Chapter 39

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Malfoy manor always seemed dark and dreary even as a kid. Never had that homey feel that the Potter's house does. Where you feel safe and secure, here it's cold and something always feels like its lurking in the shadows. 

I stand in front of the fireplace and wait for my parents to address me like I have been told to. After a few minutes both my father and mother make their way towards me. Mother sit's elegant as always on the couch and father sits next to her staring me down. 

"From what your brother has told us. You have finally come to your senses and have come back to your family. But, I'm not so sure after how deviant you have been in the past. Prove to me that your no longer a blood traitor and mudblood lover," father said waiting for my answer.

"Well after you so-called kidnapped me at the beginning of the year and forced me by mind controlling me with that bloody necklace, they didn't trust me anymore. They abandoned me," I said sadly trying to get them to believe my words.

"Well dear, what else do expect from Potter or Black. They already betrayed their own kind by becoming blood traitors. Now did you just come back to us, because you had nowhere else to turn to?" mother inquired.

"No, I came back, because I want to make them pay."

"Very well then. Aurora dear this is your last chance to prove to us your on our side," father stated coldly.

"I won't let either of you down," I promised them.

"You better not. Now go up to your room, your mother and I have private matters to discuss. If you need anything call on one of the house elves," and with that father dismissed me. 

Hurrying up to my room as fast as I can without drawing attention to myself. 

Once I get into my room I lock my door and call out "Dobby"

"Young mistress has returned. Mistress was always so kind to Dobby, what can Dobby do for you," 

 Mistress was always so kind to Dobby, what can Dobby do for you," 

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"Dobby I need you to do a favor for me. But you have to promise not to tell anybody, can you do that for me?" I asked him.

"Of course, mistress. Dobby would do anything for you."

"Give me one moment," I told him then grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill

Dear Sirius,

I wanted to write to you and tell you that I'm safe. My parents have bought my lie so far, and believe that I have come back to there side because I told them all of you have abandoned me. I miss you already, I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts and at least be able to see you. 

You won't be able to write back, in fear that my parents or anyone intercept the letter. Now Dobby my house elf is delivering this, he can be trusted he's the one that helped me escape the house a year ago to go to the Potter's.

With all my love,

Aurora Malfoy

Folding up the letter, I looked towards Dobby and said "Now I need you to deliver this to Sirius Black, he is staying at the Potter Manor. Remember this is our secret, please be safe Dobby." 

Giving him the letter Dobby nodded his head and disappeared along with the letter. Leaving me alone once again.

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