Chapter 12

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Waking up the next morning, I try to move out of the bed to find a strong arm wrapped around my waist. That's when everything started to come back to me. How my father used the unforgivable curse on me, how Debby took me to the Potter's, and how I asked... Sirius to stay with me. "Oh, Merlin what did I do?" I thought to myself.

Trying to get out of his tight grasp was coming to no prevail because each time I wanted to move, he just pulled me closer to him. Now I am pressed firmly against his chest. I let out a quiet groan. And decide just to lay there till he came to know this was going to be impossible.

After a few minutes Sirius began to start waking up I could tell he started moving around a little. "Good morning love." He whispered into my ear causing my body to shiver. "Morning," I said slightly blushing at our closeness. "Uh... Sirius could you let go." I said turning my head so I could look at him. He smirked "Of course," he said. As he removed his arm, I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed letting my legs hang off, and I sit there still allowing my mind to process what has happened.

I could feel the bed dip, and I look over to see that Sirius moved and is sitting beside me on the bed. "Are you ready to talk about it?" he asked gently not wanting to upset me. "No, but I need to," I said letting out a dry laugh.

"So where do I begin... my parents were disappointed in me with my choice of friends putting it lightly. Also, he who must not be named doesn't like that a Malfoy isn't behaving like how I'm supposed to be which could cost me and my family live," I said then let out a little laugh at this whole situation. "Which led to last night with me trying to sneak out to come to the party but being caught by my father in the act and things didn't go well after that," I said looking down at my lap not wanting to meet what I'm guessing is Sirius concern gaze.

"What did he do?" Sirius asked angrily. "Well, he might have used the Cruciatus course on me a couple of things," I said softly. The next thing I know Sirius stormed out of the room. Oh, Merlin what is he going to do I thought.

I waited a few minutes for him to come back but he didn't but I heard shouting coming from downstairs, and I decided to take a look. When I get downstairs, I see Sirius screaming at James, Remus, Peter who were all sitting down in the living room. "He hurt Aurora what do you not understand. He deserves to be punished." Sirius said. I hurried over to him to try to calm him down. "Sirius, stop I'm okay. It's okay" I said trying to calm him.

"No, he hurt you. With one of the unforgivable, he deserves to be punished. If anyone knows what it's like it's me. No parent should harm their kid." Sirius said. I pulled him into a tight hug, and he finally started to calm down, I pull away after his breathing his back to normal. He looks down at me than wipes of tear that has slid down my cheek that I didn't even notice. I stare up into his beautiful blue eyes that I could just get lost in.

I heard a cough, and we broke apart to see the three boys all sitting there awkwardly not knowing what to do. I moved and sat on the empty couch, and Sirius moved and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry," James said. "Stop it's not your fault," I said not wanting them to feel bad for me because that was the last thing I wanted them to do. "I know. But your "father" shouldn't treat you like that." he said sternly than added "You are welcome to stay here forever how long you need. I can promise you that."

"thank you," I said. "Did anything else happen? I mean Sirius already told us what your father did and the stuff about him who must not be named." Remus said. Knowing that they would find out sooner or later, "Well my parent's decision to marry me off. Not trusting that I would pick someone up to there standards and to keep me in line." I laughed dryly.

It became deadly silent in the room between us five. Then Peter spoke up, "To who?".

"To Regulus Black," I said quietly. "Sirius brother?" James asked confused. "No the other Regulus Black. Yes, his brother." I said sarcastically. I looked over to Sirius, and he looked more upset than before. "Well do you want to?" Sirius asked. And I let out a laugh in disbelief, "No of course not. I don't want to marry your little brother. Merlin, I'm only 16 I shouldn't have to worry about marriage. Never less a marriage to a guy I have no desire in being with." I said firmly trying to show my truthfulness.

"Then don't do it," Sirius said. "Wasn't planning to," I said shortly then I left the room being done with how he was acting. He thought I wanted to this marriage between his little brother and me to happen. He acted more upset about the marriage than my father torturing me. Why was he acting like this? Were just friends aren't we.

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