Chapter 20

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"No, not happening," Black said.

"Well good thing it's not your decision then. It's mine, and I will either do this with your guy's help or without it" I said scowling at Black. Turning my attention to James, I see that he's thinking it over, while Peter is just looking at the ground like a coward not wanting to pick a side.

"We'll help you," James said. "What? You can't be serious, and she could get hurt" Black said, and I let out a little chuckle. "Wouldn't be the first time I was hurt."

Black glanced at me before turning to James and seeing that it was lost cause because James already made up his mind. He turned to Remus who was laying on the bed still. "Moony tell her not to do it," he said almost pleading with Remus. "She's going to do this by herself which would be even more dangerous. Even though I don't want any more people putting there lives on the line for my sake. I know it's no use in arguing, so stop your complaining and get on board with it" Remus said.

Black groaned "Fine."

"So when do we start this process?" I asked.

"We have to go get a mandrake leaf. Your going have to keep the mandrake leaf in your mouth for a whole month. And trust me it's as bad as it sounds. I still feel like I can taste the nasty thing." James said. "How did you guy's hide it from the professors?" I asked them curiously.

Black laughed "We had Remus over there, cover for us saying that a prank we did, and we couldn't speak because of it. Nearly loss Gryffindor points". I smiled remembering an unusually quiet month at Hogwarts.

"So how are we going to get the mandrake leaf?" I asked. "Well you're going to have to go to the Herbology classroom and take one," James said then added, "Take Sirius with you to lookout".

"Why can't you or Peter come with me," I asked not wanting to spend time with Black alone. "Because Peter and I are going to take care of old Moony here. Make sure he doesn't have any more wounds, and he gets some rest to heal" Jame said.

"Come on Aurora, and you hurt my feelings when you say stuff like that" Black said making a sad face. "Let's just go and get this done with," I said and walked out of the dorm with Black coming right after me.

We walked in awkward silence which felt like forever before he spoke up.

"You really shouldn't do this Aurora. It's dangerous if you don't do it right. Remus already has me, James, and Peter there's no need to put yourself in this type of danger." He said. "So you three are the only ones allowed to risk your life to help Remus. Well, news flash he's my friend too. And you don't get an opinion on my well being, Black you lost that privilege." I said.

Next thing I know I'm being pushed up against the wall with considerable force.

"How many times do I have to apologize to you. I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed Marlene. I screwed up, and I know that. I care so much about you Aurora. What do I have to do for you to see that? What do I have to do for you to trust me again and to be with you again?" Black said. My heart quickens with how close he is to me. I can feel his heavy breaths of frustration on my face as he has me against the wall.

I look up and meet his heavy eyes as they stare into mine. I can see that he's telling the truth.

"Help me. Help me become an animagus. Show me that I can trust you with this. And I promise you, and I'll give us one more chance. And only one. If you break my trust again were done for forever. I can promise you that for sure." I told him.

He backed away slowly from me but still keeping eye contact. I see a smirk no a small smile cross his face. "Let's go get us that Mandrake leaf."


Arriving back at the boy's dorm in tack me and Black entered to see a passed out Remus Lupin on the bed. And no signs of James or Peter.

I took a seat on the floor, and Black sat in front of me. I pulled out the mandrake leaf.

"So how am I gonna do this?" I asked.

"Simple your gonna place the leaf on the top of the roof of your mouth. Then I'm doing some spells that are going to make sure that leaf stays where it's supposed to be." Sirius said confidently.

I took the leaf and placed it on the roof my mouth and kept it open, as Sirius pulled out his wand performed the spells needed.

After a few moments when I knew he was done, I go to say thank you. But as I open my mouth, he puts his finger on my mouth silencing me, and I can feel the blush already rising in my cheeks.

"Shh Aurora, you can't talk, or you're going have to start all over," he said than removed his finger from my mouth.

I nodded then got up giving him a tight lip smile to say thanks. Then left the room quickly feeling myself already being pulled back to Sirius's.

I quickly went to the girl's dorm.

As I entered Lily jumped off of the bed, and Alice followed. "There you are. We thought your brother and his friends got you again." Lily said. "Explain yourself" Alice added.

I goto speak than quickly close my mouth.

"We'll be waiting," Lily said. I pointed to my throat trying to tell her I can't speak. After a few seconds Lily said. "You can't talk?". I nodded, then she went and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill.

"Write it down," she said. I took the parchment and quill from her and began to write.

"I went to find the boys. And when I found them, they decided to pull a prank on me. And it took away my voice. They don't know how long it's going to last. But Remus thinks it's gonna be about a month." I wrote down then handed the parchment to both of them.

"Of course Potter had something to do with this. Still acting like ignorant toerag with pulling pranks" Lily snarled. I quickly shook my head trying to save James from Lily's anger towards him.

I grabbed the parchment back from them and wrote down "It was Peter's idea. James tried to stop them". Better Lily to be angry with Peter instead of James.

"Oh," Lily said slightly confused to hear that James didn't have anything to do with the "prank."

"Let's go down to the great hall, I'm starving," Alice said. Lily and I nodded then we left making our way down.

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