Chapter 23

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The rest of the year seemed to fly by. Either with classes or preparing for O.W.L.S. Which went pretty well considering all the things that have happened this year keeping me distracted. I got outstanding's in transfiguration, potions, care for magical creatures, and charms. Than exceeds expectations in DADA, herbology, and astronomy. Than Acceptable in Divination and history for magic.

My brother and his group have been leaving me alone for the most part. And I think it's partly to do that I'm hardly alone. Usually sticking around James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter or with Lily and Alice.

Sirius and I have been going well, to say the least. He's proving to me that he won't go breaking my heart again and I don't know what I would do without him.

"Come on, and we're going be late and miss the train," Lily said breaking me out of my thoughts. I finished packing the rest of my things quick and closed my trunk to see an annoyed Lily waiting for me. "Sorry, I got distracted," I told her. "It's fine to let's just go,"  she said leading the way out the dorm. 

"Where's Alice?" I said looking around. "She already left with Frank to head down to the platform," Lily said.

"You're not staying with your family right?" she asked suddenly with concern laced in her voice. I shook my head quickly no. "I'm planning to stay with James. After what happened over the holidays with what my father did to me, there's no way I'm going back to that hell hole. And the Potter's told me I was welcomed to live with them after what happened." I told her. "And you know James has been like the brother I always wanted. By helping me through everything. I think you should give him a chance." I told her. "Not you too. I can promise you I will never be with James Potter" She groaned out. 

"Did I hear my name?" James said popping out of nowhere. Causing Lily and me both to let out a yelp of surprise. I smacked James on the arm as we continued our walk down to the train. "No you didn't, now run along and bother other none expecting victims will you," Lily said. I watched as James put his hand on his heart acting wounded by her words. "Come on Lily flower, don't be like that," he said then added, "Will you go on a date with me this summer and let me prove my love to you?" I cringed in embarrassment for him. 

"Nope," Lily said sternly. "Come on what do I have to do to prove to you that I care about you?" he begged. Lily thought for a second then said "Change your ways. Show me that your not some bully and act like a mature person for once. Then I will consider accepting your offer, James Potter." 

"Deal. I promise you that I'll stop," James said, and Lily just rolled her eyes not believing that he was going to change. 

The rest of the walk was in silence. With Lily just trying to ignore James presence. I felt terrible for him, and I know how much he cares for her and I will help him in any way to help prove that to Lily. It's the least I could do for him.

Once we got to the train, we parted ways me with James to find the other three. And Lily went to find Alice and Frank. 

Before Lily left she pulled me into a hug which I returned. When we pulled away, she said, "Promise to me that you will write this summer." "I promise," I told her then we went our separate ways. 

"Come on Aurora, if I don't get you to Sirius he's going to start a search party," James said leading the both of us to the cabin that Remus, Sirius, and Peter should be in. 

Once we got there and opened the door, I was quickly pulled into strong arms than onto a lap. "There you are, I was starting to worry that you were going to miss the train," Sirius said than kissed my cheek earning disgusted groans from the other three boys.

I blush than scooted out of his lap taking the spot next to him. "Sorry for worrying you. I was talking to Lily." I said, and he just nodded in understanding.

"Aurora, ready for the best summer of your life. I'm going to teach you everything I know about the Quidditch and by the end of the summer your going be Slytherins next star quidditch player. They need all the help they can get." James said. "I rather keep my feet or paws on the ground at all times," I told him. "Pretty please. I need someone to practice with, and Sirius here is going back to his awful house this summer. And Moony and Peter are only going to visit." he said begging. 

I turned to Sirius ignoring James. "Why are you going back to them?" I asked him with worry. He took my hands in his trying to calm me down. "If I don't go back, my mother is going throw a fit, and I need to be there for Regulus. He and I might not get along, but he is my little brother. I promise you. I'll go to the Potter's if anything happens." He said. I just nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder knowing there's no convincing him not to when he has his mindset. Drowning out the boy's conversation, I drift off.

"Come on love, we're here," Sirius said gently shaking me awake. I stood up opening my eyes. Then noticed that the other three weren't there. 

"Promise me, that you'll be okay and that you'll write me Sirius Black." I said. He gave me a tight lip smiled than pulled me into a tight embrace. "I promise Aurora." He said then kissed the top of my head. "I'll miss you" I whispered sadly to him. "And I you," he said then pulled away and moved his hand to the side of my cheeks. We both leaned in till our lips met in a slow loving kiss that set off fireworks in my head.

"Wow, if your planning to go further I would shut the door mate. There are children on here" James said suddenly interrupting our moment. 

Sirius and I pulled away from each other and while I was blushing Sirius looked like he was about to kill his best friend. 

"I just came to get Aurora, my mothers waiting for us on the platform," James said trying to justify his actions.

I turned back to Sirius and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll miss you," I said one last time. "I know, I will too. But you better get going with James. I have to go track down Regulus and mother dearest." Sirius said. Then we made our separate ways.

Me and James get off the train, and I see Mrs. Potter waiting there already with a warm smile on her face. 

"There you two are, I was getting worried." Mrs. Potter said. Than pulled both of us into a bone-crushing hug. 

Once she let go of us, I said: "Thank you again, Mrs. Potter, for letting me stay with you."

"Now dear, what did I tell you about calling me, Mrs. Potter. Please call me Euphemia your family now." She said with a smile. I nodded my head and said, "Thank you, Euphemia." 

The three of us were leaving the train station when my brother and mother walked up to us stopping us in our tracts.

"Where are you going Aurora? Your coming with us, not the Potter's" my mother said giving me an almost murderous look. "No," I told her. "What?" she asked in disbelief. 

"I think it would be better if you just left, Aquila," Euphemia said, and I looked at her in disbelief. "This is none of your business, Euphemia." My mother said. 

"No, you made it my business when your daughter showed up on my steps after being cursed with one of the unforgivable. What type of mother would allow her husband to do that to there own child." Euphemia said causing me to open my mouth in shock. James came over and pulled me closer to him in a protective stance. 

My mother glared at Euphemia while Lucius gave me and James death glares. "Fine, have her. One less problem for me to deal with." mother said than turned to me. "Never come home, because it's not your home anymore. And you're officially not a Malfoy anymore." She said than stormed off with Lucius right behind her holding his head up high. 

Once they were gone, Euphemia turned to me. "Are you okay my dear?" she asked. I gave her a weak smile and said: "Thank you."

"No reasons to thank me. I mean what mother would stand by and let her child or any child get hurt. You are apart of our family now Aurora. Forever and Always. As long if you would except us." she said.

I looked at both James and her. "I would love nothing more," I told them honestly.  

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