Chapter 27

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Feeling a shooting pain go through my skull I shot up from where I was laying. Clenching my head with my hands until the pain became manageable. 

I slowly opened my eyes trying to gather my surroundings. The room was dark and gloomy with only a small light lighting the room. "Where am I?" I wondered.

Looking around the place, it seemed familiar like I've been here before. Then it clicked.


"Aurora, we shouldn't be in here. Father wouldn't be pleased" Lucious said as he followed me down the stairs. "Come on, Lucious don't be such a baby," I told him. 

"I'm not a baby, I'm six years old little sister" he huffed. I turned around and glared "Were twins. Were the same age" I told him spitefully. "Though I was born first. Therefore making me older than you," he said. 

"Shut up, let's just go unless you're too scared," I said then turned around and kept walking down the stairs. I heard him let out a defeated sigh and listened to his footsteps coming down the stairs.

I looked around the room in a mixture of shock and horror. "We should leave, there's a reason why father says were not allowed down here," Lucious said. 

"What is this room brother?" I asked him but before he can answer someone behind us does. 

"This is the room where we keep unruly people. That disappoint our family and need to be taught a lesson or two," the voice of our father Abraxas says. Causing Lucious and me to jump and turn around to look at our father. 

"Oh," I said in a scared voice. "Come here, Aurora. Lucious go upstairs I'll talk with you later," father said. 

Lucious gives me a sorry look before scurrying off up the stairs leaving me alone with the man. 

"Aurora, come here now," he says again forcefully. I nod and walk up to him slowly. He picks me up and holds me close to him.

"Do you know why now your not allowed down here?" he asked

"Because it's where you keep the bad people," I told him. And he nodded "Excellent my dear. Now run along upstairs you wouldn't want to disappoint me any further by not following directions," he said and let me down. 

As soon as he let me down, I ran up the stairs. Not looking back for a second. 

Flash Back End:

I was in the dungeon at my home. Why would Bellatrix bring me here? The last thing she said was the dark lord sends his regards. Did that mean he who must not be named was here at my family home? 

"Looks like your awake," a voice from outside the bars said. I look over to see that it was my father standing there watching me intently. 

I glared at the man as he watched me. "Now my dear is that any way to greet your father," he said coldly.

"You stopped being my father when you used the cruciatus curse on me" I spat at him. 

"Now that wouldn't have happened if you didn't disgrace this family with becoming friends with blood traitors and mudbloods," he said glaring down at me. 

"Oh, Merlin forbid I have a mind of my own. Those people talk about are more family to me than you ever have been" I said glaring right back at the man I use to call father.

"Now that will be enough of that. You are done disgracing the Malfoy name. When we're done with you, you will forget about those so-called friends of yours. And you will marry Regulus Black like we previously agreed with the Black family and you will follow the dark lord like your suppose to do and so will your future children and so on and so on. Are we clear?" he said.

"I can promise you, that's never going to happen," I told him promising. 

"Maybe not now, but we have a few tricks up our sleeves to make sure you comply," he said then left the room.

I stared down at the ground thinking of what they might do to me. And when he said we who did that mean. Who else is going to help him? Then what Bellatrix noted rang through my mind. "The dark lord sends his regards." There's no way right that he would be helping my father. He wouldn't waste his time trying to turn me. Would he kill me right? 

And there's no way I'm giving in to him. I'm not going to turn my back on the people I love. There's no way I'm going to marry Regulus Black. I swear to Salazar himself that I'm never going to marry that boy. I'm in love with his brother for Merlin sakes. 

Oh, what Sirius and the others must be thinking. They must be looking for me, I mean I told them I had to get my bag, and I never came back. They must be worried or at least concerned. They'll look for me and probably tell Dumbledore about my disappearance. And they'll find me. 

I kept trying to tell myself trying to keep myself calm.

Then I hear a voice say "Crucio" before my body erupts in pain all over. 

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