked with concern. "Stay with me, please. I don't want to be alone... not right now." I said softly. He nodded and laid on the bed next to me but keeping a safe distance away. But that's not what I wanted right now for him to do. I scooted over and laid my head on his chest letting a few tears escape my eyes. "Please tell me what exactly happened over break?" He asked pleading with me. I yawned, "Tomorrow." I said looking up at him. "Promise," he asked me staring down at me. "Promise," I said, and with that, I finally let my self-drift off.

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