Chapter 14

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It was finally time to go back to Hogwarts, and I was as nervous as ever. I was going to have to see Lucius and the others. Hopefully, my family will try to keep it under wraps about my leaving the manor, so it doesn't shame them.

"Love, are you ready to go?" someone said breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see that it was Sirius who entered my room at the Potter's. I smiled and nodded my head and followed him out of place. Once we got downstairs, I saw that Remus, James, Peter, and Mrs. Potter were all ready down there ready to go.

"Come on now we're going to be late." Ms. Potter said, and we all followed her out to the car, and she drove us to the train station. The car ride consisted pretty much of James talking about Quidditch and how he's going to get Lily Evans to go on a date with him by the end of 5th year.

Once we got to the train station, we all got out of the car heading to platform 9 3/4. Getting through the crowd of muggles was a struggle there seemed to be more of them than ever. We all stopped in front of the wall to get through to the platform, and went through one by one.

We stood on the platform by the train, "Now I want you five to promise me that you will behave for rest of the year." Mrs. Potter said sternly, but a smile broke out on to her face. "We promise," we all said at the same time. "to not to get caught" James added causing us all to break out laughing. Mrs. Potter just shook her head in disapproval before pulling us all into a group hug saying goodbye.

With one last wave goodbye as we got on to the train, we made our way to find a compartment with the boys following behind me. I turned my head to look back at them when I ran into a tall figure. When I turned back to see who it was, it was no other than my brother with Bellatrix and Narcissa.

"Well look who it is my filth of a sister with her blood traitor friends," Lucius said smirking. "Move out of our way Lucius," I told him sternly. "What are you going to do about it, you little blood traitor," Bellatrix said crazily. "Now cousin have you forgotten about your manners," Sirius said glaring at Bellatrix.

"Your no cousin of mine all you are is a blood traitor like her and the rest of the filth you two call friends," Bellatrix said with Narcissa nodding her head approving of what her sister is saying.

I looked back to see that James and Sirius had their wands in their hands. "Put them away there not worth getting expelled for," I told the boys who reluctantly put down there wands.

Turning back to Lucius. "Brother lets just agree to go our separate ways and be done with this," I told him just wanting to get to a compartment without causing to much trouble.

"You see sister we'll never be done with this till you decide to come back home and do what your suppose to do. And leave these blood traitors behind." Lucius said coldly.

"Not gonna happen," I said. Before he could reply Professor McGonagall came down the hallway sensing the growing tension between the groups.

"Is there a problem here?" she asks quizzically looking back and forth between the two groups. "Of course not, Professor. We'll be on our way." Lucius said shoving his way through us with Narcissa and Bellatrix following behind him.

"You five go get in a compartment the train is about to leave." Professor McGonagall told us. We all nodded and found a compartment empty a few down.

Remus and Peter sat on one side of the compartment and me, James and Sirius sat on the other. We sat there in awkward silence for a minute or so before James broke it.

"You know both of you come from some messed up families." We all broke out in laughter at all the things he could have said that's what decided to say. "Tell us something we don't know, James," I said.

The door of the compartment opened and we all looked over to see who it was to know that it was Lily.

"Oh I was trying to find a seat, but seeing as this compartment is full. I'm just going to go," she said awkwardly. "No, don't leave me," James said quickly obviously not processing his words. I rolled my eyes before saying, "And by that, he means we have room. And we would like you to join us.".

She let out a little laugh and nodded her head agreeing to sit in the compartment with us. James gave me a pleading look to move over so Lily would sit by him. I shook my head before getting up to move to the other side when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me into there lap. I looked to see who it was and no different than Sirius with a mischievous grin on his face.

Lily stood there and watched the whole thing happen then she looked at James with a deadpan look. "Not happening, Potter," she said then sat next to Remus.

"You know I can go back to my seat," I said wanting to get off his lap before it became awkward. "But I much prefer to have you in my arms, love," he said smirking. I just shook my head not feeling like arguing with him and secretly enjoying the new seating arrangement.

I looked over to Lily who is looking at us with her eyebrows raised. "So when did this happen?" she asked smiling. I just shook my head looking down at my lap feeling the blush rise to my cheeks.

"Come on love, tell her how you confessed your undying love for me over break," Sirius said smirking causing me to shove him in the shoulder lightly. "Shut up, or I swear to Salazar I'll shut it for you," I told him. "Kinky I like it," he said smirking yet again. I sometimes wonder how I can put up with his antics.

"You two stop it before we all get sick," Remus said getting uncomfortable with the tension growing between Sirius and me. I just laughed and got off his lap taking my seat back between Sirius and James for the rest of the ride back to Hogwarts which has become my home.

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