Chapter 17

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Let's say the next day went as expected. I took my old spot next to Lucius at the Slytherin table with other Slytherins giving me questioning looks for my return. Trying to drown out there conversation to the best of my ability because I might be back with them. It doesn't mean I started to believe in the nonsense about blood traitors and Muggle-borns. And right now there were going on and on about how muggle borns shouldn't be accepted into Hogwarts and all that nonsense.

Feeling someone staring at me I looked up to meet who ever's eyes it was, and it was Sirius freaking Black's. I glared at him, and he turned away noticing that I caught him.

Once breakfast was made, we headed to our first class which I was dreading. Because it was potions with the Gryffindors which meant Black and I did not feel like talking to him yet or ever for that matter.

Walking to class with Lucius was dreadful if I was honest. I miss my friends, but he was right it was just matter of time before they would leave me, so I'll make it easier on us all and go on my own accord.

Getting into class, I took an empty seat with my brother sitting with Narcissa leaving me alone. I hoped no one would sit with me or anybody besides the five Gryffindor's I was avoiding sat with me.

Oh for how wrong I was to hope because no other than Sirius Black took the seat next to me. I glared at him, "There's plenty of open seats Black how about you go sit in one of them" I hissed. He frowned before saying "Please, I'm sorry I should not have kissed Marlene it was a mistake. She doesn't mean anything to me. I want you". I scoffed how big of an idiot did he think I was, "If you wanted me you wouldn't have kissed her because you had me. I was your's after everything that happened over break" I told him honestly. "I'm sorry, what more do you want me to do? I'll do anything for you to forgive me" he said. "What I want you to do is to stop, whatever this was done the moment you decided to lip lock with another girl. I want to do my potions work so if you're not going to stop talking, please find somewhere else to sit." I said wanting to be done with this conversation.

He just looked at me with the saddest puppy eyes. I just looked away it hurt too much. He didn't know how much it hurt me to be near him and how much it broke my heart.

The rest of classes drowned on for the rest of the day with Potter and Lupin trying to get me to talk to them but I just kept pushing them away. Deciding to skip dinner I headed up to the library for a much-needed catch up on all of my assignments that were due soon.

I don't know how long I was working for, but someone came up sitting in front of me at the table I was working at breaking me out of my trance. Looking up to see who it was I came face to face with Lily Evans who looked angry tapping her finger impatiently.

"Why have you been ignoring us. I talked to Potter, and he said you have to brush them off too. I get why your upset with Sirius but what did I do?" she asked confused. I looked down not having a right answer for her.

"I need space," I told her. "Not good enough," she said flatly. I started to get angry that she wouldn't just leave it alone. I stood up from the chair abruptly wanting to get away from this conversation. Going to a corner of the library to get away but she followed me.

"You can't just walk away from this, Aurora. I am your friend; please talk to me" she pleaded. "Fine, you want to know the truth here it is. What Black did last night made me realize things. Things like that I should leave before the rest of you hurt me too because honestly, I'm surprised you guys haven't left me already, after all, I'm just a snake that befriended the lions it's just a matter of time before you all step on me" I told her truthfully finding letting it all out. I let out a sob I didn't even know I was holding in. And Lily came over and took me into her arms just letting me get it all out.

After a few moments, she spoke up, "Your not some Slytherin Aurora you are kind and you stick up for people. You protected me when your brother and his friends decided to pick on me because of my blood status. Just because Sirius hurt you doesn't mean the rest of us will. We care for you so much, and I know Potter see's you as a sister so please don't throw that away because of Sirius being a git".

I know she's right I shouldn't expect them to hurt me just because Black did. Lily has been nothing but kind to James and me has welcomed me into his home and given me a place to stay and call home. After what my father did to me after my brother told him of my friends. Oh, Merlin, I thought I was an idiot yesterday after Black, but I was even a bigger idiot to go back to my brother he was manipulating me to be back on his side. He doesn't care for me he doesn't care that our father crucioed me. James, Remus, Peter, and Black was there for me when I showed up to James after it happened.

I might not want to be friends with Black anymore, but that doesn't give me the right to block out the rest of them because of his mistake.

I pulled away from Lily after I calmed down and smiled at her. "Thank you, your right," I told her. She smiled, "Good now that settled you're staying with me and Alice in our dorm," she told me with no room for argument. I nodded not wanting to fight her about it.

We headed to her dorm in comfortable silence, and when we got up to the room, Alice was already in there fast asleep. Lily walked over to the small couch that they had in the place than muttered a quick transfiguration spell and changed it into a small bed. "Here you can sleep on this," she said I smiled at her as thanks than walked over to the new ben and laid down on it and it was surprisingly comfortable.

After Lily got ready for bed, she turned out the lights and said "Goodnight." "Night" I answered back then let sweet slumber come to me.

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