Chapter 38

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It was time again to leave Hogwarts for the Winter holidays. And to say that I was nervous was an understatement. I would have to go back to the Malfoy manor where my father and mother are and my brother will be joining us. The plan has been going perfectly so far with me getting in with the Slytherins and gaining my brother's trust.

I walk right alongside my brother and Narcissa as we make our way to the platform.

"Lucius, you don't think father will be too hard on me when we return right?" I asked him slightly concerned for my safety with being with the horrid man.

"Sister, I have owled father and talked to him about coming to your senses. And that you have been proving yourself as an ali. So as long as you follow the rules and keep doing what you are doing to prove to them that you have changed your ways, I'm sure father and mother will accept you back," Lucius said trying to convince me and I just nodded my head.

Narcissa then went on and on discussing when the two of them shall be married after they finish at Hogwarts. For the rest of our way to the platform.

Once we got on the train we grabbed a compartment that was free and closed the door so we could talk freely without the fear of people overhearing.

"Now mother and father are having their annual ball again this year. And I have been instructed to tell you that they have set up a new match for you since dear Regulus didn't work out. They have not told me who, but I need you to promise to behave and act the part you're supposed to be. This is your last chance at a marriage and everything or you will be disowned if this doesn't work out," Lucius said starring right at me his grey eyes meeting my identical grey ones.

"Of course, I won't let the family down again," I promised him but in my mind, I could only think of Sirius and how much I miss him. He still hasn't talked to me since I told him what I had to because of Dumbledore.

The rest of the train ride went by slowly hearing Lucius and Narcissa flirt the whole bloody time. We were almost to King Cross when I told them I was going to go change out of my Slytherin robes.

Making my way out of the compartment I head to the bathroom with my clothes in hand. When I suddenly was pulled into a compartment. Going to pull out my wand to hex the person when I realized it was Sirius Black.

"What the hell, were you thinking Sirius. You don't just pull people into random rooms when you feel like it, I could have hurt you," I told him angrily.

"I like to see you try, love," he smirked.

"Oh so now I'm love, last I checked you were pissed off at me because I have to go be a spy for Dumbledore. And you wouldn't even talk to me. So I'm just going to go," I whispered yelled at him and made a move to leave when he grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me into him wrapping his strong arms around me. I couldn't help but melt in his embrace that I've been missing so much.

"I'm so sorry," he said into my hair. "I was scared. Scared that you were going to get hurt or worst by those people. I mean your putting your life at stake and this is a war and people die during times of war. And I don't know what I would do if I lost you Aurora," he admitted still not letting me go.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes from his confession. Pulling back slightly from him I stare up into his grey eyes then glance towards his lip before I crash mine into his.

After a few minutes, we pull away. "I love you, don't forget that. And I will come out of this alive I promise you," I told him.

"I love you, too," he said smiling down at me.

I decided not to tell him about the arranged marriage for now. Not wanting to ruin the moment we were having.

"I have to go, Lucius is going to be wondering what is taking me so long," I told him sadly.

"Just promise me you'll be safe," he said.

"I promise," I replied then gave him one last kiss that made it all worth it.

Then left to go change and made my way back to the compartment that my brother Narcissa are in.

"What took you so long?" Narcissa asked when I came in.

"Just wanted to make sure I looked my best to impress my mother and father," I told her giving her smile so she would believe me.

The rest of the train ride went by quick and we were finally at platform 9 3/4. And I was more nervous than ever.

"It's going to be okay," Lucius said sensing my nerves and I just nodded and we made our way off the train.

Keeping my head up high I walk side by side with Lucius till we stood right in front of our parents.

"Lucius, my dear boy it's great to see you," our mother beamed at him not saying anything about me.

Our father glanced at me then to my brother who gave him a nod. "We will discuss your situation when we get home Aurora," was all he said then the four of us left the platform in silence.

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