Chapter 25

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Getting lost in the moment, I barely heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. I hurriedly break away from the kiss and push Sirius away. He gave me a confused look like he was wondering if he did something wrong. I motioned to the stairs, and he understood and got off of me just in time to come face to face with the three Potters. 

Euphemia came over to Sirius giving us a knowing look before quickly checking him over. "Everything seems to be healing up nicely," she said giving Sirius a sad smile. "Do you want to tell us what exactly happened last night?" she asked.

I watched as Sirius looked down obviously not wanting to talk about it. I grab his hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. "My parents finally disowned me from the family," Sirius said than became quiet once more. James noticing this finally cut in, "Mum, how about we stop hounding the poor bloke with questions?". I watched as she nodded her head in understanding. "James how about you and Aurora bring Sirius up to his room he'll be staying in and help him get settled. This is his home now too," Fleamont said. 

I stood up off the couch and pulled Sirius with me as we followed James up the stairs to the room next to James. I held Sirius's hand the whole way up like I was afraid if I let go he would disappear and go back to that monstrous of a home. I couldn't help but think how similar Sirius and I are. Both growing up in these blood prejudice families, just to revoke there values and beliefs. Than be cast with the cruciatus curse from our own parents. Both disgraces to our families names as our parents would put it. 

Once getting into the room, I pull Sirius over to the bed and force him to lay down. "Come on love; I'm fine all better" Sirius said giving me a cheeky smile. I shook my head "You forget that I have been cast with that curse too. I know what tole that takes on a person, so stop your yapping and lay down" I told him sternly. 

He looks over to James, "Prongs tell her that I'm fine and don't need to be treated as if I'm a fragile little thing." "Nope. You're going to get some more rest. I need my best mate all healed up," Jame said giving Sirius a little smile. 

"I'm going to go get some food. You need all the energy you can get." I said then turn to James "Make sure he stays in bed." "I'm right here, I can hear you," Sirius said quite loudly. I turn and give a small smirk "You were supposed to."

Making my way down to the kitchen, I could hear Fleamont and Euphemia talking in hushed voices. Trying to listen to there conversation I got closer but still out of sight. 

"I can't believe those people would treat there own children like that or anybody for that matter. I knew that Sirius and didn't get along well with his family but I never knew it was this bad. First, we have Aurora showing up here on new years eve on our front porch bruised and bloody after Abraxas used that god-awful curse. Then we have Sirius coming through the floo after his parents did the exact same thing. I know he didn't tell us that part, but I know an unforgivable when I see one" Euphemia finished letting out a sob. 

"I know dear. But the best thing we can do for them now shows them what a family is supposed to be like. We will protect them and make sure that there parent's aren't able to hurt them anymore." Fleamont told her. 

After he finished, I knocked on the wall softly before entering the kitchen where I see Fleamont holding Euphemia in his arms. They pull away from each other noticing that I'm there. Mrs. Potter gives me a teary-eyed smile before saying "Did you hear?" 

I nod before walking over to the both of them and hugging them. I pulled away from them finally noticing my tears that have fallen down my cheeks. "You both are the kindest people I ever met. You took me in without hesitating, and I will forever be thankful for that, and I bet Sirius will too. I love you both. You're the parents I wish I had. And James is lucky to have the two of you" I said.

"We're just doing what any decent person would do. Now, I'm going right with a strongly worded letter to Orion and Walburga Black." Fleamont said than left the kitchen.

Euphemia pulled me into another hug. "I'm glad to have you here. You are a smart girl, and you will do great things I am sure of it. You've become like a daughter to me, and I won't allow for those people to hurt you or Sirius again." She said then pulled away and added: "Now I'm assuming you came down here for something."

I nodded and smiled "Yeah I was coming down to get some breakfast for Sirius. Sorry for listening to your conversation." I said feeling slightly guilty for ease dropping on their private conversation. 

"No worries dear. How about you go back upstairs to James and Sirius. And I'll bring you all up some food." Euphemia said with a bright smile. "Thank you, again," I said then left heading back upstairs.

I heard crashing noise coming from the room, and I rush up swinging the door open. My jaw drops when I come face to face with a stag and a large black dog fighting each other. They stop and stare at me like a hippogriff in headlights, I went in the room and closed the door. "This is not what I meant James when I told you to make sure he wrest. This is, in fact, the exact opposite of that," I said pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. 

They both turn back in to there natural forms. "Sorry" James muttered not meeting my eyes. I turn to Sirius who's giving my big sad eyes so I wouldn't be upset with him. I close my eyes in frustration and point towards the bed saying "In bed now."

I swear sometimes they make me question how I even became friends with the lot of them in the first place. But I honestly wouldn't change it for the world. 

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