Chapter 6

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The next few weeks went by fast I was spending more and more time with the Marauders and Lily. And I could not help but feel like I finally found someplace I belonged. For them, I don't have to try and be someone I'm not. I don't have to pretend to hate people that I don't. And I felt free.

But the tricky part was keeping it from my brother and my other housemates knowing that they would tell my brother and he would tell father.

That's how I ended up here Saturday evening sitting in the boy's Gryffindor dorm with all four of them. James and Peter were sitting on their bed working on the History of Magic report while me, Remus, and Sirius were sprawled out on the floor doing the same.

"This is so boring, why do we have to learn this." James groaned throwing his head back on his pillow. "Let's go do something fun," James said. That was getting my attention I looked up to him and asked, "Like what?". James thinks for a second before answering "Let's go play a prank on them... Ravenclaw's" he said mischievously.

"Let's do it"Sirius, and I said at the same time causing us to break out laughing. "Who knew our favorite Slytherin had a pranking side?" Sirius said. I shoved him in the arm slightly, "Hey just because I'm in Slytherin doesn't mean I don't know how to have fun. And I'm the only Slytherin you tolerate." I said.

"I don't know I'm quite of fond of your brother his magnificent hair almost beats mine," Sirius said running his hands through his long dark brown hair. "Very funny," I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

I turned back to James, "I think we should sneak into their common room tonight once everybody is asleep and turn all their hair... Pink." I said. James and Sirius smirked, "Brilliant, Aurora." James said. I look over to Peter to see that he was nodding his head in approval to then over to Remus who was shaking his in disapproval but chuckling.

"Okay, but how are we going to get into the common room without their password?" I asked the boys. James turned to Remus, "Well we're going to leave that up to Moony here who will be a wiz at solving the riddle to get in." James said. I nodded my head. "We need to come up with a game plan to make sure we don't get caught sneaking over there tonight," I told them.

James got up off his bed than opened his trunk to pull out what I'm guessing was a blanket. "How is a blanket supposed to help us?" I asked. Than Sirius wrapped his arm around my shoulder and said smirking"Oh, sweet Aurora that isn't just a blanket but an invisibility cloak of course." My jaw dropped how did these boys get their hand on one.

"So, we'll sneak out once everybody leaves the common room tonight under the invisibility cloak and make our way over to Ravenclaw tower. Remus will answer the riddle. Then we'll split up and take the dorm rooms one by one." James said. "I'll pair up with Aurora. And then you, Remus, and Peter can be together." Sirius said. We all nod in approval of the plan.

We all decided to take a break from our report except Remus he already finished his of course. We all were talking and having a good time when James turned to me. "So, your friends with Lily, right?" he asked me. "Yeah, I guess I would consider her my friend," I told him. "Could you do me a favor?" he asked me hopefully. "Depending on what it is," I told him. "Could you talk to Lily and try to convince her to go on a date with me. I have been trying for years, but all she does is reject me and call me an arrogant toerag." James said. I think for a second debating. "I will. Not because you asked but because spending time with you the boy's these past few weeks I can see that she should give you a chance." I told him, and I swear I have never seen that boy smile bigger. He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you, and you won't regret it." "Come on mate, let her go your making her uncomfortable," Sirius said, and James let go.

It was finally almost midnight, and we took a peek out at the common room and saw that everybody has gone to bed. Giving us our signal that we can go and execute the prank.

James lifted his cloak which was surprisingly big enough to fit all five us under, but it was a tight fit. My back was pressed up against Sirius's chest, and he put his hand on my waist to hold me there, so the cloak wants to move. "Let's go," Sirius said close to my ear.

We made our way slowly up to Ravenclaw tower being careful of our movements so we would not get caught. Finally getting there we let Remus out from under the cloak so he could open the portrait. "I am weightless but can be seen. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?" the portrait asked. Remus thought for a second before answering. "A hole," he said, and the portrait door opened. We all went in making sure the common room is cleared before we took off the cloak.

Once the cloak was removed, Sirius was still holding me to his chest with his hand on my waist. I look up at him, "You can let go of me now" I told him softly. He mutters a quick an apology and let's go moving a step back.

"Let's do this," James said, and we broke off with me, and Sirius takes the girls dorms and the boys making the Ravenclaw boys dorms.

Once we were all done, we met back up in the common room and left as quickly as possible before anyone decided to wake up and catch four Gryffindor's and a Slytherin in their common room.

We all got back under the cloak like before, and Sirius' hand didn't even seem like it hesitated before wrapping itself around my waist and pulling me into him. But for some reason, I didn't even mind.

We left the common room trying to head back to the Gryffindor common room, and from there I would head to my own. We were almost in the clear when suddenly I tripped over my own two feet causing me and Sirius to fall to the ground with a loud thud.

I heard footsteps coming our way, and both of us were still on the ground. The other three boys were still under the cloak. When the figure came over to Sirius and me, and it was Professor McGonagall crap, and she did not look pleased with Sirius and me.

"Ms. Malfoy and Mr. Black what are you two doing outside of your common rooms?" she asked us. I looked to Sirius trying to come up with an explanation. "Well, you see we were... going out for a stroll." Sirius said, and I had to refrain from slapping myself in the head because that was the best excuse he could come up with. Professor McGonagall pierced her lips before saying, "Very well, but 10 points from Slytherin and Gryffindor. And you will serve detention with me tomorrow night after dinner. Now back to your common rooms." She said.

I looked toward Sirius and gave him a sad smile of apology since it was my fault that we both got caught. Professor McGonagall left right after because she heard a noise coming from another hall.

"Well, it could have been worse," Sirius said chuckling. "Your right," I told him smiling thinking about the prank we just pulled. "I'm going head to the Slytherin common room from here, and you boys head on without me," I told them. "Are you sure?" Sirius asked, and I nodded my head. "See you tomorrow." The four boys said, and I went on my way. Little did I know someone was waiting for me to return to the Slytherin common room.

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