Chapter 36

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Sitting down in the desk in front of Dumbledores desk, I wait for the old wizard to take his seat. Once he takes his seat I look up to meet his blue eyes that are studying me.

"I'm sorry sir. I know we shouldn't of scared my brother like we did. But he deserved to be scared a little after all he's done. Either with my father or what he calls people like Lily. And I know he's going down a dark path. Just please don't punish any of the boys. It was all my idea, sir if you have to punish someone punish me," I rambled out looking down at the ground. When I looked up I saw the slight amusement he had.

"Ms. Malfoy that's not what I brought you here to discuss. I wanted to discuss the matters of your family and their position with you know who," Dumbledore spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked the old man.

"I mean I want you to help the order of the Phoenix. I want you to be a spy for us, and get information about you know who's plans so we can put an end to them. Do you think you could do that?" he asked.

"My father would never believe that I've changed my mind all of the sudden," I told him.

"Yes, but you got your brother to believe you earlier today didn't you?" he said.

"How do you know that?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The castle has eyes and ears everywhere. I know everything that happens here. You got your brother to believe you, I'm sure with his backing and you also talking to your father Abraxas you could get him to believe that you've changed back to there ways," he said.

"I can't do that. I can't act like I'm okay when I'm around them. You don't know what that man you call my father has done to me. The pain that he put me through when I stood up for my beliefs. I'm sorry Headmaster I can't do it," I shook my head.

"Ms. Malfoy do you know how many lives you could possibly save by doing this. Don't you want to put an end to Voldemort?" he asked staring at me with such intensity.

"Of course I do," I snapped.

"Then you will move back into the Slytherin dorms immediately and get your brother and father to truly believe that you've gone to there side so we can finally defeat Voldemort. Do I make myself clear?" he said standing up from his desk.

"Of course, If you don't mind I would like to go and get my stuff from the Gryffindor dorm so I can head back to the dungeons," I bit out and left the Headmasters office. "Noble Gryffindor my arse," I mumbled out in anger.

Once I finally made it to the Gryffindor common room, I came face to face with Remus, Sirius, James, and Lily all waiting on the couches. Walking over to them I take my place next to Sirius and he instinctually wraps his arm around me pulling me closer.

"What did old Dumbledore need to speak to you about, love?" Sirius asked and everybody turned to me waiting for an answer.

"He wants me to become a spy for him," I said sadly.

"What would you be doing?" Remus asked looking at me with concern.

"He wants me to pretend that I'm still on there side. He wants me to move back into my Slytherin room tonight, and get information for him about you know who," I told the four of them.

"You can't do that," was all Sirius said.

"He didn't really give me a choice," I told him.

"What does that mean for us?" Lily asked who was sitting next to James on the other couch.

"Isn't it obvious it means she can't be seen with us anymore, or they would never believe that she actually changed" James snarled.

"Do you think I actually want to do this? Do you think that I want to go back down there with those horrid people? Merlin, I tried to tell Dumbledore I couldn't do it, but he didn't really give me an option," I snapped at James.

James looked at me with a guilty expression crossing his face. "I'm sorry. I know what they've done to you. I just don't want to see you hurt you've become the sister I never wanted," he said.

"I know I'm sorry too. It's just I really don't want to go back and leave you guys," I told him truthfully.

"Sirius?" I said noticing that his grip on me has tightened. Turning my head to meet his heavy gaze full on I noticed the murderous look in his grey eyes.

"He can't just order you around like you're a piece in chess playing his game. Who does he think he is?" Sirius said with anger rising in his voice.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. I'll figure it out," I told him trying to calm him down a bit.

"Well you won't have to figure it out alone, we'll all be here if you need help," Lily said.

"That's the thing though she's gonna have to act like she hates us and start behaving more Slytherin like," Remus spoke.

"My brother already thinks that you guys don't trust me anymore after the whole controlling necklace incident. And he thinks Sirius and I are no longer together," I told them.

"So that's it, your just going act like you hate us," Sirius spat.

"In front of them yes! But, we'll figure it out and when we could sneak off being alone so I don't have to act like them," I explained.

"Fine, whatever if you want to listen to Dumbledore and go back to acting like the perfect little Slytherin than go ahead," Sirius scoffed and with that, he left the common room.

Running my hands through my hair I couldn't help but feel frustrated at my boyfriend's childish behavior.

"He'll come around. He just needs time to cool off. Sirius not upset at you he's just scared that you're going to get hurt again," Remus said and both James and Lily agreed with him.

"I know. I just wish he understood that I don't want to do this. And that I'm scared to..." I said letting out a sigh.

"How about we go upstair and I'll help you get your stuff together and we can tell Alice what's going on. And James and Remus can go talk sense into Sirius," Lily said getting up from her spot and helping me up from my spot on the couch.

"Don't worry, Aurora. Were all going to be here for you, even if it's not in publicly known," James said giving me a smile before I headed up the stairs with Lily.

"How I wish that I didn't have to be worried. But, the truth is if this goes far and I become an insider for Dumbledore in Voldemorts reigns. I'm defiantly going to end up dead someday," I thought to myself. 

Disgrace (Sirius Black)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora