Chapter 18

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Thankfully today was Saturday, so there were no classes. I've been staying in Lily and Alice's dorm for about a week now, and it was honestly great. Alice was very accepting when Lily and I asked her if I could stay with them. I couldn't believe how stupid I was for thinking about giving it all up for what Black did.

Sitting down by the lake was relaxing, I was studying for OWL's that were coming up at the end of the school year. I needed to do well on them.

Hearing the sound of something snap, I whipped my head back to see James, Remus, Peter, and... Black are coming over to me. I hurried to gather up my books that I was using to try and make a break for it. But I was to slow as they were over to me in a flash.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry? Are we that bad to be around" James asked jokingly. "Not in a hurry have to um... meet up with Lily. Yeah, I have to meet Lily" I said not so convincingly. Hearing someone scoffed I turned to look to see who it was and of course it was no other than Black. I glared at him not wanting to involve myself in an actual conversation with him.

"Hey we just here to see if you want to help us in a prank were planning. I promise." James said trying to get me to stay. "You know I would, but you see I... fine I'll help," I said giving in to them. "You won't regret it," James said smiling.

"Okay so when are we going to do it. Tonight?" I asked them. I look between all the boys and their eyes widen, and three of them glanced to Remus who visibly paled. "No not tonight. Tonights not good we have detention with um McGonagall." James said.

That was weird I thought to myself. "What did you guys do to get all four of you in trouble?" I asked curiously. "She caught us out in the halls after curfew," Remus said quickly. "Oh," I said feeling like they were hiding something from me. "How about tomorrow?" I asked them. And all four boys nodded there head in agreement.

"Okay, I'm just going to go back to studying now. If you don't mind." I told them taking a seat back down on the ground and taking my books back out. One of them came and took place next to me I turned to see who it was and of course, it was Black.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated. He put his hands up in mock surrender, "Hey can't I just sit here and enjoy the view." he said. "If you want to enjoy the view of the lake so bad, go sit somewhere else and do it," I told him. "But the view I want to see is you," he said smirking.

I looked down back at my books afraid that the blush on my cheeks would encourage him more. "Just go please," I said pleading with him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I kissed her. I suppose I got scared, I care about you, and that scares me in ways you don't know." He said trying to get me to believe him. I scoffed at this, "You never gave me a chance to know. I told you pretty much everything with what happened over break. You could have just talked to me that you thought we were moving to fast or something. You're the one who kissed me that night, and if you didn't think you were ready, you shouldn't have done it" I told him angrily than took a deep breath to try and keep my emotion in control. Then added "Because I'm scared too of letting you in and what you did prove my fears right," I told him honestly.

He just stared at me jaw dropped. "I'm sorry, I can't do this I gotta go" I sad weakly and gathered my stuff up and stood. "Please don't go. Give me another chance and prove to that I won't hurt you again" he said pleading. I shook my head, "I can't... not right now".

"I'll prove it to you Aurora that you can trust me and I won't ever hurt you again," He said promisingly. I smiled sadly at him no matter how bad I wanted to have him back and to be in his arms again I couldn't not right now. "I'll see you later, Black," I told him and walked off leaving him alone.

Time Skip:

Later that night Alice, Lily, and I were sitting around in the common room that was empty talking about random stuff. When James, Remus, Peter, and Black came down the stairs leaving the common room.

"Where are you all going?" I asked

"Detention with Slughorn," Peter said. "I thought you said you had detention tonight with McGonagall," I asked them. "Well, you see we have Slughorn's detention first than detention with McGonagall after. So we gotta go, or we'll be late" James said then they all left quickly before I could question them.

I turned to the girls and said "That was weird" I said. "Yeah but that's Potter for you. There always up to something so I wouldn't worry about it" Lily said. "You're probably right," I said not quite believing it there hiding something. "I'm going to go get something from the kitchens quick," I told the girls who just nodded.

Exiting the common room, I made my way in search of those boys. There hiding something and I want to know no I need to know. After walking around for a few minutes, I spotted the four of them, and I decided to follow from a safe distance so I wouldn't be detected.

I know we weren't heading to the Potions or Transfiguration classroom with the way we were heading. So I know they were at least lying about the detentions. I followed as they made there way outside till they made there way up to whomping willow. What in Merlin's name were they doing they were going to get hurt or worst. I was about to scream at them to stop when one figure disappeared into some hidden in the tree. Bloody Hell what were these boys doing. After the last one went in, I made my way over there barely dodging whomping willows tree branches as they tried to smash me.

Sliding down the passageway I was in some long hallway of sorts that led somewhere. I followed down the dirty hall to I came to an end. I slowly opened the door to see an abandoned looking run downed house. I entered the room looking for the boys. When I opened the door to the place that I heard noises come from I saw all four of them.

"What are you doing here? You have to leave now" Sirius said sternly. "No you guy's lied to me what are you doing here and what is this place?" I said than Remus let out a yelp of pain. I turned to him with concern when Sirius grabbed me by the arm to get me out of the room. "Let go of me, Remus is in pain I can help," I told him. "No you can't what you can do is leave," he said. I scoffed, "No, not till you tell me what is going on. What is happening to Remus," I said. Black took a quick look back to Remus who was now surrounded by a stag and a rat. Wait where did James and Peter go. "There's no time to explain. You need to get out of here NOW! It's not safe, and please leave now while you still can before you get hurt" he pleaded. I look from him than to Remus who was still yelling out in pain I looked back to Black and nodded my head knowing he was honest. "Go!" he practically shouted. And with than I raced out of the house and as I was making my down back to the passageway I heard a loud howl.

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