Chapter 26

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With summer finally coming to an end, were sitting in the cabin on the train about to leave to began our sixth year at Hogwarts. So much has happened since the fifth year ended. I moved in with the Potter's, and so did Sirius. Between Sirius showing up bloody and beaten on the verge of dying and then later confessing that we loved each other. I Aurora Malfoy am in love with Sirius Black who would have thought. If Sirius was sorted into Slytherin and if I still acted like the perfect daughter it would probably be a match that would please both of our parents. 

"Aurora, are you listening to us?" someone said breaking me out of my thoughts. 

I turn to see Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter all starring at me. "Sorry, got lost in thought. What were you talking about?" I asked them.

They all shook their heads and laughed. "We were just discussing the prank we should pull this year," James said. "Especially on Snivelious," Sirius added.

I frowned at that "He's not bad of a guy. You or we shouldn't just single him out because you all don't like the poor bloke" I told them gravely.

"I'm gonna pretend you just didn't stand up for that oily git," Sirius said looking at me like I was crazy.

"I know you don't like him because of Lily, but do you have to make his life a living hell because of it," I said to James completely ignoring Sirius comment. 

"Let's talk about something else. Like, how I'm gonna lead the Gryffindor Quidditch team to victory this year as captain of the team" James said changing the topic.

"Or how I'm gonna show you off and let everybody know I have the best girlfriend in Hogwarts," Sirius said smirking and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him. 

I couldn't help but blush at his words and forget the earlier part of the conversation. 

I looked up at him smiling mischievously, "Just Hogwarts?" I asked smirking. His grey eyes lit up "The world" he said then kissed me on the cheek. I could still feel butterflies erupt in my stomach when he does simple things like that.

"Okay, that's enough you two lovebirds. Time to separate," James said looking at us with his nose all scrunched up in fake disgust. 

"Shut up, Prongs. You wouldn't be complaining if it was you and Lily. You know it could actually get her to agree to go on a date with you," Sirius said causing us all to break out into laughter while James just scoffed. "You wait and see guy's this year Lily Evans is going to go on a date with me. And someday she will be the future Mrs. Potter" James said.

"Does Lily know this?" Remus said smiling. "Come on Moony, not you two, and I need one of you to believe in me," James said with fake hurt. 

"I hate to say this because this is just going to feed his already enormous ego. But Lily didn't seem to totally oppose the idea of going out with James at the end of last year. If you know, he stopped in her words an arrogant toerag." I said.

"So it's never gonna happen?" Sirius asked amused. Next thing I know a flying book is coming towards Sirius' head and he hurriedly ducks his head lower next to mine missing the flying predator in mere milliseconds. 

"That was my BOOK" Remus exclaimed. "And you ruined my devilishly good looks if that book hit my face," Sirius said and picked up the book and tossed back to Remus who then put it away for safekeeping.

"You can't ruin what you don't have," James said smirking proudly.

"Okay, you both need to stop it. You almost ruined Remus book. Can we agree that James does have a little chance of getting Lily to go out with him this year or the next? And Sirius your devilishly good looks are intact," I told them, and both Sirius and James nodded.

The next few hours on the train seemed to fly by until we got to Hogwarts.

We were all existing the train till I forgot my bag in the compartment and needed to head back to get it. 

"I'll be right back, I forgot something on the train," I told the four of them. "Do you want me to go with you, love?" Sirius asked, but I shook my head. "I'll be fine. I'll be right back and in time for the carriages so save me a seat." I told him then walked back on to the train.

Walking back into the compartment I go to grab my black bag from the overhead compartment when the door closes behind me. I turn to see who closed it when I came face to face with Bellatrix who looked at me with her sinister smile.

"What do you want?" I asked glaring at the crazy bitch I mean witch. 

"I just have a message to deliver to you," she said staring at me with her crazy eyes. 

"And what message would that be?" I asked her curiously. 

"The dark lord sends his regards," she said, and I tense. The next thing I know she pulls out her wand and casts a spell before I can get mine. "Stupefy," she says that everything goes black.

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